Chapter 126

The rain subsided and the plane was able to take off.

In first class.

Shi Shuo patted himself on the shoulder, "If you're tired, you can lean on me to sleep, if I've pillowed your shoulder twice, you should treat it as a courtesy."

In my impression, he seems to have said several times to reciprocate courtesy.

But actually...

He just wanted to find an opportunity to talk more with himself and get in touch with him.

A teenager really has to think about it.

"I won't sleep." Jiang Yixuan still said that.

Shi Shuo sighed softly, "Well, anyway, my shoulders are only reserved for you."

Jiang Yixuan looked away and was afraid to look into his burning eyes, she really couldn't stand it.

In fact, after the tense strings were relaxed, she felt a little sleepy, but when Shi Shuo laid her pillow on her, her spirit was lifted, and her instinct told her not to sleep.

At this time, I was really sleepy.

In order not to let herself fall asleep, Jiang Yixuan put on headphones and played a very intense song to wake herself up.

But it seems completely useless.

Shi Shuo looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, thinking about how to catch up with Jiang Yixuan. His shoulders suddenly felt heavy.

Jiang Yixuan's peaceful sleepy eyes are extraordinarily cute, light and shadow dance happily on her butterfly-like eyelashes, and her red lips are slightly pursed.

He laughed silently twice.

What a tough girl.

Didn't I tell you?You can be the most real you in front of me.

If you are tired, take a good rest.

Tang Jiu saw this scene and took another photo. The more she looked at it, the more strange it became. Yi Xuan was the most vigilant.

It's hard to fall asleep in this environment, but now...

She smiled happily, it seemed that Shi Shuo already held a heavy weight in Yixuan's heart.

Tang Jiu thought about the journey carefully, she seemed like a tool person!
But it doesn't matter, as long as Yi Xuan is happy is enough!
When the plane was about to land, Jiang Yixuan woke up by herself, and she realized that she had fallen asleep leaning on Shi Shuo, so she dared not go to see him.

He clearly swore that he would not fall asleep, but in the end...

What a slap in the face.

Shi Shuo smiled softly, "I like Yixuan's appearance."

Jiang Yixuan's ears were a little hot again, she stared at him, "Why did you just open your mouth, did you talk about it?"

"No, I have been single until now."

"So you like watching TV? Novels?"



"Maybe..." Shi Shuo curled his lips and his eyes were full of peach blossoms, "You can learn from someone you like without a teacher."

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

She closed her eyes, her brother was so good at flirting, she didn't know what to do.

She just hoped that the plane would stop and go back quickly, she needed to be calm and calm right now.

Shi Shuo laughed twice, enough was enough.

The plane landed and went out of the security check, Jiang Yixuan took Shi Shuo with him.

The car stopped at the intersection where Jiang Yixuan lived, but Shi Shuo didn't leave immediately, Jiang Yixuan looked over curiously, "Are you going to take you to the gate of the club?"

"No, I was just thinking..."

"I've been thinking about you since I left."

When he said this, he was very sincere, without making people feel greasy or uncomfortable.

Tang Jiu rolled her big eyes, "Okay, it's not like I won't see you anymore, so hurry up so that no one will see you."

"Ah, good." Shi Shuo nodded disappointedly.

"By the way, remember to agree to my friend request." Tang Jiu felt that it would be impossible for him to see his application if he didn't say it.

Shi Shuo was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"I'm leaving?"

"Go, train hard, and I'm still waiting for you to give me the FMVP skin."

"Most definitely!"

(End of this chapter)

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