Chapter 271 You are crazy!
Shi Shuo and the members of several clubs didn't know until they saw the barrage suddenly being swiped.

[I rely on it!This dog club! 】

[How could the club treat Shuo Shen like this! 】

[Isn't this just to kill Shuo Shen! 】

[This club should close down!Such a consumer player! 】

[And why did you post it at this time, to grab the last wave of traffic? 】

Ah Jun and the others were taken aback by seeing these bullet screens.

The migratory bird quickly asked, "What happened?"

[You don’t know yet, go to the AST official blog! 】

[Damn, the club is too disgusting! 】

They opened the official blog one after another and fell silent when they saw the content posted.

Shi Shuo's dark eyes read every word.

[On the eve of the winner's bracket semi-final against DK, @AST-villain, who was the team's starter, went out privately in violation of the club's regulations and returned in the early hours of the morning, causing damage to the club's reputation.

Afterwards, it was learned that the contestant himself was rushing to see his girlfriend's concert, so the coach could not be contacted in the training match, which caused a serious loss to the subsequent games.

The starters should put the game first, not other personal matters, and punish @AST-villain for his behavior according to the club's rules.

Deduct @AST-villain's salary for three months and send him to the youth training. 】

Ah Jun and the others could kill flies if they frowned after watching it. What kind of punishment is this!
"Damn, what are you kidding, Brother Shuo obviously asked for leave that day, okay, I heard that."

"Brother Shuo hasn't participated in the training match for a long time, and the coach didn't ask Brother Shuo to train that day."

"Our DK4:0 has nothing to do with Brother Shuo at all!"

"Decentralization of youth training is too much!"

Because this punishment Weibo really shocked them, so much so that they all forgot that the live broadcast was on now, and it was too late when the staff realized that the live broadcast was turned off.

Pretty much everything that needs to be said has been said.

Shi Shuo got up without saying a word and walked towards He Wangxuan who was beside him, "You ordered it?"

When He Wangxuan stood up, he was still a head lower than Shi Shuo, 180 was not enough to look at in front of 187, and his momentum was a bit weaker.

"Shuo God, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Shi Shuo twitched the corner of his mouth, and suddenly punched He Wangxuan in the face, He Wangxuan staggered and supported the gaming chair.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he glared at Shi Shuo, "You're crazy!"

Shi Shuo's move was really sudden, the staff and Ah Jun didn't react, they just stood there and watched in a daze.

"He Wangxuan, just treat me as an enemy, don't involve my girlfriend, or I'll beat you to death!"

He Wangxuan wanted to laugh, but when he pulled the corner of his mouth, he felt pain.

"Shi Shuo, didn't you go to her concert? What was wrong!"

"Look at your current appearance. You spend all your time in dating. Do you deserve to be in the starting lineup?"

"Better than you." Shi Shuo's gloomy face was filled with frost and coldness, "If you're a man, you'll be singled out, don't play around behind."

"Aren't you afraid that I will still push you when I transfer? He Wangxuan, that's all you have to offer."

"You bastard!"

He Wangxuan cursed angrily and raised his fist, Shi Shuo dodged easily.

He looked down at him with contempt and contempt in his eyes, "I won't hit you, lest you touch porcelain."

He Wangxuan was incompetent and furious, "So what, now you are in the youth training, this is the room where the starters live, get out!"

Shi Shuo snorted, "I don't want to stay in this place for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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