The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 115 Lemon Flavored Summer, It's You

Chapter 115 Lemon Flavored Summer, It's You

Tang Jiu rested for a while with her eyes closed, turned her head to see their situation, and finally saw this scene.

Although Jiang Yixuan had her eyes closed, she tapped her mobile phone lightly to let her know that she was awake.

The overly good-looking boy leaned on her shoulder, she could only see half of his side face, she didn't know if he was really asleep or pretending to be asleep, he seemed to be smiling.

This scene really gave her a feeling of tranquility.

Tang Jiu couldn't control it, picked up his phone and took a photo.

When he was about to reach the place, Jiang Yixuan called him softly, "Shi Shuo, we are almost here, you can get up first."

"Shi Shuo." She gently shook his arm.


Shi Shuo's ending sound carried the laziness of not waking up, brushing against Jiang Yixuan's heart like a feather.

He didn't seem to be fully awake yet, he raised his eyes to meet Jiang Yixuan's.

A pair of peach blossom eyes glowed with a faint watery light, and the broken light reflected in the eyes shone like broken diamonds, and Jiang Yixuan's appearance could be vaguely seen in this soft light.

This stare at each other for five seconds.

Only then did Shi Shuo seem to wake up and moved a little away, "I seem to have fallen asleep, does my shoulder hurt? Shall I give you a pinch?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's good to fall asleep."

Shi Shuo stretched his legs and looked at her, "The song is very nice."

Jiang Yixuan froze for a moment, then realized.

What was playing in the earphones was the song she wrote for the movie directed by Qin Chu last time.

A song written in the image of Shi Shuo.

This movie was released some time ago.

"Lemon Summer"

That summer day.

The boy's sweet smile bloomed in my heart for a long time.

Capture this sweet and sour engraved in my heart, tell you——

The summer with you is my best years.


It's a very simple word, but when sung by Jiang Yixuan's voice, it sounds very good and beautiful.

It was as if the scene was frozen in front of my eyes.

Hearing the lyrics of the white shirt behind, Shi Shuo said, "I filmed a similar scene before, I'll show you when I get off the plane later?"

Jiang Yixuan looked away a little guilty, "Okay."

Shi Shuo's peripheral vision was always on her, and at this moment, he caught her guilty conscience, listening to the really familiar words in the earphones.

"Have you seen my advertisement?"

"Because of that inspiration?"

Being found out, Jiang Yixuan didn't hide anything, she smiled coyly, "At that time, I thought your image was similar to what the director told me at that time, so I substituted you in it, so I searched it."

"Then why don't you invite me to watch this movie together?"

"Ah, I didn't think much about it..."

She also didn't know that he would guess that she was substituting him for the song.

Moreover, they should be very busy training and don't have time.

As if seeing through her thoughts, Shi Shuo said softly, "Training is really busy, but there is still time to watch a movie."

Shi Shuo was so straightforward, Jiang Yixuan chuckled, "Okay, next time I find time, I'll invite you to watch this movie."

"it is good."

Shi Shuo smiled brightly.

The song in the earphones was put to the last sentence.

Lemon-flavored summer, it's you.

Jiang Yixuan put away her things, the plane was about to land.

She thought that going on like this really owed him more and more.

Seems like it's almost over.

After getting off the plane, took a car, took a bus, and walked for about 20 minutes before finally arriving at this deviated village.

They went directly to a small school in the village.

Only the content of primary school is taught here, that is, two rooms with students crowded together.

All courses are taught by two teachers.

(End of this chapter)

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