Chapter 246 Happy Birthday
Shi Shuo raised his chin triumphantly as he spoke, "Compared to those boys in the club, I am an absolute cultural oasis. They are all cultural deserts."

Jiang Yixuan laughed amusedly by his words.

"I think it's okay, they are all cute little brothers."

Either lively or evasive or shy, quite polite.

Shi Shuo responded, the corners of his eyes were even more smug when he didn't know what he thought of.

Humph, they are little brothers now, he is not anymore!

After arranging the flowers, clearing the table and playing a few games, it was almost five o'clock before I knew it.

Tang Jiu and Xing Yan were finishing the finishing touches, and the smell of the food aroused Jiang Yixuan's greed.

Jiang Yixuan and Shi Shuo helped serve the dishes.

Concerned that Shi Shuo could not drink, they bought drinks.

There was a crisp sound as the glasses collided.

"Happy birthday!"

The three of them spoke in unison, and the atmosphere suddenly became cheerful.

"Thank you."

Tang Jiu served her a bowl of soup, "Try it, it's sure to taste after a long time of cooking, and birthday stars eat more today."

"Okay." Jiang Yixuan took it with a smile, "I know your craftsmanship, it's the best."

"Yeah, I think I can open a restaurant~"

Tang Jiu smiled proudly, filled a bowl for Xing Yan, and then said to Shi Shuo, "Pick whatever you want."

"it is good."

Seeing Shi Shuo, Jiang Yixuan picked up the rice in the bowl and hurriedly picked some vegetables for him, "Eat more."

"I'm eating."

"Eat more vegetables."

"it is good."

Tang Jiu's eyes rolled around. The little brother now really knows how to pretend. With so many dishes, Yixuan felt distressed to pick up white rice.


All my brains have gone into this, right?

The meal was lighthearted, and they talked about their plans and interesting things lately.

Finally, everyone cleaned up the dishes together.

Seeing the rose and Jiang Yixuan in the vase, she had a sudden inspiration, she trotted two steps to the musical instrument room and took out the guitar.

"I thought of a tune, can I play it for you?"


The three of them sat on the sofa, and Jiang Yixuan sat across from her and tuned the strings, then plucked the strings with her fingers and hummed softly.

There are no lyrics, but just such humming and guitar sounds are already very good.

After finishing the lyrics, I guess it will be another gentle and breezy song.

The end sound fell.

Jiang Yixuan looked at them, "How is it?"

"Sounds good!" Tang Jiu gave a thumbs up, "Yixuan, fill in the lyrics and a new work will come out!"

"Then I'll try it later."

"Then I'll accompany you to the musical instrument room and record these."

"it is good."

Tang Jiu accompanied Jiang Yixuan to leave, turned her head and blinked at them.

Shi Shuo and Xing Yan looked at each other and smiled.

Arrange the ribbon balloons that have been prepared earlier, open the cake and insert candles to light it, and finally turn off the lights.

Jiang Yixuan was afraid that they would wait for a long time, so she quickly finished writing. When she came out, the light in the living room was turned off, but the light was very bright in the dark.

Tang Jiu ran to Xing Yan with a smile and clapped his hands lightly with them.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~"

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!"

Shi Shuo walked over with the cake in his hands, his silhouette was more gentle against the candlelight, and the halo of light hit his eyes, a pool of tenderness.

"Xuanxuan, happy birthday."

"Make a wish."

"it is good."

Jiang Yixuan clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, and the corners of her lips raised into a smile unconsciously.

She silently made a wish for her 25th birthday in her heart.

May my love be safe and well.

May I be here every year and every year.

(End of this chapter)

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