The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 245 Zhang Yang's thorns are bright and dazzling

Chapter 245 Zhang Yang's thorns are bright and dazzling

Shi Shuo smiled helplessly and dotingly at her behavior, what did he think of him.

He deliberately leaned over, Jiang Yixuan's eyes widened again, like a little deer looking at you ignorantly and warily, Shi Shuo patted her little head with a smile.

"No." He coaxed her softly, "You can't embarrass our little girl Yixuan."

"It's not a shame..."

Jiang Yixuan put Shi Shuo's signature back into the phone case, and handed Shi Shuo's back to him.

Shi Shuo helped her stand up.

It turned out that they squatted for so long without knowing it, and their legs were a little numb.

"Let's go out, otherwise Ah Jiu will knock on the door."

"it is good."

As soon as Shi Shuo put his hand on the doorknob, he heard Jiang Yixuan's soft voice.

"In the future, there is no need to save screenshots, our happiness will only increase, and we will always work together."

"Keep it in your heart is the most important thing."

There will be more and more good things...

She will be with him for the rest of her life.

Shi Shuo lowered his eyes, gently pushed the door with his hand, and closed the door that had been opened a crack.

Jiang Yixuan looked up at him suspiciously, "Shi Shuo?"

"Xuanxuan, you fouled again."

"Why... um!" Jiang Yixuan was taken aback.


What did she say?Why did you foul again?

Shi Shuo did it on purpose!

After a long time, Shi Shuo came out first, with a look of spring on his face. Tang Jiu, who was washing the vegetables, saw this scene and raised his chin towards the balcony.

"Go blow some air and wake up."

Shi Shuo didn't say anything but walked towards the balcony. He sat on the wicker chair and fingered the roses growing on the window sill.

It seems that she really likes Qiangwei.

You guessed it right.

It's just... Is it because of that time that I fell in love with the rose flower or did I like it in the first place?
After a while, Jiang Yixuan also came out, except for the red lips, she couldn't see anything wrong, she subconsciously glanced at Shi Shuo.

"Yixuan! You're out!"

Tang Jiu's sudden opening startled Jiang Yixuan.

Before Shi Shuo looked over, she looked away and gave a vague reply.

Jiang Yixuan took a vase and filled it with water, and began to prune the bunch of flowers brought by Shi Shuo.

Shi Shuo didn't know when he came over, sat down beside her and took out a soft reminder, "The thorns of this flower haven't been cut, so be careful not to get pricked."

Jiang Yixuan looked at it, and sure enough, the rhizomes were full of tiny thorns, she whispered, "The flower shops usually cut the thorns."

"There are also cut thorns, but the one I chose was not cut."


Shi Shuo raised his eyes and bumped into her eyes that were still glowing with water, "This is its original appearance, flamboyant and thorny, but still bright and dazzling."

"Why cut off its protective spines and force it to be soft and easy to pick?"

"It's enough for people who really like it to look at it and kiss it."

He was obviously talking about these thorny roses, but he seemed to be talking about them.

Jiang Yixuan trimmed it slightly and put the roses into a vase with thorns, and smiled lightly, "You have a high level of education."

The teenagers in the e-sports circle came out at a very young age, and Shi Shuo obviously came to play professionally early, but the words he said were really touching.

"Ah, my parents think that if I come out to work so early, I'm not doing my job properly."

"They were afraid that if I went astray and would embarrass them, they bought me all kinds of books and told me to read them. During that time, I was studying while playing a job."

Jiang Yixuan nodded, this is quite good.

It is better to learn more knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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