Chapter 127
When Shi Shuo returned to the club with his bag on his back, Ah Jun looked over and said, "Brother Shuo, you are back."


After putting away his things, he sent Jiang Yixuan a message to the club and went downstairs.

He shook the phone in his hand, "What do you want for dinner, I'll treat you."

Several people looked over in an instant.

Ah Jun asked uncertainly, "Brother Shuo, are you serious?"

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows, "It's okay if you don't want it, as I'm saving money."

"I want it!" Ah Jun immediately rushed over and snatched his mobile phone and began to search the store. Migratory Bird, He Qi and Chen Shi also surrounded him.

You order food in a word.

Halfway through, ask Shi Shuo what to eat.

"You order first, I will come by myself later."

The migratory bird smiled twice and made a gesture of ok, curiously said: "Brother Shuo, why did you come back to treat me, you must be bleeding a lot this time."

The club has always done charity work and encouraged them, but they occasionally go with the club staff when they are busy. This time Shi Shuo said that he has a place he wants to go.

I got back pretty quickly after being granted a three-day leave.

Shi Shuo sat on the gaming chair and swayed gently. Hearing the words of the migratory bird, his eyebrows raised slightly, and there was a faint smile on his lips, "I'm happy."

Migratory Bird: "Brother Shuo, you will be so happy in the future."

That way you can eat and drink often.

How could Shi Shuo fail to see what he was thinking, and cursed with a smile, "Then give less for the competition."

The migratory bird was immediately unhappy, "How can I call it a send-off, I was helping the team to withstand the gang fight of five people on the opposite side as a tank side."

"Yes, out of touch, one against five, if you don't beat whoever you beat."

The migratory bird waved his hand begging for mercy, "I won't say anything, I won't say anything."

Although he was scolded, but got food, the mood of the migratory bird is still very good.

Shi Shuo paid for what they ordered and then ordered a random one for himself.

He Qi came over, "Shi Shuo, have you taken photos for charity yet, show me?"


When Shi Shuo clicked on the photo album, he found that Jiang Yixuan seemed to be in the few photos he took.

I clearly remember taking a lot of photos.

Did he remember wrongly?

He thought for a while and clicked to open a photo he took at the back of the classroom and zoomed in so that Jiang Yixuan on the podium could not be seen.

"Well, that's it."

Ah Jun and the others all came over and saw this speechless complaint.

"Brother Shuo, you took this photo with a Nokia."

"Are you zooming in? Our eyesight is still very good. Don't need to do this. It's so blurry that you can't even see it."

"That's right, is there anything clearer?"

When Chen Shi wanted to make the photo smaller, Shi Shuo directly turned off the screen.

"Children look good no matter how they are photographed, that's all."

Ah Jun laughed, "Haha, Brother Shuo, do you also think that your photos are not good enough to save face, so you don't show them to us?"

Shi Shuo pulled a smile on his face, "It seems that you are not very hungry."

The takeaway hasn't arrived yet!

You can't shut your mouth with food, can you?

Ah Jun immediately aggrieved and made a silent movement.

It's okay if he doesn't say anything, don't deduct his food.

Chen Shi joked: "Ah Jun, you are a foodie, you should lose weight if you continue to eat like this."

"No less, no less, my muscular figure just matches my id."

"Come on, you, you are not called Jianshuo, you don't need to use words if you don't know how to use them."

"Don't deny it, you are almost obese."

"What do you know, this is the auxiliary body shape, stable!"

A few people chatted and laughed, but they didn't pay any more attention to Shi Shuo's photo.

(End of this chapter)

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