The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 294: Shi Shuo, don't make trouble

Shi Shuo's smile was close in front of his eyes, Jiang Yixuan was slightly taken aback, "Shi Shuo?"

"I'm here."

She murmured, "It's not a dream..."

It was only at this time that he noticed the familiar environment, and he was in a trance for a while. It turned out that she had already returned, back home.

"It turns out that Xuanxuan's dreams are all about me. It seems that Xuanxuan really misses me."

Shi Shuo smiled happily again.

Jiang Yixuan shook his finger again, "Well, I didn't expect that I miss you so much."

My heart was about to burst out of my chest.

Shi Shuo lowered his head against her forehead, "I miss you too."

They watched quietly for a while, Shi Shuo finally remembered the food in the kitchen, he smiled and pulled Jiang Yixuan's hand.

"Get up first, or the food will be cold later."

"it is good."

Jiang Yixuan let him pull herself up, she simply washed her face and ate with Shi Shuo.

While Shi Shuo rolled up his sleeves to wash the dishes, Jiang Yixuan took a camera and looked for an angle to shoot.

"What pose do you want? I'll pose for you."

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows naughtily and spoke ambiguously.

Jiang Yixuan looked at the picture in the camera and shook her head dissatisfied, "I want a natural scene with a breath of life, don't turn around, just concentrate on what you are doing now."

Ah, I didn't hear it.

Kind of a pity.

Shi Shuo didn't show anything on his face, he smiled and said "Yes".

The detergent bubbles in the sink overflowed to Shi Shuo's forearm, and he was scrubbing seriously and focusedly with the plate, the halo was very beautiful at the moment.


Jiang Yixuan smiled with satisfaction.

After washing the dishes and wiping his hands clean, Shi Shuo took the small camera in her hand and began to study it.

"Why do you suddenly like taking pictures?"

"I met a casual Frenchman over there. He always had a camera around his neck and said that he likes to take pictures and write down all the good things."

"I thought it sounded good, so I bought a camera, and I did capture a lot of nice scenes."

Human memory is always limited.

Because new memories keep pouring in, those past memories will be buried in dust.

But photos are such a special thing. Most of the time when I see the above scenes, I can think of the laughter and sadness at the beginning, and the memory will become fresh again.

She wants to take pictures of the warm daily life, and she will feel better just by looking at it.

She was still immersed in emotions, and a click pulled her back from her thoughts.

Looking up, it was Shi Shuo.

"It's really beautiful."

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

She walked over with a smile, "I don't quite believe in your photography skills, let me see how you take pictures."

Unexpectedly good.

The composition is quite appropriate.

Was that what she was like just now?

"Then I'll help Xuanxuan record more."

"Don't, Shi Shuo, don't make trouble."

Shi Shuo took the camera and chased after Jiang Yixuan to take pictures. She covered her face with her hands and kept backing away.

She staggered and tilted her head back, Shi Shuo's pupils narrowed, strode forward and stretched out her hand to grab the back of Jiang Yixuan's head.

Feeling the warmth in his palm, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Jiang Yixuan looked back suspiciously, it turned out that she almost knocked on the door frame.

Shi Shuo followed the trend and took the man into his arms.

"I won't bother you anymore."

He was a little apprehensive.

It would definitely hurt if I bumped into it just now, and she has no strength.

Jiang Yixuan pinched his face, "What do you do with this expression, I'm fine, and bumps and bumps in life are inevitable."

Sometimes I don't know why I hit the corner of the table or the corner of the wall.

Sometimes the knees and elbows are bruised and purple, but I have no memory of where I met it.

It's nothing more than normal.

"I know."

But he didn't want her to be half hurt in front of him.

She had suffered enough, and he wanted her to be happy in the future.

Shi Shuo held her left hand, "Actually, I've wanted to ask you a long time ago, won't you get sick after wearing it for so long? Like this so much?"

Jiang Yixuan wore a ring and bracelet on her left hand, like the spirit stone bracelets of fairies that girls liked when they were young.

Seeing that Shi Shuo moved the ring to see if it was strangled, Jiang Yixuan immediately withdrew her hand and shook it in front of him, "Don't you think it looks pretty?"

"Good-looking is good-looking..."

Is it really comfortable to wear?I didn't even bother to pick it up when I went to sleep.

"Shi Shuo, you tonight..."

"Xuanxuan wants to drive me away?" Shi Shuo's eyes suddenly drooped, like a big dog acting coquettishly.

They haven't seen each other for a long time.

"No." Jiang Yixuan laughed, she was also reluctant to drive him away.

She went to the room and took out two bags, "I bought the ones I saw over there and thought they were suitable for you. If you rest here, they can just be used as a change of clothes."

Here are a couple of short-sleeved shirts and casual black trousers.

Jiang Yixuan thinks that Shi Shuo is just a clothes hanger for walking, so no matter what he wears, he will look good.Especially this kind of youthful design.

"Wash it first, this kind of day will dry quickly."

"I'm going to try it now!"

When Shi Shuo received the gift, he jumped up from the sofa happily, picked up a shirt and put it on.

Jiang Yixuan laughed.

so good.

"Does it look good?"


"What about this one?"

"It's also pretty!"

She chose the right size, he really has his own unique temperament in everything he wears.


Shi Shuo put his hands on the corner of his clothes and lifted a small part to reveal his thin abdominal muscles, "I'll try this short-sleeved dress again."

Jiang Yixuan's eyes startled and she immediately got up and walked to her room, "Then you change it slowly, I'm going to wash up."

Seeing her fleeing back, Shi Shuo laughed heartily, this laughter made Jiang Yixuan's ears burn.

He did it on purpose!

Tease her again!

Jiang Yixuan took off the bracelet on her hand and put it on the sink, gently stroked the ring finger of her left hand, and sighed softly.

She also has such a crazy side.

Clenching her left hand and placing it on her heart, feeling the rapid beating of her heart, Jiang Yixuan lowered her eyes, her eyelashes trembling.

Jiang Yixuan tapped her phone and told Tang Jiu about her return.

Ajiu: Why didn't you tell me in advance, so I can pick you up.

Jiang Yixuan: Shi Shuo came to pick me up, so I won't bother you and Xing Yan.

Ah Jiu: Hey, Shi Shuo is with you tonight?

Jiang Yixuan: Yes.

Ajiu: [bad smile.jpg] [bad smile.jpg]

Jiang Yixuan: What are you doing?

Ajiu: Ah, nothing, I just feel that the moonlight is really good tonight.

Jiang Yixuan walked out of the bedroom and went to the balcony to have a look. Many stars in the sky were real, but the moon did not even see its shadow.

Ajiu: Anyway, I wish you a happy night~
Ajiu: [Laughing.jpg]

Jiang Yixuan came to her senses and bit her lower lip lightly.


Every time.

The cool wind at night blew away the heat on her face a lot.

When I returned to the room, the first thing I saw was the bouquet of roses on the table.

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