Bai Tu couldn't believe it. She played in the city game before, and it didn't cost much to buy it.

It was clear that we talked very well before, why did you suddenly ask her to leave?
Still after talking with Shi Shuo.

"Coach, does Shuo Shen not want me to stay here?"

The coach originally found an excuse because he didn't want to make things stand still, but Bai Tu didn't expect him to be ungrateful.

After Shi Shuo finished talking with him, he also felt that he couldn't keep Bai Tu.

First, although the results of the trial training were good, it was obvious that the team atmosphere was not right.

This is a team game. If there is a gap between the players, it will also affect the unity in the game. It is inevitable that the players will inadvertently carry personal emotions.

Secondly, he knew how much Shi Shuo valued his girlfriend, and the boss even specially gave him special privileges, so there was nothing else to say.

Thirdly, Bai Tu did something wrong.

They are an e-sports club, not an entertainment industry, and players' private lives should not be interfered with too much.

The coach smiled calmly, "How could it be, you are overthinking."

"It's true that the boss is not going to give money, and we don't plan to buy people. It's just right for our championship lineup to continue, otherwise it would be unkind."

"dont you agree?"

The coach has said this to this point, what else can she say.

Bai Tu nodded, "I'm going to pack my things now."

Although the coach still said so, Bai Tu understood that Shi Shuo must have said something to the coach.

She still didn't believe what Shi Shuo said before, but now it seems to be true!
When he was going out with the suitcase, he happened to meet Shi Shuo who came out of the room, his face was expressionless.

It was no surprise to see her carrying a suitcase.

Unwillingly, Bai Tu trotted two steps towards him.

"Shuoshen, it's not good for you to be like this. LXY is not yours, and it's not up to you to buy someone. Why don't you want me if I'm strong enough!"

"I just told the coach about your behavior, and it's their decision whether to keep you or not."

Moreover, operation is one aspect, and unity is more important than operation.

No matter what industry you are in, character is very important.

Shi Shuo took two steps as if he had remembered something, and raised his chin in a half-smile.

"If I really let you go, wouldn't you be happier?"

He snorted and walked towards the training room.

Bai Tu stood there in a daze for a moment before realizing it.

If it was really Shi Shuo who asked her to leave, it meant that he didn't want anyone who would misunderstand Sister Yixuan to stay in the club. What she wanted to see was that Shi Shuo only cared about Sister Yixuan.

The truth is this truth.


How can she be happy!

In the end, Bai Tu reluctantly dragged his luggage and left.

Shi Shuo's dark eyes watched her leaving figure mockingly.

See, you only know the pain when it's really involved in yourself, otherwise you'll just watch the fun happily.

Both of them have quite a few fans, and it's not incomprehensible that sometimes some people with brain problems appear.

Just take it as a sideshow.

Shi Shuo didn't intend to tell Jiang Yixuan about this, lest she feel sorry for her fan's excessive behavior.

After Bai Tu left, Cun Xin's mood visibly improved.

He trains more seriously and assiduously, even if he doesn't say it, everyone can see it.

He still felt the pressure.

Only if you are strong enough can you always stabilize the starting lineup.

Bai Tu's visit this time is probably the biggest gain.

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