The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 272 Break the possibility of encounter

Chapter 272 Break the possibility of encounter

Seeing Shi Shuo's figure calmly going upstairs, He Wangxuan kicked over the gaming chair with a low growl.

He hit him!
Turning his head, the four people looked at him with different expressions.


They went upstairs without saying a word, Ah Jun scolded in a low voice angrily: "I thought he was a rich young master at first, but I didn't expect him to be so cruel!"

"I also felt that I was blind before, but I actually thought he was kind and cute." The migratory bird also sighed with emotion.

Chen Shi was also very angry, his eyes were filled with anger.

He Qi's face was indifferent, he never expected He Wangxuan to do things so desperately.

Three months' salary is fine.

What does delegating youth training mean? It means that Shi Shuo will not be able to participate in the transfer period after the Spring Split this time.

He can only participate in the youth training draft or transfer to KGL to play games.

For e-sports professional players, they are young. If they are repeatedly unable to participate in training and waste time in the club, then it is very likely that they will never have the chance to play again.

It is equivalent to the snow in the entertainment industry.

And the salary of youth training is much less than that of starting substitutes.

Shi Shuo has been on the AST roster for a long time, and his salary is close to the league's maximum salary.

In fact, he could have received the maximum salary, but he refused because the maximum salary would increase the constraints.

With this drop now, the club is really not human.

This matter needs to be discussed carefully.

When they went to Shi Shuo's room, they saw him packing his things.

The migratory bird immediately ran over, "Brother Shuo, you don't really want to move out, do you? It's late at night, and it's impossible for the youth training side to prepare a place for you."

"Brother Shuo, let's discuss it again..."

"Don't be naive, how can you win the capital?" Shi Shuo said without emotion.

He Wangxuan's father is engaged in real estate, this club is only to satisfy his son's e-sports dream, so he doesn't care at all.

This one made it clear that he didn't care about anything and only wanted to mess with him.

Maybe it was what he said to He Wangxuan on the balcony that night, saying that he would create more brilliance and would beat him up on the court, he was afraid.

Even if they are transferred to the youth training, they can only play in KGL. If they cannot return to KPL, they will not be able to match.

His contract just expires two weeks after the start of the World Championship.

It's almost there, but he still wants to win the World Championship.

He will definitely participate in the draft. At that time, He Wangxuan's father should also be thinking about making at least a fortune.

After all, he can no longer threaten his son. When his contract expires and becomes a free agent, there will be no transfer fee. He can even contact any KPL team.

"Brother Shuo, it can't just be like this!" Ah Jun said anxiously, walking back and forth anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

Chen Shi also looked at Shi Shuo worriedly, "Brother Shuo..."

Shi Shuo just packed his things without saying a word. He actually didn't have much, just some clothes, tablet, computer and trophies.

Two suitcases are packed.

Seeing that Shi Shuo was really planning to leave, Ah Jun, a migratory bird, was very helpless. He wanted to persuade him but didn't know what to say.

Only He Qi looked at it for a while and lowered his voice, "Shi Shuo, are you...are you prepared?"

"Ah? What do you mean by that?" Ah Jun was puzzled.

"No way, how can you guess this, the club is doing too well."

The corners of Shi Shuo's eyes slightly raised and he suddenly smiled, "It depends on the situation, for now...not sure."

But there is indeed preparation.

(End of this chapter)

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