Chapter 247 Sister, feed me~
Blowing out the candles, the lights in the room came on, and the fireworks exploded in the room, accompanied by Tang Jiu's excited shouts.

"Wow! Happy birthday, Xiaogu Yu!"

"Thank you, Ajiu."

"Hurry up and cut the cake!" Tang Jiu said impatiently.

"it is good."

The cake was placed on the table. Jiang Yixuan could see the shape of the cake clearly. It must have been custom-made early.

The red roses are in full bloom among the green leaves, and they are lifelike. Among the flowers, there is a very cute little girl wearing a princess dress and holding a silver microphone.

She couldn't bear to cut it.

Jiang Yixuan suppressed the sweetness in her heart and gently cut a piece.

"Yixuan, now is the time to test friendship. Tell me who you will give this first piece of cake."

Tang Jiu's hands were still on his chest and his chin was raised, the corners of his mouth were almost ready to hang oil bottles.

Jiang Yixuan smiled and handed her the cake in her hand, "For you, of course it's for Ah Jiu."

"Voluntary, I didn't force you."

"Yeah, voluntary."

Tang Jiu smiled and took it quickly, and glanced at Shi Shuo triumphantly, you see, the most important thing in Yi Xuan's heart is her.

Shi Shuo looked at Xing Yan beside him, "Has she always been this childish?"

Grab the first piece of cake with him.

Xing Yan smiled dotingly and nodded, "I love you."

Shi Shuo: "..."

Okay, I ate wave dog food for no reason.

Shi Shuo sat on the other side of Jiang Yixuan, drooping the corners of his eyes, with a soft look, "Sister, hello~"

Tang Jiu suddenly felt that the cake in her mouth was no longer sweet, and she widened her eyes, "Shi Shuo, you are so stupid, don't you have any hands?"

Shi Shuo ignored him and said, "Sister feeds you the sweetest."

Tang Jiu: "..."

I can't stand it, I have goosebumps.

Just as Tang Jiu wanted Jiang Yixuan to take care of him, he saw that Jiang Yixuan actually forked a piece and fed it to Shi Shuo. Shi Shuo laughed so hard that he almost lost sight of his eyes.

Tang Jiu helplessly supported his forehead.

You don't have to be so pampered!
She looked at Xing Yan aggrievedly, "I want to feed you too!"

Xing Yan smiled and walked over to the plate in her hand, "Okay, I'll feed you."

Hmph, Shi Shuo, the guy who robbed her of Yixuan!The means are too high, and Yixuan indulges him too much.

Shi Shuo accepted Jiang Yixuan's feeding and gave her another mouthful, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Delicious and sweet."

"Thank you, I had a great time today."

Tang Jiu smiled indifferently, "What's the matter, if you like it, I will accompany you to celebrate your birthday every year in the future, they don't necessarily mean me!"

"it is good."

Tang Jiu is Jiang Yixuan's assistant, basically he can be regarded as a manager, and there is indeed time for them to be together often.

Shi Shuo didn't immediately promise what he couldn't do.

I don't know if there will be a competition in the future. If there is a competition, he really can't come to accompany her.

The rose flower and the villain in the middle are reserved for Jiang Yixuan.

Tang Jiu made it for her and handed it to her.

"Look at you, you're skinny, it's okay to eat more, you don't need to pay too much attention to your figure as a singer."

"I don't have special control either."

After eating the cake, Tang Jiu handed the two gifts prepared by herself and Xing Yan to Jiang Yixuan and told her to open them quickly to see if she liked them.

What Tang Jiu gave was a big rabbit doll, just enough to keep company with the one on her sofa.

What Xing Yan gave was a signed record, which was her favorite singer.

Jiang Yixuan was pleasantly surprised, "Do you like him too?"

"Well, I got it from the concert at that time, and now I give it to you."

"Thank you, I like them all."

(End of this chapter)

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