Chapter 125 Afraid I Lost It?

Shi Shuo quickly opened the car door, and before he could get out, Jiang Yixuan put away her umbrella and came in.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jiu silently went back to the car of the two of them.

Shi Shuo looked at the red-eyed Jiang Yixuan, a little at a loss.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Why are you here?"

Jiang Yixuan glared at him angrily, "Which one should I answer when you ask so many questions? Why don't you answer my phone first?"

"Did you call me?"

Shi Shuo immediately checked his phone, and Jiang Yixuan did call him, several times.

He quickly apologized, "I didn't sleep much last night and got up early today, so I was a little sleepy, so I muted my phone to take a rest, but I didn't expect you to call me."

"I will never turn on the mute again. I promise to receive your call, okay?"

Jiang Yixuan still looked at him with unstoppable grievances without saying a word.

Shi Shuo felt like there were countless ants crawling in his heart.

So sad about this?
The driver who was driving laughed when he saw his helpless look.

"Boy, your girlfriend is worried about you. You can't get through on the phone and there is another landslide ahead. I am worried that you will be buried and injured."

Jiang Yixuan pursed her lips and turned her face away. The word "driver's girlfriend" made her ears warm.

She hasn't promised him yet!
Shi Shuo was enlightened, Jiang Yixuan didn't look at him, so he leaned in front of her, and asked happily, "Worried about me, why are you here?"

"Otherwise, who told you not to answer the phone!"

Really worried to death.

"My fault, I will never turn on mute again."

"It's...not necessary."

"Of course there is a need for this, how could we miss the call from little girl Yixuan~"

Don't take another bite of our little friend Yixuan, she really doesn't know what to say.

"Don't be angry, okay?"

"Why don't you hit me twice to vent your anger?"

How could Jiang Yixuan do such a naive thing, she still had to maintain her image, in fact, she felt relieved the moment she saw Shi Shuo, there was no such thing as anger.

"Okay, it seems that it will take some time to clear the road section. You didn't have a good rest last night, so hurry up and sleep at this time."

"then you?"

"It's all down, Ajiu and I will go back with you."

"Why, are you afraid I'll lose it?" Shi Shuo approached Jiang Yixuan and said softly, asking and answering before she could answer.

"Don't worry, I won't lose it, it's always there."

He said this to her before when she asked him to follow him closely at the airport so that he would not get lost.

At that time, she didn't think much about it, but when she heard him say that now under such circumstances, Jiang Yixuan immediately felt some other meanings.

"You, you go to sleep now."

Jiang Yixuan turned her face away not to look at Shi Shuo's deceptive eyes.

"it is good."

How could Shi Shuo still feel sleepy? The moment he saw her, he was completely awake.

But now...

When Shi Shuo fell asleep, he "accidentally" leaned his head on Jiang Yixuan's shoulder.

It was the same way when I was on the plane and suddenly my shoulders were heavy.

Now that I think about it, Shi Shuo didn't fall asleep on purpose either!
It's really... how come she didn't notice this young man's fiery heart at all.

The road was almost cleared, and all the cars started heading towards the airport.

The heavy dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed, and the rain gradually became smaller.

This rain is really matchmaker rain.

Those who hid merit and fame withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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