Chapter 333
After reading the script, Xiang Guanzhi went back to the hotel, and she took a shower.

With both hands propped on the sink, the mirror is covered by water vapor and only a rough outline can be seen.

Xiang Guanzhi squeezed the edge of the sink, and after a while, she raised her head to wipe off the moisture on the mirror.

At that time, jealousy took over her mind, and she said that without thinking carefully. Now that she thinks about it, she really shouldn't.

You shouldn't bring your personal emotions to work, in front of so many people.

It's just a foregone conclusion now.


After contemplating for a while, I looked up again, and the mirror surface was covered by water vapor again.

She strode out of the bathroom.

Jiang Yixuan was still busy with her work, and didn't go into the details of why Xiang Guanzhi targeted her so much, but someone told her a possibility.

A week after what happened that day, Zhao Faner sent her a photo.

It was Song Yan and Xiang Guanzhi.

They didn't know what they were talking about, Xiang Guanzhi kept looking at Song Yan tenderly, it was really hard not to let people think too much with that look.

Tang Jiu leaned over and saw this photo and immediately patted his thigh.

"Yixuan, you have come from nowhere!"

"Isn't this Xiang Wanzhi who likes Song Yan?"

Jiang Yixuan searched, and the show has already started, and the main actors can be found on Weibo.

The third male actor is Song Yan.

This fairy tale puppet is an adaptation of a big ip. People who read the comments said that the third male and the first female have a very touching emotional scene, and the third male has a very good personality.

If he can act well, it may explode.

It just so happens that his appearance matches the description in the book, so many book fans are still looking forward to it.

Jiang Yixuan was also a little speechless leaning on the sofa, "It's possible."

"Don't she know that you already have a boyfriend? You and Song Yan are just friends, okay?"

"This can all affect you. I don't think this scene is as tolerant as others say. It's just very narrow-minded."

"Okay, stop talking." Jiang Yixuan motioned Tang Jiu to keep her voice down.

There is no one in the room now, but that doesn't mean the walls have ears.

Be careful talking about right and wrong behind your back.

Only then did Tang Jiu realize that she looked around and lowered her voice, "Yixuan, you are lying on the ground for no reason. You obviously didn't do anything, and you are hated again."

"Why is she competing with you here? Competing with you can't make Song Yan like her."

Jiang Yixuan smiled secretly, "How do you know that Song Yan doesn't like her? She's also pretty good."

"You need good looks, you need fame and money."

Tang Jiu frowned when she heard that she was still praising Guanzhi so much.

"It didn't affect me anyway. What if Song Yan really likes her. Now that I know the reason, I'll just find a chance to explain it later."

Anyway, Song Yan was nice to her before, and he was nice to her later.

That time, he still wanted to explain clearly to Shi Shuo that he didn't want him to misunderstand, and if he really had someone he liked, she didn't want that person to misunderstand him either.

Just to explain, nothing.

After thinking about it, Tang Jiu knew the reason for Jiang Yixuan's attitude.

She sighed, "Yixuan, you haven't changed at all."

"It didn't have a big impact on me anyway, didn't it."

"Okay, if you don't care, I won't be entangled. I just hope that this will not happen again next time."

"Hope it..."

(End of this chapter)

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