Chapter 212 We Are Together
Seeing that Shi Shuo put away his phone, the migratory bird leaned over and asked gossipingly, "Brother Shuo, when did you and that young lady get married?"

Shi Shuo glanced at him and corrected him, "Pay attention to the words you use."

"Oh, so what time is it?"

Shi Shuo bent his right leg and lazily leaned against the pillow, "Can't you see that I've been chasing after Yixuan?"

"Huh? When?"

Shi Shuo: "..."

Shi Shuo fell into a rare silence when he met the migratory bird's eyes with strong thirst for knowledge, he wasn't sure if he could explain clearly to him.

After thinking about it, it is probably impossible.

He pointed to his bed, "You dropped something."


The migratory bird looked back and found that his things were obviously in good condition, even the position of the unfolded quilt hanging on the ground had not changed, so something was missing!

"Brother Shuo, no..."

Looking back, Shi Shuo was already lying down with his back facing him.

Migratory Bird: "..."

He had the illusion that he felt rejected.


The AST members returned to the team, and Tang Jiu also came back from the annual vacation. She brought large and small packages to Jiang Yixuan, all of which were home-made cured meat and sauerkraut.

"In the future, you can eat breakfast with this. The dried radish made by my mother is very delicious."

"By the way, I specially brought you a glass jar. Now I'll make you a jar of kimchi. What kind of kimchi do you like?"

"You can eat it after a while, can I make you sweet and sour?"

Jiang Yixuan nodded, "Okay."

Although she can cook, she only has simple dishes, which she has never done before.

Jiang Yixuan said softly: "Then put some radishes, cucumbers, cabbage and so on."

Tang Jiu made an OK gesture.

She took out the ingredients from the refrigerator and began to process them, and asked curiously, "How are you and Shi Shuo doing now?"

Jiang Yixuan flipped through the book in her hand, it was a romance novel she found recently, and on the cover it said "Campus Sweet Pet".

She felt that it was necessary to take a look at this stage.

Hearing Tang Jiu's question, she replied without thinking, "We are together."

Jiang Yixuan was startled by the sound of the kitchen knife chopping on the chopping board, how could this sound exactly like the sound of a kitchen knife chopping bones in horror movies.

She looked puzzled and met Tang Jiu's excited expression.

She hurriedly washed her hands and ran over.

"Really? Are you really together?"


"Wow! I thought you would have to think about it for a while, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. It seems that Shi Shuo's staying with you this time has entered your heart."

Recalling Shi Shuo's company during this time, Jiang Yixuan's eyes were soft and a smile appeared on her lips.


Shi Shuo accompanied her on the long, icy road, cooked her a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, accompanied her to set off fireworks, and gave her lucky money as a child.

He also told his family that he had a girlfriend.

If Shi Shuo hadn't been there, she wouldn't have dared to slap Chen Qiuyan and that difficult woman that day.

I can only hide at home and call the police to take those scoundrels away, which is far less venting.

Jiang Yixuan smiled, "Ajiu, we didn't intend to hide it, so you have to prepare early to be exposed, and..."

Her eyes darkened slightly.

"Jiang Nianzi also knows about Shi Shuo and I, let's keep a close eye on her to see if she will cause any trouble."

She has already warned so much, if she still can't think about it, then she doesn't have to hold back.

Tang Jiu nodded, "Okay, I'll contact those big Vs."

(End of this chapter)

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