The aroma of roses diffuses into the memory and awakens some secrets that have been hidden by time.

The girl whose eyes were red from crying stepped on the wooden chair and cautiously poked her head out from behind the wall full of roses, and saw the boy in school uniform and schoolbag walking farther and farther away.

There was something vaguely written on the strap of the schoolbag that was swaying in the wind.

The girl narrowed her eyes to see clearly.

The wind rolled up the petals and blew past her eyes. Between light and shadow, she could clearly see the words on it.

【Shi Shuo】

Slowly opened his eyes, in front of him was the handsome young man with sharp edges and corners, his pupils were reflected in amber, and her face was in his eyes.

"woke up?"

Shi Shuo held her hand and kissed her tattoo, "Want some water?"

Jiang Yixuan looked at him and nodded.

She followed Shi Shuo away, lifted the quilt to look, she was wearing dry pajamas, her little face was red again.

Windows open for ventilation.

She sat up and picked up the roses by the bed and sniffed, the fragrance was still there.

Shi Shuo handed it to her with warm water, and Jiang Yixuan held the cup in both hands while drinking in small sips while looking up at him.

Shi Shuo's heart softened, and he rubbed her hair, "Why do you keep looking at me like this after getting up? I didn't behave well last night?"


Jiang Yixuan choked on the water, Shi Shuo smiled brightly.

She glared at him, her ears warming.

Where is the performance bad...

It can only be said that it is a young man.

Jiang Yixuan drank more than half of the water before putting down the glass. She held Shi Shuo's hand, and Shi Shuo wrapped her hand in his hot palm.

"what happened."

Jiang Yixuan organized the language.

"Shi Shuo, you said that you saw me cry before, didn't you? Let me think about it."

Shi Shuo just looked at her and didn't speak.

"Behind the rose wall, do you know it's me?"

It seems that I really remembered it.

Shi Shuo pinched her fingers, "At that time, I didn't know you were behind the wall, but I just felt that the crying was too wronged, and it was very uncomfortable to hear."


Shi Shuo tilted his head and smiled, "Do you still remember that you gave a speech to freshmen as an outstanding graduate?"

Jiang Yixuan blinked her eyes.

It seems that there is such a thing.

At that time, she was in a bad mood, but she agreed to the teacher after the grades came out, so she went anyway.

It's just that she can't remember exactly what she said.


Shi Shuo leaned closer and called her with a slight smile, "Sister~"


"Although I don't have a good sense of pitch, my recognition of sounds is not bad~"

Shi Shuo imitated the tone of the school leader at the time and said: "Next, let's invite this year's outstanding graduate Jiang Yixuan to give a speech!"

Jiang Yixuan was amused by him.

He still remembers it so clearly.

"It was only then that I found out that the girl crying behind the wall was called Jiang Yixuan, she was so pretty."

Jiang Yixuan made a serious face on purpose, "So you've taken a fancy to my beauty."

"My sister didn't like my beauty? Huh?" He moved closer again, with a doting smile in his peach eyes, which was indeed very seductive.

She also took a fancy to it.


"That's not right, so you shouldn't be playing e-sports right after graduating from junior high school? Why did you still go to high school?"

"Well, my parents didn't agree with me at the time, so I went to high school for a few days and then I found an online e-sports job and ran away. It's not worthwhile to stay for two more days and have military training."

Jiang Yixuan frowned slightly.

Lightly reprimanded, "You are too bold, there are so many deceptive things on the Internet, you ran away without confirming it, what if it is fake? You will not be able to come back by then."

Shi Shuo smiled, "I'm also lucky."

"no next time!"

Jiang Yixuan smiled helplessly, it's okay that he is an adult now in his twenties, he was only so old at that time.

Back then, Shi Shuo was also a bold and impulsive boy.

Now he is a gentle and mature boy.

"Actually, I made you think that I was just teasing you. How do you know that the person who comforted you is mine?"

She also remembered his voice?
It shouldn't be, at that time in the game...she didn't recognize it.

"After you said goodbye to me, I stepped on the chair and looked out, and saw your back."

"And..." Jiang Yixuan's eyes were gentle, "Your name is on the strap of your schoolbag."

It's just that it's been too long, she only remembers and probably forgot this detail.

Just remembered last night.

Speaking of this Shi Shuo also remembered.

"Oh, it was embroidered by my mother. I told her not to embroider and she wouldn't listen. If Shi Can embroidered it, she would embroider it for me too, lest I say she was partial."

At that time, the little ghost was only in elementary school, and he was already in junior high school, so what kind of embroidery is he doing?

He wanted to change his schoolbag to carry his mother and refused to let her, saying that she had worked so hard to embroider for so long and if he dared not carry it to make him look good, his father would still help him.

The brat complimented his mother on how beautiful the embroidery was, which made his mother happy, and then scolded him for not knowing how to thank his mother for her kindness.

Facing the siege of three people, he had to disarm and surrender.

"Very good, let me know that the boy who comforted me is called Shi Shuo."

"Yes, very good." Shi Shuo agreed.

This is probably the fate between them.

In fact, they met after that, but she might not remember it.

It doesn't matter, this is enough.

"Shi Shuo, last time you told me that your dog is named Qiangwei, did you name it because of this incident?"

"Xuanxuan, then do you like me Qiangwei because you already liked me or because of this matter?"

They asked what they wanted to ask.

The four eyes met, there was a short silence, and they gave their own answers tacitly.


"the latter."

The moment the answer fell, they laughed happily.

Probably some things are really doomed in the dark.

"Shi Shuo, does your dog know about this?"

As a dog, you have to eat dog food.

It seems... there is no problem...

"Leave it alone!" Shi Shuo slowly stroked her ring tattoo with his fingertips, "When I have time next time, take me to get a tattoo exactly like yours."

"No need, there is nothing inconvenient for you."


He has never had a tattoo, only heard that it will be very painful, and he wants to experience it.

His Xuanxuan is much braver than he thought.


Facing Shang Shishuo's firm gaze, Jiang Yixuan sighed, "Okay."

Shi Shuo was a bit stubborn, even if she disagreed with him, he would probably observe carefully and go by himself, so why not go with her.

"Then now..."

Shi Shuo approached slowly, his aura invaded little by little, Jiang Yixuan subconsciously held her breath due to the handsome face so close at hand.

Seeing her like this, Shi Shuo laughed, straightened his waist and opened the distance.

"I made porridge, let's get up and drink some."

Jiang Yixuan was taken aback for a moment before realizing it.

He's teasing her again!

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