Chapter 298 She is the most liar

Shi Scumbag Shuo sneezed and rubbed his nose, feeling a little puzzled.

Did anyone speak ill of him?
Without thinking about it, he tapped the screen with his fingertips.

Shi Shuo: I'm at the club, are you up?Have you eaten yet?

Jiang Yixuan, who has been following the news, smiled and replied quickly.

Xuanxuan: Wake up, the food is heating up, have you eaten yet?

Shi Shuo: I ate it.

Xuanxuan: Well, good night.

Shi Shuo smiled.

Shi Shuo: Can you still sleep after sleeping for so long?
Xuan Xuan: Shi Shuo!
Xuanxuan: [Warning.jpg]

Shi Shuo clenched his hands into fists against his lips to suppress the unstoppable upward corners of his mouth, he found a cute emoji and sent it out.

Shi Shuo: [OK.jpg]

Shi Shuo: Go to bed early, good night.

Meng An came over and patted Shi Shuo on the shoulder, "Captain, your sister told me to tell you that she knows everything about you, and she can also be your strong backing."

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows, "What did you say?"

Meng An waved her hands again and again, "I didn't, it was she who asked me and saw that my expression didn't match her."


No wonder I suddenly sent him 1000 yuan and said some nonsense.

He regretted not taking it.

Shishuo taps Shican's chat page.

He said indifferently, "What kind of backing can the little girl be, she thinks that if you say this to me, I will be moved and give her a little more living expenses? It's a beautiful idea."

Meng'an has become accustomed to their brother and sister's mode of happy enemies.

"I think your sister really cares about you."

"Come on, that kid has a sweet tongue and is the best at deceiving people. Don't be fooled by her." Shi Shuo said in a disgusted tone.

"By the way, did she treat you to dinner?"

Don't swallow his money again.


Looking at Shi Shuo, he still added belatedly after watching Meng An, "It's a big meal."

That's about it.

"That, Captain, you..."

Shi Shuo shrugged his shoulders and let go of his hands on his shoulders, "Go to bed early, training will start tomorrow."

After Shi Shuo finished speaking, he left.

Meng An took out her phone and looked at it.

"Why don't you go to bed at eight o'clock?"

The nightlife hasn't even started at eight o'clock, but the peak game has begun.

Meng An hurried to play games.

Shi Shuo was also preparing to play two top games on the board, and after he finished four or five top games, he unexpectedly saw Jiang Yixuan online.

Shown in Teams.

He quickly changed his account and begged for an invitation.

Jiang Yixuan just wanted to play two games. She had never played this game abroad, and her hands were rusty.

How could he still have the status of "Shuo God's apprentice".

It happened that Song Yan was also there and invited her, so she agreed, and after a few clicks, she saw Shi Shuo's invitation.

She smiled twice and agreed.

As soon as Shi Shuo came in, his eyes fell on the first floor.

This profile picture is a bit familiar, where have I seen it before?

I can't remember for a while.

In the next second, Jiang Yixuan's voice came from the earphone.

"Well, Song Yan, is it okay for us to be in the third row?"

"Of course, this car is really an armored car if you have a job on it." Song Yan's voice was very gentle and polite, "Shi Shuo, long time no see."

Song Yan...

Shi Shuo's eyes narrowed slightly, he remembered the name, it was the "old classmate" who chased after Xuanxuan before!
"Hello." Shi Shuo responded with a meaningful sentence, "How did you change your ID?"

In the past, his ID was called "Unforgettable", so he must have been waiting for it!

Song Yan understood Shi Shuo's meaning and smiled helplessly.

"As you said, obsession does not necessarily mean that there will be echoes. I think my current ID is quite good."

"Shishuo, take good care of Yixuan, and wish you long-term happiness."

Shi Shuo snorted, "Of course."

There is no need for him to teach.

But it's good that he let go, otherwise he must be the only one who got hurt in the end anyway.

Jiang Yixuan felt the bursts of jealousy belatedly, she smiled, "Shi Shuo, don't you need to play the top game?"

"Not bad for those two points." Shi Shuo said, "I haven't played with you for a long time."

"Okay, then thank you, Master, for leading me to fly~"

"Should be!"

He was extremely happy to be called master, but it would be even better if he could change the title!

With Shi Shuo, there is no need for Song Yan to keep talking about Jiang Yixuan all the time.

Sometimes Shuo is here, even if he dies, Jiang Yixuan's Yao will live well.

There were only four buffs in the audience, two on Shi Shuo's body and two on Jiang Yixuan's Yao.

The jungler on the opposite side wants to cry but has no tears.

He has recognized Shi Shuo.

[All] Chase Faith Sprint (Monkey King): Shuo Shen, please leave me a buff, it's too robber!

[All] Ricunyuexie (Lan): I hold it in a fair way.

[All] Chasing faith sprint (Monkey King): That's right, I took it in front of me!

This is really indescribably sad.

Because Shi Shuo's economy was too high, he would die if he saw him, so Monkey King didn't dare to come over.

After failing to keep the buff, Monkey King began to confess his love.

[All] Chasing faith sprint (Sun Wukong): Shuo God, I really like you.

[All] Chasing Faith Sprint (Sun Wukong): Shuo Shen, come on for the next autumn competition!
[All] Chase Faith Dash (Monkey King): I will always support you!
He is still asking for a group photo or something, a proper male fan.

[All] Ricunxiyue (Lan): Okay, thank you.

Looking at these conversations, Jiang Yixuan said softly, "Look, many people are looking forward to you."

Shi Shuo gave a soft "hmm", "I know."

There are many sunspots, and there are many people who support it.

He is trying.

With Shi Shuo joining in, it was very easy to win the next few rounds.

Song Yan saw that the time was almost up, so he said to play first, and then play again when he has time, and added friends with Shi Shuo before leaving.

Shi Shuo wore earphones, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle.

"Are you still fighting?"

"Stop beating, I'm a little tired." Jiang Yixuan's tone was a little tired.

She really felt like she couldn't wake up today.

Shi Shuo lifted his chin, inexplicably a little proud.

"Then you should rest quickly, and there will be activities later."


During the past few months she went abroad, she had made it all up, and all the activities she took on in the future had to be recorded and made up.

Tomorrow, I will take another day off and start working after the traces on my body disappear.

"Xuanxuan, good night."

"Good night, Shi Shuo."

After the two said good night to each other, they didn't immediately hang up the phone, and listened to each other's voices and smiled softly.


In the dark night, wherever the moon shines, there is a place as dark as a swamp.

The piercing voice rang in Jiang Nianzi's ears over and over again, making her clenched the folding knife in her hand irritably.

"Let me tell you, if I don't see the money, I will announce the good deeds you have done, and let them see what kind of goods you are!"

"Auntie still loves you. As long as you feel sorry for Auntie, Auntie won't say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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