Bai Tu lay on the table and sighed, Sister Yixuan clearly promised her to be a friend, why didn't it go through after so long?
Is it because I was too busy and didn't see it?
Bai Tu submitted the application again, staring at the game page in a daze, not even noticing that he dropped the notebook on the table.

Shi Shuo took a bottle of water, unscrewed it, took a sip, and lowered his eyes when he saw the content on the screen of her phone.

He won't let her pass.

When he lowered his head, he frowned.

The notebook fell open, and the content on it was related to him.

Shi Shuo hesitated and bent down to pick it up and look through it.

What was written above were all things related to the game, including tactics and her own summary of the whole game after the training game.

Shi Shuo was not interested in these things.

He looks at the second half.

[I saw Shi Shuo with my own eyes today, the real person is really pretty.

I stretched out my hand to him, but he ignored me. Although a little embarrassed, he was very happy!Add points! ]
What is this?
[Shuo Shen is really wearing a ring all the time, and that tattoo is exactly the same as sister Yixuan's!Couple rings!Add points! ]
[Shuo God is really powerful, today I have five rows with Sister Yixuan!Sister Yixuan has a really nice voice and a nice person!It's a pity that I haven't added friends yet, so I have to make persistent efforts!
It's a pity that I didn't ask for the roses sent by sister Yixuan, but I know Shuo God actually reminded sister Yixuan to eat on time!Because she changed her schedule!
I am happy to see Shuo God protecting the flowers!Bonus points! ]
[Shuo God is very serious, but I heard that he is very gentle towards Sister Yixuan, and loves some double-standard behaviors!Bonus points! ]
[Shuo God is indeed Shuo God, the fifth row will never allow buffs, only sister Yixuan is the accident!Good knock! ]
[After all kinds of temptations, God Shuo is absolutely sincere to Sister Yixuan!I don't care about other women at all and have a sense of distance. Wow, wow, it's really good!Bonus points!Full marks! ]
Shi Shuo held the notebook and put it on the table, the movement woke up Bai Tu who was still in a daze, she immediately looked over and met Shi Shuo's dark eyes.

His tall figure blocked the light, and he felt a sense of oppression.

After coming to the club, it was the first time Bai Tu saw him showing such an expression.

"Suo, Shuo God."

"Explain, explain, what are you doing at the club."

Bai Tu's gaze shifted to the notebook in his hand, the words she had written excitedly were facing her at the moment, as if laughing at her stupidity.Bai Tu felt like crying, but why was he found out?

She should have written in a new notebook.

"That, Shuo God, I can explain."

Shi Shuo let go of his hand, and the notebook fell on the table.

"Okay, let's explain."

Meng An Ah Ci and the others watched curiously as Bai Tu carried the notebook and followed Shi Shuo to the balcony.

"What did they mean just now? Didn't Bai Tu come to the club just to stay in LXY?"

Meng An shook her head.

He doesn't know either.

"Seeing that the captain seems very angry, something must have happened."

They looked at each other, shrugged and spread their hands, forget it, they can't control it anyway.

On the balcony, Shi Shuo had a cold face, looking a little scary.

Bai Tu took a step back and explained embarrassingly, "Shuo God, I have no bad intentions. I have liked Sister Yixuan since a long time ago. Ever since I knew she was with you, I have always wanted to see what kind of person you are. Will not be sincere to her."


"So I took the initiative to contact the coach to take a look at the trial training."

"I can see clearly now, God Shuo, you are the only one who is good to Sister Yixuan. I can rest assured that I will never do anything to misunderstand you again."

Shi Shuo finally understood her behavior these days.

On the one hand, he deliberately came close to test him.

On the one hand, she is extremely enthusiastic towards Yixuan.

She used her identity to come to the club to compete for cp, such very bad.

"You are illegitimate."

Bai Tu's eyes widened and he waved his hands again and again, "No, no, how can I be an illegitimate child! I just care about Sister Yixuan and worry about her."

Shi Shuo's eyebrows and eyes were cold, and his words were particularly cold, "Bai Tu, who do you think you are? You are just a fan."

"No matter what the relationship between me and Xuanxuan is, it's not up to you to come and test me in front of me. You want to see if I will be seduced by you to do something wrong to her, so you keep harassing me."

Seduce, harass.

Hearing these two words, Bai Tu's face became even uglier.

She didn't.

Even if she wanted to test her, she didn't behave too much, it was just a shallow test.

"You didn't stay in the club purely for trial training. Bai Tu and Tang Jiu didn't do these things. It's not your turn yet. Don't think too much about yourself."

Shi Shuo tapped twice on the phone and showed it to her.

It's an illegitimate explanation.

【In order to satisfy their selfish desires, they like to stalk, peep, and take pictures of celebrities' daily life, harass their favorite celebrities, and affect the private lives of artists (and their families). 】

"You don't think you interfere with my private life?"

Bai Tu couldn't laugh anymore, she, she wasn't.

"Have you been enjoying yourself these few days?"

Bai Tu tightly hugged the notebook in his arms.

She felt so depressed and uncomfortable, she looked at Shi Shuo who was unmoved with a little grievance.

His words were too strong.

A moment of silence.

Bai Tu lowered his head, his voice choked up slightly, "I'm sorry, I apologize if I have caused you any bad influence, and I won't do this again in the future."

Shi Shuo gave her a deep look, her tone obviously didn't feel like she was playing games.

Such a person who didn't come here to play games at all, if she is left behind, I don't know what will happen next.

Shi Shuo strode away.

Bai Tu looked up at the stairs and murmured dissatisfied, "I have no bad intentions, put such a big hat on me."

She stood on the balcony for a long time.

Opening the notebook and looking at the things she had written down, she pinched the paper tightly angrily, the force made it crumpled and torn.

After she adjusted her mood, she found that everyone's attitude towards her remained the same.

Shi Shuo didn't seem to talk about it.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

She was obviously not afraid at first, and thought it was no big deal, but after hearing Shi Shuo's words, she felt a little upset for some reason, and she didn't even dare to look at Shi Shuo.

the next day.

The coach looked at Bai Tu who was sitting in the training room early and said very gently: "Bai Tu, pack up and leave, try another club."

Bai Tu was taken aback, "Coach, my trial training should be good, why don't you want me?"

"Damn, I was going to buy it, but it's not that the boss suddenly has other projects that need money and won't approve it. I've delayed you for a few days."

"Because the roster has not been confirmed before the game starts, you can go to other clubs and try."

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