The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 275 Looking forward to the collision on the field!

Chapter 275 Looking forward to the collision on the field!

Shi Shuuo slightly raised his head and stared at the dazzling lights. He will double make up for the AST's wasted season!
He Wangxuan, don't you want to run into me?
This time, you will be disappointed.


Shi Shuo successfully entered the new team, Ah Jun and the others were very happy for him.

After He Qi analyzed the pros and cons for them, none of them listed.

The World Championship is just around the corner, at least after the World Championship is over, their contracts will almost expire after the World Championship is over.

Seeing them so happy, He Wangxuan didn't take it seriously.

What is there to be happy about going to KGL, even if he can participate in the World Championship qualifiers, he can directly participate in the main match!
He didn't believe that a sub-team could beat the team in a BO7 promotion!
Now, Shi Shuo is going to catch up in his footsteps!


Shi Shuo's incident made AST's Chaochao discussion heated up, and it directly hung up in the No.1 position of the e-sports club for a long time.

[I'm really disappointed with AST. Sure enough, after changing the boss, it's no longer the same AST. 】

[If it weren't for Heqi and the others still here, I really don't want to stay for a second. 】

【Hmph, who does that jungler think he is? He still wants to replace Shuoshen, wait for Shuoshen to come back and beat him to death! 】

On the day when LXY made the official announcement, Shishuo came to their club and announced his new id, a large group of fans came.

The Weibo comment on the official blog, which had only dozens or hundreds of comments before, went viral.

Major KPL and KGL clubs came to express their congratulations, and major professional players also came to congratulate and say goodbye on the field.

Fans all commented——

【Great, I'll be a LXY fan from now on, I'll be there wherever Shuoshen is. 】

【Please take good care of Sakushen! 】

The operation of LXY works overtime temporarily, busy and happy.

The Weibo comments that Shi Shuo himself reposted grew even more rapidly.

The previous one is still to let everyone not abuse Weibo and give him time to deal with it. It is ironic to read it together.

Shi Shuo wanted to solve the problem and avoid scolding the club, but the club didn't think about him at all.

His fans turned black directly to AST.

After Shi Shuo retweeted it, he devoted himself to training. Even if he was a player, he could be regarded as half of the training group.

Coach Bai Yang directly appointed him as the captain.

Shi Shuo has a wealth of experience in KPL competitions. These players all admire him, so he is the perfect fit.

Shi Shuo accepted.

The players in several positions in the team are——

Sidewalk: Tuanzi.

Mid laner: Cun Xin.

Shooter: Meng An.

Auxiliary: Ah Ci.

And the original jungler: Bei Yan.

Shi Shuo taught them everything he knew, led them to cooperate a little bit, and encouraged them to fight hard and not be afraid.

He took the initiative to make an appointment for a training match.

I first made an appointment with a slightly weaker KPL team, and when the momentum came, I would naturally be able to make an appointment with a strong team.

Everything is in good progress.

These young and enthusiastic teenagers were encouraged by Shi Shuo to practice their skills, mentality and coordination every day besides eating and sleeping.

They told themselves that they must keep up with Shi Shuo's rhythm and not hold back.

Shi Shuo also made some changes according to the team's situation.

It's very simple to get along with teenagers, and they can play together with a joke and a supper.

Originally, in the AST group where there were only five of them, Ajun and Migratory Bird could be seen complaining all day long.

Ah Jun: Brother Shuo, there are newcomers and we forget the old ones.

Ah Jun: Brother Shuo, how long has it been since you came to the group, I know it in my heart!

Migratory Bird: Brother Shuo, don't you love me?
When Shi Shuo saw the news, he curled his lips into a smile, the two big men were so hypocritical, why hadn't they been so clingy to him before.

Shi Shuo: This is not training hard to meet you on the court as soon as possible.

Ah Jun: Brother Shuo, you finally came out to speak.

Migratory Bird: Brother Shuo, how are you doing over there?How are your teammates?How about with us?
this question.

In the past, he was the one who cared about them and comforted them, but now, it was them who cared about him.

Migratory birds are fighting for favor?
Shi Shuo: It's different.

After all, he and Ah Jun have lived longer, played so many games, and bear the public opinion together, which is not comparable to the current teammates for the time being.

However, the current team members are all innocent teenagers who are chasing their dreams, and he can't hold them back.

After getting the answer he wanted, the migratory bird sent a happy emoji.

He Qi: You don't know, the migratory bird misses you, he didn't fall asleep the whole night when you left, and asked me to accompany him the next day.

Heqi: It's too quiet, I always feel like there's a ghost.

Shi Shuo: "..."

Should he laugh or be angry? What the hell is that?

Chen Shi: Brother Shuo, you left in a hurry. My new tea has arrived. I'll bring it to you when it's offline.

Shi Shuo: Good.

Shi Shuo: Are you free now?I'll order you a takeaway.

Ah Jun: Brother Shuo's treat is of course available anytime!
Shi Shuo chuckled.

This guy who has something to do with food has always been a guy who never refuses.

Shi Shuo switched addresses and gave them the phone number of Ah Jun who ordered something, and even ordered a cup of milk tea for him.

Shi Shuo tapped the back of the phone with his fingertips, looked at his teammates who were still working hard to improve themselves in the top game, and raised his hand.

"Snack? I treat you."


"Captain, I want to eat paella!"

"Captain, I want to eat barbecue! Hey, I want big chicken drumsticks."

"team leader……"

Shi Shuo thought it was troublesome and threw the phone to them, "Order by yourself, I'll pay when you've ordered enough, and go get the takeaway by yourself."


All the bullet screens in the live broadcast room of the contestants are all swiped——

[Thank you Shuo God! 】

【Ahhh, I heard Shuo Shen's voice. 】

【Let Shuo Shen show his face too. 】

Shi Shuo glanced at the indifferent opening, "Don't brush me."

This is someone else's live broadcast room, it's always bad to use his name.

【Shuo God told me to be obedient】

[Brother, come on, Shuo God, come on! 】

[LXY come on!Strive to enter the main game and beat the AST! 】

【Come on, LXY! 】

The younger brothers all nodded and responded to everyone, saying that they will definitely work hard.

Shi Shuo rested his arms lazily on the back of the chair, "Stress kid, stop brushing."

【Hahaha, I'm disgusted, let's go~】

【Let's go and go~】

【It’s good to show your style, let’s go~】

Because of the fact that he was sent to the youth training some time ago, the fans all loved Shi Shuo, and suddenly wanted to pamper him, and everything he said was right.

After paying, Shi Shuo saw that Ah Jun and the others in the group had sent a picture of the takeaway.

Ah Jun: Thank you Shuo brother.

Migratory Birds: Brother Ai Shuo~

Hmph, goosebumps are about to rise.

Shi Shuo rubbed his arms, and clicked on the chat history with Jiang Yixuan.

Because of jet lag, they say good morning and good night at different times.

But they are still sharing the interesting things they have encountered with each other, and every time they take time out for a short chat, he is very happy.

When he is free, Shi Shuo often sits by the window wearing earphones, and Jiang Yixuan's a cappella is played on loop in the earphones.

(End of this chapter)

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