The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 295 She will always be favored by him

Brushing her fingers over the rose to get its fragrance, she was startled by the sound of the camera taking pictures while she was immersed in the beauty.

Turning around, Shi Shuo bent his lips towards her.

There is tenderness in Peach Blossom's eyes.

He was wearing very simple white short sleeves and black trousers, looking refreshing and a little attractive.

Shi Shuo strode over to block her between himself and the table, chuckled, "Aren't you sleepy yet?"

In the afternoon, I slept very deeply.

"Probably because I slept in the afternoon and I still don't feel sleepy yet."

In fact, I was in a mess, thinking about other things.

"Well, let me listen to Xuanxuan's singing. I haven't heard you singing since Xuanxuan came back from school. I want to be the first to hear it!"

The young man raised his brows and eyes with an air of arrogance.

Jiang Yixuan responded with a smile, "Okay, I'll sing for you."

Shi Shuo wanted to lead her to sit on the sofa, but Jiang Yixuan took his hand instead, biting her lower lip as if embarrassed.

Shi Shuo softened his voice, "What's wrong?"

"Do you remember what I told you before, that I will give you a surprise when I come back?"

Shi Shuo nodded, "I remember."

It might be a while before he surprises her.

"I thought it was the clothes Xuanxuan bought for me. So there are other clothes? What are they?"

Shi Shuo's eyes were sparkling, overflowing with anticipation.

Jiang Yixuan slowly raised her clenched left hand.

The bracelet above is gone.

But a small fist can't see anything.

Shi Shuo took hold of her fingers bit by bit and separated them because she was nervous, held them lightly, and then...

His pupils trembled suddenly, and his fingertips landed on her ring finger with a slight trembling, and he stroked it, it was true.


Her slender fair skin has a black ring tattoo on her ring finger.

If you look carefully, you can see the shape of the moon and daylilies, and the letters "Suo" and "Xuan" are wrapped.

It can be seen that it is a well-designed unique pattern.

Shi Shuo didn't say a word, Jiang Yixuan couldn't see his expression at the moment with his long eyelashes drooping like crow's feathers, he stroked this tattoo over and over again distressingly.

Jiang Yixuan explained softly.

"You know, sometimes I have to wear a ring from the brand when I have to attend events or something, and there are some events where I can't wear jewelry, so I printed a ring."

"That way everyone will know that I belong."

"How about it, do you like this surprise?"

"I like it, I like it very much!" Shi Shuo's voice was slightly hoarse.

He knew that she was a good girl, and she must have made up her mind to make this decision.

How is she so good.

Obviously he wanted to spoil her all the time, but instead he was spoiled by her.

The eyes are slightly red.

He raised his eyes, his eyes full of distress, "Does it hurt?"

Seeing his expression, Jiang Yixuan was slightly stunned, and then smiled softly.

"It still hurts a little, but I thought you would be happy to see it, so I didn't feel much pain."

Jiang Yixuan held his face.

"Why this expression, smile, I want to make you happy."

He was happy, beyond words.

Shi Shuo hugged Jiang Yixuan tightly in his arms, tightly.

The boy's body temperature was transmitted through the thin shirt. Jiang Yixuan was in a state of excitement and calm at the moment, and she didn't know how to describe it.

Shi Shuo sniffed her breath greedily.

His Xuanxuan, because she didn't enjoy much love when she was young, now that she is with him, she wants to give him the best and all her love without reservation.

She understands the anxiety and lack of self-confidence when she lacks love.

She wanted him to be confident, and wanted him to know that even though she was in the entertainment circle, there was too much glitz in this circle, but he was the only one in her eyes and heart.

"Xuanxuan, I love you."

Shi Shuo pressed against her ear and opened his mouth, spraying hot air, before Jiang Yixuan could react, Shi Shuo kissed her.

The kiss was extraordinarily hot and powerful.

Jiang Yixuan pressed her waist against the table and was forced to clenched the edge of the table for support.

The roses on the table were gorgeous and charming, and the fresh and sweet smell lingered on the two of them, giving them its blessing.

Shi Shuo raised his hand and picked a flower and pinned it in Jiang Yixuan's hair.

The crimson rose made Jiang Yixuan's skin fairer, and her eyes full of water were more charming and charming.

He touched her forehead emotionally and intertwined with her breath, "Does Xuanxuan know what the flower language of the crimson rose is?"

She really doesn't know.

Without waiting for her to ask, Shi Shuo stroked Jiang Yixuan's bright red lips with his fingertips.

"Just want to be with you."

Xuanxuan, I just want to be with you.

The fiery kiss fell again, in the fragrance of flowers, whoever got drunk first, and then dragged the other party into this sweet joy.

Jiang Yixuan's loose clothes had a loose neckline, and she could see the whole scene with just one glance.

After enduring and enduring, Shi Shuo finally kissed him.

Even the cool night breeze couldn't extinguish the scorching heat.

Shi Shuo held Jiang Yixuan in his arms, kissed her and carried her back to the bedroom.

He kissed the tattoo on her finger over and over again, extremely softly.

Feeling the change in himself, Shi Shuo slowly clenched the bed sheet tightly, and tried his best to smile without aggression.

He raised his hand to cover Jiang Yixuan's blurred eyes that were kissed by him, "Xuanxuan, good boy, let's rest first."

"It's better to get more sleep if you're jet-lagged."

His Adam's apple rolled up and down, only to feel extremely thirsty, covering her eyes, he was finally able to look at her wantonly without fear of scaring her.

Shi Shuo took a deep breath, only to feel that the air he inhaled was still hot.

I have to go and blow dry.

Shi Shuo got up to leave, but his big hand was held by a small hand.

Looking back, Jiang Yixuan sat up a little bit, her fragrant shoulders slightly exposed, she was obviously shy, but her grip on his hand was tight.

She looked a little timid but still looked up at him.

Her voice was inaudible, but she could still hear it clearly in this quiet room with only the two of them.

"Actually... yes."

"I am willing."

Shi Shuo felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest after being teased by her, he was pleasantly surprised and helpless.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he kissed her again, with a soothing meaning.

"No, I... didn't buy it."

He didn't want to hurt her.

But when she said yes, he was already very happy.

Jiang Yixuan blinked, opened the bedside table, and there were two boxes inside.

Shi Shuo: "?"


Jiang Yixuan's face became hot, "Well, Tang Jiu prepared it for me, and she let it go after I told her I like you."

Shi Shuo frowned, thinking that she looked so cute.

"Xuanxuan, are you seducing me?"

Jiang Yixuan didn't look at him, "You can go too."

She pushed him twice as she spoke, but Shi Shuo held her hand instead, and smiled hoarsely, "It's late."

"Anyway..." Shi Shuo moved closer, "Xuanxuan is not sleepy."

"Sister, if you start shouting, I will stop."

Shi Shuo's breath invaded and wrapped her up. This time, he no longer hid, and told her over and over again that he loved her.

She gave him enough love, and he wouldn't let her feel uneasy.

With him, she is always favored.

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