Chapter 244 It's a Birthday Bonus
"I have my own judgment." Jiang Yixuan's voice was soft but her tone was unquestionable.

"My soft-heartedness is different. Shi Shuo, will you lie to me?"

" won't make you sad or worried."

He kept some things from her, and he didn't want her to bear the burden with him. He would handle it well.

before she comes back.

"I believe you."

Shi Shuo smiled and pinched her face, he had wanted to do this for a long time.

He held her face emotionally and kissed her between the eyebrows, and then he touched her lips to trace the shape of her lips carefully.

Gentle and flirty.

This kind of tenderness made Jiang Yixuan lost in it, her hands gradually softened, and the phone fell to the ground to temporarily wake her up.

She whispered, "Hands, mobile phones..."

"in spite of."

Shi Shuo deepened the kiss, holding her hand and touching his well-trained abs along the hem of the clothes.

The moment the skin touched Jiang Yixuan suddenly opened her eyes, "Shi, Shi Shuo, you..."

"It's a birthday treat."


What kind of welfare is this? I don't know who is taking advantage of whom.

Shi Shuo put his index finger on her lips, and a sexy and hoarse voice escaped from his throat, "Shhh, let's keep our voice down so we don't disturb the two people outside."

Jiang Yixuan stared at him without any momentum.

Talk nonsense with your eyes open.

Shi Shuo leaned forward again with a nasty smile.

The innocent little milk dog just now has turned into a seductive little wolf dog.

Wolves are actually very affectionate animals.

Once you have a partner, you will stay with you for life, and a new spouse relationship will be established unless your partner dies.

But the little wolf dog in front of him only intends to have this one partner in his whole life, and he will never leave him until he grows old.

After a while, Shuo let go of Jiang Yixuan when the sound of stir-frying was heard outside.

Touching the hot lips with his fingertips, he glared at Shi Shuo angrily, his eyes glistened faintly, now that he was seen by Ajiu when he went out, he was going to make fun of her again.

"You, stay away from me."

"Okay, I'll stay away from my sister~"

Shi Shuo sighed softly in his heart, what should we do after this fails.

Jiang Yixuan looked down and saw the phone that fell on the ground.

The mobile phone case fell off, and there was a small bag of that size photo left beside it
She picked it up curiously, opened it, and inside was a note.

What is it that is so carefully protected?

She unfolded it curiously, and it was a familiar handwriting.

"This is……"

Shi Shuo also knelt down and took the paper in her hand, "This is the autograph I asked you to sign for me after the exhibition match."

"I was afraid of improper storage and lost it, so I kept it in the phone case."

Jiang Yixuan didn't know what to say for a while.

Shi Shuo really takes everything she gives her seriously.

"At that time, I even asked you to sign for me. I practiced it specially."

Shi Shuo coughed lightly, "That's not true, my handwriting is always beautiful."

"Oh? Then why is the handwriting on the note you gave me different from your signature?"

Shi Shuo was taken aback, he forgot about it.

Jiang Yixuan laughed twice, "Actually, I almost forgot."

She opened her phone case, and there was also a piece of paper on the back, which was old and creased because it had been placed for a long time, but the writing was still very clear.

Shi Shuo's eyes lit up, "It was my signature at that time!"

"Well, this probably counts as... a tacit understanding."


Jiang Yixuan immediately stepped back vigilantly and covered her mouth.

I can't kiss anymore, it will be swollen if I kiss again.

(End of this chapter)

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