Chapter 124 They Care About Each Other

Jiang Yixuan and Tang Jiu became anxious when they heard Wei Qingfeng's words.

Lin Wei was shocked when she heard that, "Do you have Shi Shuo's number? Call him quickly to make sure, this is no small matter."

Jiang Yixuan's face turned pale, and she quickly dialed Shi Shuo's number.

A bell rang in my ears.

Jiang Yixuan was taken aback.

This song was the one that he said she had a nice voice and asked her to sing. Because he was afraid of being recognized by him, he chose the simplest one.

"Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast~

One has no ears, and has never had a tail, so strange, so strange~"

He actually recorded this song and used it as the ringtone of his mobile phone. When did he set it?

Now is not the time to care about this!
No one answered the phone!

Jiang Yixuan made two more phone calls but still no one answered, she immediately lost her composure.

Lin Wei: "What's wrong? Didn't you pick up?"

Jiang Yixuan nodded heavily, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Wei, then we will leave first this time. Please help us talk to the children."

"Okay, but that road is also blocked, you go now..."

Lin Wei pulled Wei Qingfeng back and told him not to continue, "You go, we will take good care of the children."


Jiang Yixuan and Tang Jiu packed up their things and left immediately.

Wei Qingfeng looked at their backs and said in a low voice, "Weiwei, what did you drag me to do just now?"

"Can't you see that Yixuan is very worried about that boy? She can't stay here any longer, so let her go and have a look."

Lin Wei seemed to have remembered something, and asked, "You said that a car was buried in the landslide, how did that person find out?"

"Weiwei, as you know, it's a small landslide, at most a section of the road will be blocked and cleared up." Wei Qingfeng said, "The car with the windows closed should be fine, it's just sand and gravel."

Only then did Lin Wei nod her head and let out a sigh of relief. No matter who she was, she hoped everything was fine.

"I hope Yixuan can be with that young boy this time."

Wei Qingfeng hugged Lin Wei's shoulders, "Yes, I can tell that Shi Shuo cares about her."

"Yixuan also cares about Shishuo."

In this way, two people who care about each other should be together.


Contacted the car that was reserved in advance and drove towards the landslide, Jiang Yixuan was frowning along the way.

If Shi Shuo hadn't come, wouldn't this kind of thing happen?
"Yixuan, don't think about it." Tang Jiu held her hand.

Jiang Yixuan shook her hand, "Okay, I know the seriousness."

The most important thing now is to determine the situation of Shi Shuo.

Soon we reached the section of the road that was blocked. Firefighters were clearing the section, and the car seemed to be pulled away.

There was a long traffic jam behind, all waiting and watching.

Jiang Yixuan got out of the car with an umbrella and went to check one car after another.

The less she sees the person, the more Jiang Yixuan's heart is raised.

Her eye sockets were even red uncontrollably.

Jiang Yixuan prayed from the bottom of her heart, "Shi Shuo, you must be fine!"

Finally, when he was close to clearing the road section, he saw Shi Shuo in the back seat.

He leaned against the back of the chair and seemed to be sleeping very soundly, his brows were slightly frowned, and his thin lips were pursed, and he was not sleeping very peacefully.

The moment Jiang Yixuan saw him, her heart finally fell.

Probably because the light was blocked, Shi Shuo's crow-like long eyelashes trembled and slowly opened his eyes, and then met Jiang Yixuan's gaze.

She stood there holding an umbrella with red eyes and looked at him intently and gratefully.

Shi Shuo's heart was lifted in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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