The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 274 Worry-free grass is Hemerocallis

Chapter 274 Worry-free grass is Hemerocallis
One thousand and five million is a sky-high transfer fee for the KGL team.

Several teams in KGL really wanted Shi Shuo.

Originally, Shi Shuo wanted to let the KPL team choose first, and then it was their turn to choose the rest, but now let them choose directly, and everyone wants to win.

The strength of the strong is obvious to all.

But this transfer fee really scares away many people, mainly because AST has a very tough attitude and just won't let go.

In the end, only the LXY team is still fighting for the final battle.

After several discussions, Shi Shuo was finally bought for 3 million.

Shi Shuo officially changed his ID.

LXY - worry free.

Say goodbye to the past and start a new chapter.

As the runner-up of KGL, LXY can actually participate in the World Championship this time. What He Wangxuan did before was useless, and they will still meet after all.

When Shi Shuo came to the LXY team, all the team members were setting off fireworks, and with a few bang bang bang bangs, the filigree fell all over him.

There were smiles on the faces of several team members, and there was a little admiration in some people's eyes.

"Hello everyone."

"Suo, good morning Shuo!"

The teammates greeted each other stiffly, while Shi Shuo smiled casually, "You don't need to be so polite, we will be teammates from now on, and you guys have to take care of me."


Seeing how reserved they were, Shi Shuo thought that getting acquainted with them these days would be enough.

LXY held a welcome party for him, mainly to let them get acquainted and introduce each other.

But Shi Shuo said in a brisk voice: "I know, I watched all the games everyone played before I came here, and we will work together to fight for the last spot to enter the KPL."

This season, there is still the last team that can enter the KPL.

It will start after the world championship is over.

"If you have any questions, you can ask me. For this World Championship, we will go to KPL first, so as not to let them underestimate us."

"it is good!"

Inspired by Shi Shuo's words, the teenagers nodded vigorously and clinked their glasses.

After the welcome party, Shi Shuo went to the boss's office.

"Shi Shuo, I welcome you to LXY."

"I should say thank you." Shi Shuo said softly, "I will let you earn back the money spent."

"I believe in you, and I actually didn't spend too much money to buy you this time. Your former boss gave investment."

"Sister Lin?"

The boss nodded, "She heard about you, but she didn't expect it to turn out like this, so she invested a part of our team, and she also took a share."


The original boss of AST was really kind to them.

"And when we were discussing with AST, the staff at your girlfriend's side also told me that they would also be willing to pay me to buy you."

Shi Shuo's eyes trembled.

Xuanxuan?She guessed it?
"Shi Shuo, look, there are still so many people who have high hopes for you, so go fight hard and bring out your best strength."

"Shut up all those who want to see your jokes."

"I believe that your arrival will bring a lot of new things, let's go forward for your dreams."

Shi Shuo said sincerely, "Thank you."

"No, I'm also looking at your value. After all, I want to make money, so go train."

"it is good."

When Shi Shuo walked out of the office, his heart felt warm. So many people were paying attention to him.

He had already negotiated with this boss before, he would help the club earn back the price difference, and the online training match was very effective, and the boss also wanted to enter the KPL, so he agreed.

It really came in handy.

(End of this chapter)

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