The past of Lantern Festival is Valentine's Day.

Jiang Yixuan was very busy in the filming of Xinyin Zong, so she told Shi Shuo in advance.

Now that their careers are still at their peak, they have to seize the opportunity to leave more traces that belong to them, and in retrospect, it is not a waste of time.

When Jiang Yixuan was doing styling, the delivery man brought a large bouquet of bright red flowers.

Everyone in the dressing room cast envious glances.

"Yixuan, is this a gift from your boyfriend?"

Holding the flowers, the fragrance is pleasant, adding a touch of bright color to the dressing room.

There is a small card on it.

Xuanxuan, Happy Valentine's Day.

It's his handwriting.

"En." Jiang Yixuan nodded happily, and the staff in the dressing room praised her even more.

Before, no one thought that Jiang Yixuan would find a younger brother who was in the e-sports circle, but now it seems that they are really sweet.

The makeup artist looked at it seriously for a while, "Hey, this doesn't seem to be a rose."

A crimson bouquet, and it was Valentine's Day again, so they automatically thought it was roses.

Jiang Yixuan smiled, this was a tacit understanding between the two of them, she said softly, "This is Qiangwei, my favorite."


Jiang Yixuan was a little embarrassed by the bursts of booing, but she was also really happy in her heart.

She has to work, Shi Shuo has to train, but he still thinks about her.

Tang Jiu pinched her face, "Yixuan, you're smiling like a fool."

Jiang Yixuan opened her eyes wide and brushed her hand away, "No way."

"Not yet, isn't it just a bunch of flowers?"

Jiang Yixuan hugged the flowers and smelled the fragrance and said calmly: "I think it was the first Valentine's Day when you and Xing Yan were together..."

"Stop it, I was wrong." Tang Jiu quickly stopped, not wanting to be repeated by Jiang Yixuan's silly black history.

She looked at Jiang Yixuan in the mirror and smiled gratifiedly, then sighed again, "The little brother is really romantic now, and your relationship with him has become romantic."

When Jiang Yixuan came back from abroad, when she saw the tattoo on her ring finger, she was so surprised that she could stuff two eggs in her mouth.

The always well-behaved Jiang Yixuan.

It's the kind of child from other people's family that the parents say.

But she actually went to get a tattoo.

Even though she already knew that she cared about Shi Shuo very much, she was still shocked when she saw that Shi Shuo was already so important to her.

I really hope that there will not be any misunderstandings and quarrels between them, and they will always be happy.

Yixuan used to be stingy with her affection, but now she gave all her love to Shi Shuo.

If this love fails...

She might not believe in love anymore.

Jiang Yixuan lowered her head and couldn't see the complexity in Tang Jiu's eyes. She smiled and teased, "Isn't Xing Yan more and more romantic after being with you?"

"We're all being affected."

"Yeah..." Tang Jiu also smiled easily.

Who knows what will happen next.

Now that you are so happy, why bother to think about the bad.

Shi Shuo sent Jiang Yixuan a video, clicked on it and saw that Ma Chao had inserted a "520" in the canyon map followed by a heart pattern.

And then "Happy Valentine's Day."

Finally, "Xuanxuan, I miss you".

He figured out such complicated words.

Jiang Yixuan was amused.

Is this how the pros express themselves?

She tapped lightly on the keyboard.

Jiang Yixuan: Happy Valentine's Day.

Jiang Yixuan: My boyfriend.

Jiang Yixuan: [Rose.jpg]

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