The sunshine in spring has no temperature, and a few dark clouds float over even the light is covered.

The four people in AST can be regarded as old people in the circle, and they know Shi Shuo quite well, so when they heard this, they felt something was wrong.

He Qi took a step towards Shi Shuo, looking at the gentle smile on Bai Tu's face.

"what happened?"

Bai Tu also smiled brightly.

"It's nothing, I just went to LXY for trial training before going to AST, but I'm too embarrassed to say it."

"When I was in LXY, Shuoshen took care of me a lot, so I just wanted to see Shuoshen again. It's really embarrassing to use such an excuse."

A lot of care.

Shi Shuo sneered as he read these words.

What a nonsense.

Chen Shi and He Qi looked at each other like a mirror in their hearts.

"Since you've met that Bai Tu, you should go back first. You don't understand the topics of us big men. I'm afraid you won't be able to listen to them when the time comes." Ah Jun said with a smile.

"It's just that they didn't stop talking just now." He Qi agreed.

Bai Tu also knew that if she insisted on staying here, it would only make the atmosphere awkward, and she didn't want to become the extra one.

As long as Shi Shuo knows that she is still capable, even if she is not left by LXY, she can find other clubs.

AST is also where he stayed.

"Okay, then I'll go first, you guys have fun."

Seeing her cheerful back going away, He Qi raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter? You're always attracting love, aren't you afraid your girlfriend will be jealous?"

"Thinking too much." Shi Shuo walked into the restaurant first, and the others quickly followed.

Chen Shi asked curiously, "What's going on?"

Shi Shuo looked at the other two with gossip and concerned eyes, so he simply explained Bai Tu's actions in LXY clearly.

It's just a matter of two or three sentences.

"Damn, this fan is too crazy. The matter of you two is not related to other people, not your family."

The family management is also moderate, how can it be like this.

Shi Shuo just said flatly: "I can understand, but I don't accept it."

"Okay, let's not talk about other things. You called me here to treat you. I have to save money now, and I can't use it lightly."

Ah Jun laughed loudly, "Brother Shuo, are you going to prepare money for the wedding? It's too early."

"It's early." Shi Shuo glared at A Jun, "You don't have a girlfriend, what do you know?"

He is not young, and he will be old enough to receive a certificate next year.

Ah Jun was choked by his words, and muttered in a low voice, "Then I'm chasing after him, and soon I'll have a girlfriend too!"

The migratory bird smiled and patted Ah Jun's arm, "Come on, you said that last year or the year before, and you haven't caught up yet?"

"Are you really chasing after others, or are you making something out of nothing?"

Chen Shi also said: "Yes, did you say that because you didn't want to lose face?"

"What nonsense, do I need to save face like this?"

They bickered fiercely, and He Qi stopped them helplessly, "Okay, okay, let's eat, be more serious."

"The more you talk about the topic, the more you get sidetracked." He Qi looked at Shi Shuo, "Don't worry, we are the ones who called you out today. We are treating you to dinner, so you can just eat."

"With your words, I'm relieved." Shi Shuo immediately ordered two more expensive dishes.

He Qi's heart ached when he heard that, Shi Shuo really didn't show mercy at all, he was about to be slaughtered.

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