Chapter 225
[ctbz is popular, right? This kind of hot search is bought! 】

[Shuo God is fine, why is it starting today?Didn't these five people just win the championship? 】

[Do you want to hone newcomers?That shouldn't be the first game, right? It's not impossible to let newcomers play after the points are stabilized. 】

【How do you know that it wasn't because Shi Shuo's condition was too bad for the training match that the coach made a temporary replacement. I think he is no longer good. 】

【Hehe, let's wait and see how well this rookie performs! 】

[Actually, I don't care, anyone can win, as long as they can win. 】

This hot search ranking is still rising, and there are more and more people discussing it. There are various fans and passers-by watching the excitement.

This wave of enthusiasm was really manipulated.

Shi Shuo, who was on the scene, just looked at the monitor calmly and nervously.

The four QMX clearly attacked the wild area of ​​AST.

The jungler is using his own mana, while QMX's top laner and support are all punished.

Xuan Shao's punishment on AST's side failed to grab, and QMX directly opened three buffs in the early stage.

Then QMX memorized the refresh time of the AST blue buff, and Xuan Shao's mirror didn't get a blue buff until 8 minutes.

Judging by his expression, he was obviously a little impatient.

Ah Jun's communication and comfort came from the headset, but Xuan Shao couldn't listen to it.

It was the first time he played the arena that attracted much attention, and he wanted to prove himself!

Obviously, the opponent was not like this during the training match.

"Xuan Shao, talk, don't shut yourself up, you can hit if it doesn't matter."

Noticing the emotions of his teammates, when did He Qi speak.

Xuan Shao came back to his senses, "Okay, I see."

The lineup of QMX is for jungle invasion in the early stage, and the AST lineup is also easy to play in the late stage. The main thing is to see if it can be delayed until the late stage.

The time came to ten 4 minutes.

Blue buff has been charged, Xuan Shao couldn't help but want to fight, he rushed forward without communicating.

Shuo frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He's a little messed up.

Lan Buff didn't catch him, but escaped with a trace of blood. In order to save him, Ajun's assistant died for him.

QMX took the opportunity to snowball the game.

Xuan Shao looked at the settlement panel for a long time, and the migratory bird patted him on the shoulder, "It doesn't matter, just win it back, let's go down and have a rest first."

"……it is good."

Chaochao has already quarreled.

[If it's like this, it's better to let Shuo go to the gods, and waste a strong jungler hero in vain. 】

[A rookie may be too nervous to play for the first time, everyone, don't be so strict, and I think it should be the next game that Shuo Shen will come up. 】

[I have a hunch that there will be no substitutions. 】

[I've been losing rhythm, I'm really convinced. 】

Jiang Yixuan looked at the settlement panel and didn't say anything, but she also felt that there should be a replacement.

But... no.

Shi Shuo didn't receive any notice and still sat beside her.

"Shi Shuo, don't worry, you will win the next round."

"Well, I trust them too."

His teammates are still on stage, as long as he can win, he can win. He hopes that AST can win.

Jiang Yixuan shook his hand vigorously to give him strength.

The second game.

I don't know if QMX thinks that Xuan Shaojing's playing is not very good, so Lan was also given to AST in this round.

AST directly helped Xuan Shao grab it.

After getting this hero, Xuan Shao glanced at Shi Shuo in the audience.

This is his signature hero, so let him take a good look at how he wins this game with this hero!

(End of this chapter)

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