Chapter 109 The Kindness of Strangers
Jiang Nianzi looked at Shi Shuo's back and did not catch up.

It seems that the relationship between Jiang Yixuan and him is not very good. He didn't waver when he heard her name.

Mr. Hua really thought too much.

Hua Mingce had long been prepared to choose someone else. She knew that Shi Shuo might not agree, but she just wanted Jiang Nianzi to try.

She keenly felt that there was something wrong with the relationship between Jiang Yixuan and Shi Shuo.

She just wanted to see if Shi Shuo would fall in love with her.

After receiving the news from Jiang Nianzi, Hua Mingce was shaken.

Did she think too much?
Does this professional player really think that Jiang Yixuan is playing well because he treats her differently because he accepts her as an apprentice?

"Nian Zi, we agreed before, since you failed to negotiate this advertisement, then this resource will not be given to you."

"Okay, Mr. Hua."

Jiang Nianzi is just a pawn.

In the eyes of capitalists, who is not a pawn.


Shi Shuo bought an iced drink and went home, looking at the front with calm eyes, thinking about the person just now.

she says……

—— "I'm Jiang Yixuan's younger sister."

He raised his head slightly, the sunlight was a bit dazzling and made him a little dizzy, but he seemed to see a familiar scene in a trance.


It's the same sunny day.

Roses crawled all over the wall and bloomed brilliantly, but there were intermittent sobs that day in a place where few people came.

He tried hard to suppress his voice but still couldn't control it, crying like a kitten, which made him feel very uncomfortable for some reason.

He didn't think about anything at the time, he just wanted to stop crying.

He rummaged through his schoolbag and found a pack of tissues that his mother had stuffed for him, and threw it directly.

"Here's the paper, don't cry."

He thought at the time, why is he so fragile, what happened to him to cry so sadly.

The voice over there stopped for a moment, and he heard a choked "thank you", but soon sobbed again.

He turned his back to the wall helplessly, "I can be your listener, anyway, you don't know who I am and I don't know who you are, I won't tell others."

It is easy for him to feel compassion when he sees weak things.

Shi Shuo felt that he had to change this point, otherwise he would be too soft-hearted.

He waited for a long time without hearing a sound, and when he was about to leave, he heard a cat-like sound.

"My parents divorced, and my mother took her other daughter and didn't want me and my father."

"Then you don't want them either."

"I know, I'm just... still sad."

It's really sad to be abandoned by the people she thinks she is closest to. She knows that she doesn't need to cry for those people, but she just can't control it.

She hid alone and cried, who knew she would be discovered.

"Then I'll stay with you outside. I'll leave when you cry enough."

The kindness of the stranger made her cry completely uncontrollably. She no longer had any scruples, and the tears fell like a faucet that was completely turned on.

Unknowingly, she gave an overview of the family affairs.

The mother cheated, the father went bankrupt, and the mother never liked her leaving with her half-daughter, and condemned them from the moral high ground before leaving.

She always felt that she was the most innocent one.

Hearing all this, Shi Shuo felt a little unbelievable, and he couldn't understand that he had a happy family.

"It's not worth crying for such a person, tears should be reserved for those who deserve it."

"Let's cry all the water in my head today, and don't shed a tear because of them in the future."

Simple and rude comfort, after a while there seemed to be a laugh.

"okay, I get it."

(End of this chapter)

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