Jiang Yixuan immediately asked about the employee's situation, and Tang Jiu said that it was no big deal to just take a sip and vomit in time.

Jiang Yixuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Open those two glasses of Starbucks and take a look.

After sitting for a long time, the paint has layered with the coffee, which is very obvious.

Tang Jiu: "I've already taken a photo and asked the support club. They said that several people bought it at the time, so I still need to ask."

"I think there should be no problem with the store and the support club."

Some of the fans are acquaintances.

There were indeed a lot of fans at the scene, maybe it was someone who got in and made a move.

Tang Jiu leaned on the back of the chair in distress.

"It shouldn't be. You've only been back for two or three days, and you haven't offended anyone. What are you doing!"

Who the hell came up with such a wicked thing!

Jiang Yixuan had a vague intuition, but she was not sure.

She said softly, "Let's wait for news from the support club first."

"Well, that's the only way it can be."

The news from the support club was also sent.

It is said that people have asked, and there was a person who looked a little strange at the time.

Wearing a black hat and a black mask.

When I asked her at the time, she said that she had a lot of rashes on her face and she didn't want to be seen by others, and the badge of the support club was indeed pinned to her clothes. They didn't think much of it and told her to go to the hospital for a look.

She was also the one who helped with the shopping.

There is also a photo.

The thin girl leaned against the mottled wall, as if she was looking in the direction of the door.

It's so tightly covered that you can't see your face at all.

Tang Jiu read it out, "They said that this person waited outside for a while and then left."


Seeing Jiang Yixuan's thoughtful look, Tang Jiu asked curiously, "Yixuan, are you thinking of someone you can match up with?"

"Not sure." Jiang Yixuan said calmly, "But there are not many who can do this if they have entanglements with me."

"You mean..." Tang Jiu also thought of it.

"Go check it out."

"Okay, I get it." Tang Jiu clenched his fists angrily, "If she really did it, see how I teach her a lesson! It's too much!"

The most important thing for Yixuan is her voice.

Jiang Yixuan looked out the window at the fast-moving scenery.

Last time she reminded Jiang Xiu that she still has a niece, and she didn't know how Jiang Nianzi was doing during this time.

Hua Mingce no longer targets her.

Paying too much didn't pull her down, and now she values ​​the interests of the company more.

Dealing with her again is not worth the loss, she chose to die down.

But now, here comes another one.

Really, troublesome.


Jiang Nianzi took off her hat vigorously and threw it on the bed. She tore the mask and threw it into the trash can.

She lay restlessly on the bed.

Why is she so lucky every time!In this way, I didn't drink that cup of stuffed stuff!
The resentment and jealousy in his eyes were about to turn into substance.

Jiang Nianzi clenched his fist and hammered hard on the bed twice, clenching his teeth.

She wants to see if she will always be so lucky!

The phone rings.

She glanced at the caller ID and threw it aside irritably to let it ring by itself.

But soon it rang again.

Jiang Nianzi's emotions were about to explode, she turned off the phone vigorously and put it on the bedside table, turned over and leaned on her arm.

Why did she suffer all this!
It's all Jiang Yixuan's fault!

Jiang Nianzi's current situation can be answered by just asking.

She wasn't doing well.

There were still a lot of resources before, but after the first web drama did not perform well, Hua Mingce released her directly.

She doesn't have a job right now.

Before, Jiang Xiu went to her crew to make troubles, but she didn't go later, so she didn't need to think about it carefully to know that Jiang Xiu had probably gotten the benefits she wanted.

Jiang Yixuan looked at these messages from Tang Jiu with no expression, which was similar to what she thought.

So this is...

Do you feel that she is sorry for her again?
If there is a first time, there will be a second time. If you walk a lot on water, there will always be times when your shoes will get wet.

They didn't make it public.

So as not to startle the snake.

The night was getting darker and darker, Jiang Nianzi, who was curled up on the bed without even eating dinner, slowly opened his eyes and sneered, he really didn't care about her.

She touched the phone and turned it on. At this time, that person should not call again.

A dozen red missed calls made her eyes hurt.

She flipped through Weibo and searched for keywords, but no one was talking about it.

Jiang Nianzi frowned slightly, it shouldn't be, she saw someone leaving in a hurry with another person, she should have been drunk by that person.

Didn't that person tell Jiang Yixuan and the others about this?

Do you want to swallow it as if you are unlucky?

Jiang Nianzi thought for a while and threw the phone aside, no matter what his reason was, she would not let Jiang Yixuan continue to go on smoothly like this!
The black seeds in her heart twitched, and the black thorns wrapped her whole heart, tightening with every beat.

Pain always reminded her to act.

Recording audio comprehensive scene.

This time, I didn't accept anything from the fan club.

Jiang Yixuan really wanted to see what other ways that person could come up with to create trouble for her.

It was already night when the recording ended, and when Jiang Yixuan left the scene, a person suddenly rushed out and threw something at her.

The moment Tang Jiu saw the figure, she rushed over to block Jiang Yixuan.

All the red paint was spilled on Tang Jiu's hair and body.

The man was about to run away after finishing his work, but the bodyguards at the scene rushed over and held him down.


Jiang Yixuan checked her situation worriedly, "How are you?"

Tang Jiu shook her head, "I'm fine, it's just some paint, I didn't splash it on my face."

The hair is all covered.

Jiang Yixuan glared at that man, the bodyguard had already removed the hat and mask from his face, he was a thin man.

"Why are you splashing paint on me?"

The man was very arrogant when he was restrained, "I saw you were upset and wanted to splash it, so I just splashed it, what's wrong!"

Jiang Yixuan examined his eyes, and said in a steady voice, "Call the police."

Someone will take care of the rest, so she hurriedly took Tang Jiu to a special shop to clean up the paint on her hair and change her clothes.

After dealing with it, Xing Yan called and asked about her situation worriedly.

After all, this matter has already been on the hot search.

Tang Jiu comforted him a few words and took two selfies on the spot and sent them to let him not worry, she is fine.

After the phone call, Tang Jiu pinched Jiang Yixuan's face, "I was the one who got splashed, what are you doing with that expression, just smile."

How can I laugh.

"Okay, I'm fine." Tang Jiu turned the topic back to the matter itself, "But this time it's different from what we thought."

People from the support club said that it was a woman that day.

It was a man who made trouble today.

Thinking of Tang Jiu being splashed with paint, Jiang Yixuan's eyes turned frosty, "Ajiu, let's go and have a look."

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