Chapter 211 Dad Rewards You

Shi Shuo's breezy appearance made Ah Jun show off another orange.

He took an orange and walked to Shi Shuo's side, patted his shoulder and said earnestly, "You stay here and don't move around, I'll buy you some oranges."

Shi Shuo glanced at him and raised his hand to hit him, "Get out!"

Ah Jun hurried to Chen Shi and laughed behind his back.

Shi Shuo snorted, taking advantage of him, right?

He Qi smiled and took away Ah Jun's hand that was on Chen Shi's shoulder, "You're so courageous after taking an annual leave, you dare to take advantage of Shi Shuo."

Ah Jun raised his chin, fearless, he is the one who knows the secret of brother Shuo, so why not be arrogant.

Shi Shuo had a full view of his confident expression.

In the next second, he took out his mobile phone and tapped, leaning against the stairs and said, "Look at the group news."

Group news?
Several people took out their mobile phones in unison and clicked on the small group of only five of them.

Shi Shuo: Next time you see Yixuan, you can call her sister-in-law.

Several people were stunned for a moment.

Ah Jun: Brother Shuo, this is too fierce, I can't take advantage of it anymore, it's painful!

Migratory Bird: Wait, when did this happen?sister in law?When did Brother Shuo and that young lady talk?
He Qi: Alright, Shi Shuo, the action is very fast.

Chen Shi: Tsk tsk tsk, I can't wait to bring it up to the public.

Shi Shuo put one hand in his pocket, "Is there a problem?"

The four shook their heads in unison, "No problem."

Satisfied, Shi Shuo walked upstairs, took a step forward and threw the Tangerine in his hand towards Ah Jun, raised his eyebrows, "Father rewarded you."

The advantage that has been taken must be taken back!

Ah Jun squeezed the orange in his hand and wanted to cry, but he ate three small oranges with tears in his eyes!
When Shi Shuo was no longer in sight, the migratory bird withdrew from the state of racking his brains and asked anxiously, "Brother Shuo and Miss Sister, when did it happen?"

He Qi and Chen Shi looked at each other, speechless.

Ah Jun choked on the orange.

The three of them came over as if they had copied and pasted, each of them patted his shoulder meaningfully and indescribably, and they all went upstairs to put their luggage.

The fallen migratory bird...

"Hey, you guys told me!"

No one cares.

Migratory birds can only rack their brains while climbing the stairs carrying their big suitcases. The suitcases are much heavier than when they were carried away.

When he returned to the room, he saw Shi Shuo leaning on the bed, typing on his mobile phone with a happy face.

He was chatting with Jiang Yixuan.

Shi Shuo had already changed the notes for her.

Xuan: Are you there yet?
Shi Shuo: We're here, and our teammates have also arrived at the club. After two days of rest, we will start training again to prepare for the spring season.

Xuan: Professional players are really hard.

Except for some short holidays and some holidays and operation days after the game, professional players basically train in order to maintain good competitive ability.

It is also very tiring to stare at the phone for a long time to contact each hero to replay the game.

There was tenderness in Shi Shuo's eyes.

Shi Shuo: How can you not be tired?

Shi Shuo: Our little girl Yixuan is also working hard.

In addition to maintaining the function of exercising her voice, she also has to create and face so many bad things in the entertainment industry, so she must be working harder.

Xuan: That's right, it's all very hard.

Xuan: Then you should rest early today and get enough energy to prepare for the Spring Split.

Xuan: I'm also preparing for a new album.

Shi Shuo: Good.

Shi Shuo: Don't push yourself too much, and pay attention to relaxation.

Xuan: Okay, listen to you.

(End of this chapter)

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