Chapter 320 I am here
A man should have a man's responsibility.

Moreover, he didn't want her to think that he was a younger brother.

She felt insecure the most after going through that kind of thing, so he had to be more mature in front of her to make her feel that he could be relied on by her.

Jiang Yixuan's eyes were full of emotion.

Shi Shuo lightly patted her forehead, "Okay, beauty can't be eaten as food, let's eat first. I'll let you see enough later."

"Shi Shuo!" Jiang Yixuan was slightly annoyed.

She pulled her hand out to serve the dishes and didn't talk to him anymore, she always liked to tease her.

Shi Shuo laughed and took off his apron.

That's good, you don't have to worry about anything in front of him, you don't have to worry too much, you just need to be happy.

At night, Jiang Yixuan wanted to run away again, but this time Shi Shuo caught her.

"Don't let me sleep with you today, my hand is healed."

"Obviously not, don't try to deceive me."

Jiang Yixuan closed the door forcefully, but Shi Shuo pressed against the door and refused to let her close, then squeezed in and hugged her and put her on the soft bed.

Jiang Yixuan pushed Shi Shuo's chest, "You, get up. Go back to your room and sleep."

"No, I want to sleep with my girlfriend."

"You, your hands are not well yet..."

"No problem."


Seeing that Jiang Yixuan was about to say no, Shi Shuo directly blocked her mouth and kissed her until she couldn't breathe.

The desk lamp radiated warm light, illuminating the faces of both of them very softly.

On the wall, two shadows overlapped.

"Shi Shuo!" Jiang Yixuan's voice softened after being kissed by him.

It was obviously a fierce word, but she said it as if she was acting like a baby.

"Xuanxuan, sister~"

It's been a long time since Shi Shuo called her that, and when she heard it suddenly, her heart trembled and her waist went limp.

Shi Shuo keenly noticed her changes, and his eyes moved.

He moved closer, his pale pink eyes were like peach blossoms in full bloom, his voice was hoarse and sexy.

"Sister, let me stay, okay?"

Jiang Yixuan bit her lip and didn't want to compromise.

"Sister ~ good sister ~"

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

She glared at him angrily, without deterrence, suddenly grabbed her neck and quickly gagged his mouth.

Stop barking, stop barking.

She really has nothing to do with him.

Shi Shuo's eyes flashed a sly smile, which deepened the kiss and prevented her from leaving.

Since he sent it up by himself, it is up to him to decide whether to let her go or not.


Jiang Yixuan got up and found that she was still hugged by Shi Shuo, her face was slightly hot, but she couldn't help looking at him.

What Shi Shuo gave birth to was really pretty.

She is a beauty when her eyes are closed, but she is a little more confident when she opens her eyes.

Everything looks good.

She actually really liked looking at him, it was pleasing to the eye.

While watching happily, Shi Shuo suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes met...

Jiang Yixuan immediately closed her eyes, and then felt a little unnecessary.

"you're awake."

"Wake up early."

"You pretend to be asleep!"

"If I don't pretend to be asleep, how will I know that my sister likes to look at me so much?"

"Don't call."

Jiang Yixuan hurriedly covered his mouth, and stopped calling her sister.

Shi Shuo held her hand and kissed her palm.

"Are there any events today?"

"Yes, how about you?"

"I have it too. I'll go back to the club later. It may take two days to come. You have to remember to eat on time and rest early."

"Got it, you've said it many times, I remember it."

Shi Shuo reluctantly kissed Jiang Yixuan's brow, then landed on her lips, and kissed again.


After winning the championship, there are still some interviews and activities to be done.

When Shi Shuo returned to the club, his teammates came over to tease him, saying that he was really proud of himself.Shi Shuo didn't refute, but was happy in his heart.

After attending the visit event and the night of champions, it's not a big deal for a while.

There will be an awards show later on.

It is the award that sums up the year.

Players of the Year, Most Popular Players and Clubs of the Year, as well as awards, large and small, will be presented.

Just like last year.

This time the alliance invited Jiang Yixuan to perform.

The two met at the scene and both laughed.

The first time Jiang Yixuan came to this stage was as a guest of an exhibition match, she left after playing a few rounds, and was unable to see Shi Shuo win the award at the scene.

One is because of their status, and the other is that they were not that familiar at that time.

But this time, she could watch from the sidelines.

The best jungler of the year, LXY has no worries.

The most popular player of the year, LXY has no worries.

Most Popular Club of the Year, LXY.

Even though Shi Shuo barely played for a season, he was still the most popular, and the club he came to became the most popular club in one fell swoop.

In the past, this award has always belonged to AST.

Shi Shuo was powerful and popular.

He deserves it.

Jiang Yixuan applauded him from the audience, Shi Shuo has always been so outstanding.

After receiving the award, the trophy was taken over by the migratory bird next to him.

Shi Shuo didn't care much and said, "Haven't you gotten tired of watching it yet?"

The migratory bird said directly: "Brother Shuo, haven't you got enough?"

Both of them smiled.

This award is indeed without suspense.

After the awards ceremony, every club will officially go home for the new year. This is Jiang Yixuan's last event.

As soon as it was over, Shi Shuo couldn't wait and ran to Jiang Yixuan with the suitcase he had packed a long time ago.

His teammates laughed at him when he left.

Shi Shuo didn't care at all, and let them envy him.

Jiang Yixuan was tinkering in the musical instrument room, when Shi Shuo's eyes fell on the glass cabinet next to him.

There are some trophies in it, and his championship ring box.

"Xuanxuan, didn't you say you want to reciprocate courtesy?"

Jiang Yixuan shook her hand, "Isn't that counted?"

Shi Shuo held her finger and gently stroked the tattoo, "Forget it! This one is the best!"

Jiang Yixuan said softly: "Have you bought a plane ticket? When?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Then why don't you accompany me to buy some gifts tomorrow? What do your parents like? If you don't know, ask Cancan?"

Shi Shuo pinched her face, "Don't be so nervous, I'll buy it tomorrow and my parents won't care about it."

"I took you back to let my parents see what a good girlfriend I have found, and I also want to have two more elders who care about you, not to make you nervous."

"Although my parents don't listen to me very much, they do listen to that brat's words. She also protects you."

"I know, Cancan is fine."

Last time we added WeChat to each other, but Shi Can never bothered her frequently, only occasionally asked some questions, and they were very polite.

She is a very cute girl.

"Is she nice to me?"

"Hello! You are the best!"

Why are you still jealous with your own sister?

Shi Shuo hugged her in his arms and comforted her in a low voice, "Don't panic, I'm here for everything."

"Well, I believe you."

(End of this chapter)

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