Chapter 226 She Loves Him

While waiting for BP, Jiang Yixuan casually logged onto the Weibo account and read Chaohua's speech.

[I'll see if he can win this round, if he loses again, he will really have to change. 】

[Come on, what do you mean by a 2:0 substitution? Is Shuoshen going to take the blame? 】

[That is, I used up Jinglan's two heroes who scored points for Shuo Shen. If Shuo Shen wins the match point, he will not be scolded if he loses. 】

[I beg him not to fall in love with me! 】

Most of the comments were like this, saying that if it is 2:0, don't go to Shi Shuo, and don't want him to take the blame.


Shi Shuo looked at the game screen seriously, and the palm of the hand holding her was also sweating slightly.

He didn't think about whether to take the blame or not. What he thought was that it was good to be able to play. As long as he was on the court, he would go all out. His teammates were fighting hard on the stage, and he was cheering for them in his heart.

He never thought about the public opinion he would suffer after losing, but ah...

She felt sorry for him.

Jiang Yixuan shook him back vigorously, Shi Shuo looked over and met her smiling eyes.

He smiled, and his expression became a little lighter.

After being with Shi Shuo, she also often went to watch AST's super chat, and it turned out that the competition circle was not as peaceful as she imagined.

Xuan Shao's wave circled behind and killed QMX's mid-shot, temporarily relieving the pressure.

Looking at Chaohua, the trend has changed again.

[Just let you stop talking so early, this jungler brother is also very good, the rookie is exempted for three games. 】

[Wow, younger brother Xuan 666! 】

[Our jungler brother has a promising future! 】

The remarks in Chaohua completely changed according to the situation of the game. Jiang Yixuan was a little dizzy watching it, so she just stopped watching it.

In this round, Xuan Shao's Lan performed really well, but QMX was even better in terms of teamwork, and came back two waves behind the five thousand economy.

Drag into post.

QMX assisted in a good team battle and pushed down the crystal of AST again.

The score came to 2:0.

There was a burst of cheers from the audience on the QMX side, but the atmosphere on the AST side was silent.

The coach patted Shi Shuo on the shoulder, "You go to the end."

"it is good."

Jiang Yixuan let go of Shi Shuo's hand and clenched her fist, "Come on!"

Shi Shuo's big fist collided lightly with hers, "Okay, come on!"

Looking at Shi Shuo's back and leaving, soon Jiang Yixuan ushered in another contestant.

He Wangxuan.

"Hello sister."

Looking over, the boy smiled obediently with a little curiosity and scrutiny in his eyes.

Jiang Yixuan smiled friendly, "Hello."

"Sister, you are Shuoshen's girlfriend, right? You seem to be a really good match. It's all my fault that Shuoshen couldn't get Jinglan when he played."

Jiang Yixuan didn't know what he was talking about.

The fans said it was the fan's business, but it was a different feeling when he said it.

If she goes along with this...

She is Shi Shuo's girlfriend, and some of her words may be forced on Shi Shuo by someone with a heart.

So she just smiled, "Everything is based on the coach's deployment. I don't understand this kind of internal decision-making."

"Sister said yes."

Xuan Shao smiled and looked towards the arena, but happened to meet Shi Shuo's eyes, and he was only two years younger than Shi Shuo.

He turned his head and wanted to say something, but saw Jiang Yixuan was also looking at the stage.

Ah, so Shi Shuo wasn't looking at him just now.

Although he is very tired these days and has no hot hands, the coach gave him Luna.

On the opposite side is Aguduo and Ma Chao who have no control. This round of Luna is really good. Once the economy is up, the single belt is almost invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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