Chapter 321
When Jiang Yixuan woke up the next day, Shi Shuo was no longer by her side, she looked around the room, he seemed to have gone out.

When he came back, he was carrying things, big and small, in his hand.

"You are..."

"Don't you want to go to my house empty-handed? I went and bought everything back, so you don't have to go out."

"Ah?" Jiang Yixuan hurried over, "You don't even call me, I'll be with you."

"No, it's too cold outside."

As Shi Shuo said, he put his cold hand on Jiang Yixuan's neck, and Jiang Yixuan shrank her neck from the cold.

Shi Shuo laughed, "You know it's cold."

This winter is colder than last year. Although there is no snow, the wind blows to the bones, and clothes can't stop it.

Seeing that his hands were turning red from the cold, Jiang Yixuan quickly helped him to warm them up.

"It's really cold."

His ears were also red from the cold, Jiang Yixuan pinched her heartily, "I won't be cold if I help you warm."

Shi Shuo gave a heavy "Mmm" and buried his face in her shawl and rubbed it against her, like a big coquettish dog, Jiang Yixuan smiled dotingly twice.

Jiang Yixuan didn't warm his hands but instead covered her own hands cold. Fortunately, the air conditioner was turned on high, and it became warm again after a while.

"What did you buy? Tell me."

"it is good."

Shi Shuo opened the bags he bought back, and took out the contents.

"Skin care products?"

"Yes, my mother pays the most attention to skin care and makeup, and I don't know how to ask the counter."

Jiang Yixuan took a look, the brand was indeed good, she wrote it down secretly.

Another bag contained tea and Lego.

"Your dad likes to drink tea?"

"Well, I usually make tea and drink it, and this Lego is also for my dad."

Jiang Yixuan took a look at Lego, "Your dad still likes to play with this."

"There is a saying that a man is a teenager until he dies."

The two looked at each other and laughed happily.

"Then I'll buy you Lego when you're old."

Shi Shuo's eyebrows and eyes were gentle, his Xuanxuan had already thought about it for so long, and she really put him in her future life plan.

"I don't like to play Lego."

"As long as Xuanxuan is with me, that's enough."

Jiang Yixuan thought for a while and leaned in his arms and looked up at him, her eyes sparkling, "Then I will play games with you in the future, and see if you can still take me flying."

"Okay, it's enough to fly you."

"Why, do you think I'm a dish?"

"That's my dish too."

Jiang Yixuan glared at him, she really missed what she said, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about him.


Shi Shuo put half of the contents of the suitcase into the wardrobe.

It's a morning flight.

He got up early to make breakfast for her, and after the two of them finished eating, they took a taxi to pick up Shi Can at the school gate.

As soon as Shi Can got into the car, she gave Jiang Yixuan a hug.

"Sister-in-law, I miss you so much, I'm glad you went back with us."

Jiang Yixuan hugged her back with a smile, "How is Cancan at school?"

"Very good, don't worry, sister-in-law, I will never embarrass you!"

Before Jiang Yixuan said anything, Shi Shuo snorted coldly while sitting in the co-pilot, "If you want to lose face, you will also lose your own face. It has nothing to do with my Xuanxuan. Don't put money on your face."

Shi Can glared at Shi Shuo sadly, and knew that her brother couldn't spit ivory out of his mouth.

She made a face at Shi Shuo.

"A little bit!"

Shi Shuo looked away in disgust, "It's so ugly."

Shi Can hugged Jiang Yixuan's arm tightly, "If I'm ugly, you'll be fine."

"Tsk, if I say something, you should say it. I have been here for so long and I don't know how to call someone. There are no rules."

"How can I have!"

Seeing that the two siblings were about to quarrel, Jiang Yixuan smiled and pressed the back of Shi Can's hand.

"Don't be angry, your brother said this because he was jealous, angry that you didn't call him. In fact, your brother really cares about you."

Shi Can blinked her eyes and leaned over curiously, "Brother, are you jealous?"

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows contemptuously, "You think so?"

Shi Can retracted, "I don't think so."


Shi Can turned her head and complained to Jiang Yixuan, Jiang Yixuan smiled helplessly, these two brothers and sisters really...

She glanced at Shi Shuo.

It's obvious that he cares, but he just doesn't admit it.

Thinking about it carefully, at first he seemed to be duplicity towards her, always using other excuses to cover up his true thoughts.

But still a little different.

He was... afraid that she would run away if she knew his intentions.

I do know her quite well.

If there was nothing later, she would have noticed her thoughts at that time, and she might really find a way to unilaterally cut off all ties with him.

Jiang Yixuan lowered her eyes and smiled lightly.

Get off the plane.

Jiang Yixuan stood there full of apprehension and nervousness about the unknown.

She hasn't really gotten along with her elders for a long time, and she doesn't know how to get along with them...

"What's wrong?" Shi Shuo took her hand and put it in his warm pocket.

"I'm... still a little nervous."

After all, they were Shi Shuo's parents. Seeing that they were brought up so well, they must have a good relationship with them. She hoped that his parents still liked her, and she didn't want him to have any conflicts with his parents because of her.

Because I care, I can't stop thinking about it.

"Fool, didn't you say that I'm here?"

Shi Shuo squeezed her fingers.

"And me!" Shi Can poked her head out of her side and smiled sweetly.


She was still very nervous along the way, but when she reached the door of his house, a gentle and decent smile immediately appeared on her face.

Shi Can opened the door and came in first.

"Dad, Mom, my brother and sister-in-law and I are back."

Sitting on the sofa, Shi's parents immediately got up and walked over, "I'm back."

Jiang Yixuan smiled gently and politely, "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Father Shi nodded and smiled kindly.

Shi Mu also said very gently: "Hey, Yixuan, come in quickly, it's too cold outside."

Shi Shuo handed them the bag in his hand, "Dad, Mom, Xuanxuan bought this for you."

"Go back to your own house and buy some gifts, you brat don't know how to persuade him."

Shi Shuo nodded, "Well, it's my fault."

The speed of admitting mistakes is simply not too fast.

Shi Mu glared at him and told them to come in first, Jiang Yixuan was still a little embarrassed and at a loss, Shi Can had already put the suitcase away and happily ran over to drag her to her room.

She was chattering, her smile was as bright as a little sun, and Jiang Yixuan was also infected by her.

Only then did Shi Mu look at Shi Shuo, "You have a good eye this time."

"I've always had good eyesight."

"Smelly boy, quickly take the things in."


Shi Shuo took all his things to his room, and was asked to choose dishes together without even drinking his saliva when he came out.

Shi's father looked at Shi Can's closed door frequently, with emotion and love in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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