Jiang Yixuan was busy on the phone for a while before remembering to ask about Bai Tu.

The impression I gave her that day was that she was a cute little girl. It is not easy for girls to play e-sports, so it is best to keep her.

Shi Shuo said calmly, "She has already left."

"Did you fail the trial training?"

"Yeah." Shi Shuo said dissatisfied, "Xuanxuan, you haven't called me for a long time, why are you asking about other people's affairs after you call?"

Jiang Yixuan smiled, "No way, I just suddenly thought of asking you casually, okay, let's not talk about others."

"Shi Shuo, how are you?"

"It's pretty good. Everyone is preparing for the spring split. Those guys in AST are all making trouble with me, saying that they want to get me out for a dinner party before the spring split starts."

Jiang Yixuan also thought of the migratory birds.

Those teenagers are also quite cute, and it's great that their friendship is still so good.

"Then you're going, it's good to get together more."

"I know, I haven't seen it for a while."

"I'll go and watch your game live when I'm done with what I'm doing."

"Then it's done, tell me in advance and I will take you in!"

"Okay." Jiang Yixuan responded with a smile.


The start of the Spring Split is relatively early, and it will start in a few weeks.

Both are very busy.

I only chat and make phone calls when I am free.

Shi Shuo and his friends from AST made an appointment for a dinner party, and spared a day to attend the appointment.

He saw the migratory bird and Ah Jun from a distance, and it seemed that there was no change, and he still looked like a boy.

The migratory bird was the first to rush over and gave Shi Shuo a bear hug, "Brother Shuo, I miss you so much!"

"You're a big man, don't be hypocritical." Shi Shuo pushed him in disgust, but with a smile on his face, it was obvious that he was also very happy.

"Hug again!" The migratory bird became tougher.

Shi Shuo was left speechless by him, and quickly pushed away the migratory bird from Shang Heqi's teasing gaze.

"Hawking, I'm getting goosebumps all over the floor."

"Brother Shuo, it's not like you don't know that migratory birds are the most clingy to you, haha." Ah Jun teased, "During your absence, he talked about you the most, and he almost became your pet bird."

The migratory bird kicked Ah Jun angrily, and Ah Jun quickly dodged.

"Nonsense, you are the pet!"

"Yo yo, this is not admitted yet."

The two of them still like to bicker as always, He Qi smiled helplessly and reminded, "Speak up, there are still girls here."


Shi Shuo keenly grasped the point.

The person who was blocked by a group of tall teenagers came out, Shi Shuo frowned slightly and quickly let go, the smile on his face faded a little.

is a familiar person.

Bai Tu smiled brightly, as if none of the bad things had happened before.

"Hi Shuoshen, I'm the new mid laner to AST, my name is Bai Tu."

Does this mean you don't know him?

Shi Shuo let out a cold snort from his nostrils, and punched He Qi on the shoulder without saying anything.

"It's not that you want to reminisce about the past, what's the matter with bringing someone else?"

"You lied to me."

He Qi smiled helplessly, "No, we were planning to come out with you, and Bai Tu just came to the club. She heard that we were going to have a party with you, and she said she wanted to see you, so she followed. "

Did you use such words?

"Really? Have you never seen me?" Shi Shuo smiled, his eyes were indifferent.

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