The staff came to tell her that she could enter the arena, so Jiang Yixuan quickly said "I'm going to work", and reluctantly put Rose down.

She was also stained with the fragrance of roses, with a hint of sweetness.

After the review was over, seeing the news, she smiled gently, and stroked Jiang Yixuan's head with her fingertips.

Kissed the tattoo on the finger.

In the afternoon a newcomer came to the club.

Before the start of the Spring Split, all clubs can strengthen their teams. This time, this one was picked up by the coach. It is said that he is a [-]-dan mid laner with many national standards.

The magic thorn is very good, and the archmage is also very stable.

Some weird mid laners can also play, such as Da Qiao and Baili Shou.

The coach had mentioned this before, except for Shi Shuo, who didn't care much, everyone took it to heart and waited on the first floor for someone to come.

Shi Shuo was still chatting with Jiang Yixuan on the balcony.

The coach received the call and went to the door of the club to bring people in.

Seeing the arrival, the eyes of several team members were all wide-eyed, and they couldn't believe it.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bai Tu, very happy to come to LXY."

The scene was silent as if the pause button had been pressed.

The coach smiled and said, "Why are you all so stupid? Hurry up and welcome them."

After the coach's words fell, they applauded again and again as if they had come to their senses, "Welcome."

They really didn't expect that this Bai Tu would be a girl.

She is still a beautiful woman, with a very bright and sunny feeling.

Bai Tu smiled brightly, like a little sun, and easily gained everyone's favor.

The coach looked around, "Where's Shi Shuo?"

"Oh, the captain is still upstairs, I'll call him."

Meng An strode upstairs and shouted, "Captain, a new player is here, and the coach told you to go down."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Shi Shuo and Jiang Yixuan talked together before putting away the phone and walking downstairs.

The boy was wearing a black overcoat, with his hands in his pockets. When he looked over, his peach eyes were so beautiful that he seemed to be sucking people in.

Bai Tu unconsciously stared blankly.

She had heard of his reputation as a wild king a long time ago, but she didn't expect that he was more handsome than what he saw on the screen.

Compared with the stars, it is even worse.

She recovered quickly, and when Shi Shuo stood still, she showed a smile as bright as the warm sun, and stretched out her white and tender hand towards him.

"Hello Shuo God, I'm Bai Tu."

Shi Shuo smiled slightly, keeping his hands in his pockets, "Hello."

Bai Tu's outstretched hand clenched into a fist and put it down in embarrassment.

Shi Shuo pretended not to see it, and said in a business-like manner, "Since we're here, let's have a training match to see how well we fit."

Cun Xin smiled and clung to Shi Shuo's shoulders, "Captain, you are really training without a welcome."

"Didn't you already know each other just now?"

Cun Xin: "..." All right.

Bai Tu said generously, "Okay, let's play a training match first."

She is flamboyant, like a fiery red rose, with full confidence between her brows.

Shi Shuo nodded and walked to the training room first.

This team is his most experienced and older, in order to restrain them, Shi Shuo is more calm than before.

When the face is cold, the teammates are a little scared.

Bai Tu, however, was not afraid at all, and strode up to follow.

Ah Ci followed up and explained thoughtfully, "Actually, the captain is pretty good, don't be intimidated by the captain."

"Don't worry, strict requirements are a good thing, I know it!"

Hearing what she said, they had a better impression of her.

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