Chapter 299 I hate her!
Jiang Xiu alternated warnings and gentleness, his tone was philistine, and he had only one purpose.

ask for money.

Ever since she couldn't bear Jiang Xiu to come to the crew to harass her and interfere with her normal work and give money, Jiang Xiu has never finished.

As long as you have no money, ask her, and catch her to pluck the wool by herself.

Jiang Xiu didn't care that she was in a bad situation at all!

What kind of aunt, what kind of relative!
The curtains were drawn tightly, not even a ray of moonlight could penetrate, and the room was completely dark, only the light from the mobile phone reflected Jiang Nianzi's distorted and ferocious face.

Being possessed by the blood-sucking worm, she was in so much pain that she couldn't get rid of it.

Strong hatred accumulated in her heart.

She hates Jiangxiu.

Hate her as her aunt but only treat her as a cash machine and threaten her in the most despicable way!

She hates Chen Qiuyan!
Why did she throw her to her father when she was born, why can't she give her the same good life as Jiang Yixuan!

I hate her for being ignorant and stupid, why is her appetite for feeding Da Jiangxiu now implicating her!
Everything about hating her in the past but saying that she was her daughter was all lying to her. Now her heart is on Jiang Yixuan, and she doesn't even want to think about who is raising her now!
She hates Jiang Yixuan the most!

She is obviously a sister born of the same mother, and her life is so difficult, why is Jiang Yixuan able to have a smooth sailing!
She already has everything!

Chen Qiuyan's concern.

He has status, popularity and works in the music world!

No shortage of money!
And such a good boyfriend!

But what about her, she has nothing and still needs to be treated like this!
So unfair!
Jiang Yixuan also had to lose something.

If it wasn't for her, Jiang Xiu wouldn't have found her either!All of this is Jiang Yixuan's fault!
As long as she is willing to support her a little bit, she won't be doing such a difficult job now, she is afraid that she will step her down, so she has been unwilling to help her!

right!That's it!

Vicious woman!
These days, the tangible and intangible oppression from all sides made her feel dark.

What's wrong with the scenery she just wants to live!

If it can't be done, then pull Jiang Yixuan down too!

Yes, pull her down!
This idea became more and more crazy, and her eyes seemed to be glowing with blood.


Tang Jiu came to deliver three meals to her the next day, and his eyes widened when he saw the faint marks on her neck.

"As expected of me, what I gave you will come in handy!"

Jiang Yixuan turned her face away in embarrassment and held the water glass.

Ah Jiu was still so straightforward.

"By the way, how do you feel?"

"Cough cough!"

Jiang Yixuan choked on the water, Tang Jiu hurriedly patted her on the back, but her words were all teasing.

"Why are you so excited, why don't I just ask casually."

Jiang Yixuan looked at her helplessly, "Don't make trouble."

She spoke vaguely, "I didn't ask you how you felt back then."

Tang Jiu snorted, "Do you want to know? I can tell you! Ask me!"

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

No, she doesn't want to know.

Jiang Yixuan helped her forehead helplessly, "Let's talk about work, what is my next plan?"

Tang Jiu stopped teasing her, and someone would be shy again.

"There's a magazine shoot tomorrow."

Jiang Yixuan is good-looking and has a special temperament. After wearing any clothes on her, she feels better, so many people come to her for magazine shoots.

Jiang Yixuan felt that she had to make up for her time, and she still had a studio.

So I will pick up when I am not busy.

Jiang Yixuan nodded, "OK."

She has also been out of work for a long time, and it is time to start.

"Later, I also picked up a quieter soundtrack for you, which should be the type you like."

"it is good."

After resting enough, Jiang Yixuan went to work, and Shi Shuo also started training for the autumn competition at the club, so he didn't have time.

The two probably haven't seen each other for a while.

A lot of fans have already gathered at the scene.

While Jiang Yixuan was resting, the fans handed Tang Jiu the Starbucks they bought.

Rao has said it many times but they still insist.

Tang Jiu was helpless when the bag was forced into his hand.

There is also a name on the cup.

It is mainly the names of important people, and the others are not posted.

Jiang Yixuan's, Tang Jiu's, the director's...

They are all bought according to their preferences.

Tang Jiu brought it in and asked the staff to take it by herself. Jiang Yixuan sighed slightly when she saw it, "Didn't you tell me everything, why give it back."

Tang Jiu laughed, "I didn't give it away before, but this time it might be because I haven't seen you for a long time, so I gave it up again. It's all stuffed in my hands, and I can't return it."

"I'll take it this time, and then I'll transfer the money to them so that they don't have to do it next time."

Jiang Yixuan nodded.

Just listen to her songs, nothing else is needed.

Tang Jiu took out Jiang Yixuan's cup and handed it to her, "Drink?"

Jiang Yixuan shook her head.

She is very energetic now, and now prefers to drink lemon tea.

Although drinking lemon during the day will turn black.

"Then put it here." Tang Jiu casually put the Starbucks back into the bag, not noticing that the name on it had fallen to the ground and gone somewhere.

The stylist came to call Jiang Yixuan, she went to do the styling.

There are still many fans gathered around waiting for Jiang Yixuan's filming to end.

In the far corner of the crowd was a man wearing a black hat and mask sitting there.

The brim of the hat covered the light, and there was a vicious light in the occasionally raised eyes, and she stared firmly in the direction of the door.

It should be out soon.

The excitement in his eyes grew more and more intense.

A staff member came late. She heard that Jiang Yixuan's fans bought drinks for everyone and came over. After asking Tang Jiu for confirmation, she looked at the bag.

There were two more glasses in the bag, so she took one casually.

Indeed a little thirsty.

She took a sip and suddenly felt that the taste was not right, so she put the cup on the table and vomited.

Seeing her look like this, Tang Jiu immediately followed her in confusion.

"what happened?"

The little sister vomited for a while and her face turned pale, "Well, there is a smell of paint in it."

"What?" Tang Jiu was startled, "How much did you drink? I'll take you to the hospital."

"Just one bite."

"Then go and see."

If swallowed, it must be dealt with seriously.

Tang Jiu took her out and asked someone to take her to the hospital first, and she took a sip of the Starbucks cup and opened the lid.

The smell of coffee was still strong, but she dipped her finger into the floating white thing.

It is indeed paint.

There is no problem with so many cups, why is it just this cup...


Tang Jiu squinted her eyes hard, this cup seemed to be for Yi Xuan!
She looked at the body of the cup, and the sticker had fallen off, but the merchant's label was still there. This was Jiang Yixuan's preference that everyone knew.

Not the same as another normal glass.

She looked at another glass, which was normal.

So... this matter is aimed at Yixuan?

She refrained from speaking out about it for the time being, and only told her after Jiang Yixuan's filming was over.

(End of this chapter)

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