The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 114 The Burning Peach Blossom Bewitches People

Chapter 114 The Burning Peach Blossom Bewitches People
Jiang Yixuan didn't want to continue this topic anymore, she could tell the two of them by herself.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." She compromised helplessly, "I won't say anything."

The two laughed unkindly, and Jiang Yixuan smiled helplessly after looking at this and that.

In fact, it is also true.

At the airport, Tang Jiu took out a mask and hat to Jiang Yixuan and Shi Shuo, and she also dressed herself up.

Shi Shuo followed Jiang Yixuan and gently pinched the corner of her clothes with his fingers, and smiled lightly when she looked over.

"Didn't you tell me to follow you carefully and don't lose it?"

I really hold a grudge...

But Shi Shuo let go of his hand in the next second, and the scene just now looked like he accidentally grabbed the wrong coat when he wanted to grab it.

With so many people at the airport, he still knew how to keep a distance.

"Then don't lose it."

Shi Shuo followed her words and said meaningfully: "I won't lose it, it's always there."

Tang Jiu bought first class, and Tang Jiu let Shi Shuo sit next to Jiang Yixuan.

"There is still some time until the landing, Yixuan, if you are tired, you can sleep for a while."

"Okay, you take a break too."

Jiang Yixuan plugged in the earphones and listened to the song, Shi Shuo watched as she tentatively handed over an earphone, "Do you want to listen?"


Shi Shuo took the earphones and put them on, then suddenly remembered something, "You still owe me several songs."

"And the single."

"In this way, do you owe me a lot?"

After all, it is true.

"I'll pay it back," she said in a low voice.

"What else?"

"Song." Jiang Yixuan answered naturally, wasn't the thing she owed just now a song?
Shi Shuo sighed inwardly.

He patted himself on the shoulder, "If you want to rest, I can lend you my shoulder."

"I won't fall asleep. If you are still tired, rest first. I will call you when it arrives."

"Why can't you sleep?" Shi Shuo asked, "You can't sleep when I'm here?"


After Jiang Yixuan finished speaking, she closed her eyes, trying to avoid answering this question.

She won't fall asleep with someone around her.

I don't know when she developed the habit, except for Tang Jiu, she is not used to falling asleep next to others, even if she closes her eyes no matter how tired she is, she will stay awake.

Shi Shuo's gaze fell on Jiang Yixuan in an open and honest manner.

For a moment, move away.

Jiang Yixuan closed her eyes and her mind was blank. There was soothing pure music in the earphones. Listening to it, her breathing relaxed and her heart became calm.

But it didn't take long before the shoulders were heavy.

She opened her eyes and turned around.

The boy seemed to be asleep, leaning against her shoulder and taking long breaths, his thick black hair looked easy to rub, like a puppy.

Look along.

Thick crow-feather-like eyelashes cast a small shadow on the eye sockets, the bridge of the nose is high, the thin lips are lightly pink, and the skin is as white as the finest creamy white jade.

Jiang Yixuan's hand holding the phone slowly tightened.

She quickly moved her eyes away and closed them again.

Probably because I went to bed late last night and got up early today, so I am tired. It is better to take advantage of this time to have a good rest.

She doesn't know.

Shi Shuo's fair ears were stained crimson.

The scorching breath brushed over Jiang Yixuan's tulle long sleeves as if nothing existed, and patted her skin.

Jiang Yixuan only felt that the temperature of the air conditioner was not turned on enough, and the music in the earphones jumped to an intense piano song at some point, so she immediately changed the song.

Outside the window is white clouds and blue sky, and there is a big glowing peach blossom beside me, which is very seductive.

(End of this chapter)

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