Xiang Guanzhi tightened her hands on her lap.

She opened Jiang Yixuan's Weibo.

In fact, she had already read all of her Weibo at that time, and she announced her relationship with that e-sports player in a high-profile way, and she has been very stable now.

Under the Weibo that the two made public, there was also Song Yan's blessing.

She knew in her heart that Jiang Yixuan was innocent, but...

As long as she thinks that she already has a boyfriend and Song Yan still misses her, she can't control the anger in her heart.

When she saw her on the day of script reading, she had been holding back.

She was really much prettier than on the screen of the magazine, and she gave people a good impression. When she saw her, she understood why Song Yan liked her.

That is, the moment when she clearly understood this point, the jealousy in her heart could no longer be restrained.

Said that in front of everyone.

Because of Song Yan, she had already lost her dignity several times, but Song Yan told her that he didn't like her.

Could it be that everything in the past was just her illusion?

Song Yan returned to the room feeling very confused.

It never occurred to him that Xiang Guanzhi actually liked him, even if he liked him, it was because of him that he went against Yixuan.

This shouldn't be her style.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at Jiang Yixuan's chat page for a long time in silence before sending her a message.

Jiang Yixuan is finishing recording the song.

In the car, she received a message from Song Yan.

Seeing that she was engrossed, Tang Jiu came over, "Yixuan, what are you looking at? Song Yan?"


Song Yan: Yixuan, I'm sorry, I only found out about the theme song today.

Song Yan: I'm sorry for Sister Wanzhi, don't argue with her, she's actually quite a nice person.This time it was my fault.

Song Yan: I'm really sorry.

Jiang Yixuan: I didn't take it to heart, it's okay, I know.

Tang Jiu sighed softly, "Song Yan is still fine."

"Yeah, it's just too good."

Hearing what Jiang Yixuan said, Tang Jiu became interested.

"Yixuan, how can you say that Song Yan has been chasing you for so long, you have never been moved in your heart, and you have never thought about accepting him because of this move, okay?"

Jiang Yixuan smiled at Song Yan's expression.

"If I have to say that, I was really touched at a certain moment, and I also thought about what it would be like if I was with him."

"After all, back then I did crave love."

At that time...

Song Yan is very kind to her, and he has given her a lot of comfort. He is very gentle, and it is rare to say a serious word on weekdays.

"Then why didn't you agree?" Tang Jiu asked curiously.

Looking at the constantly flickering scenery outside the window, Jiang Yixuan said softly: "One is because of the situation in my family. I don't think it would be good to be together if they are not in love."

"At that time, I was thinking that if I was really with Song Yan, I knew he loved me, but could I give him the same love? Otherwise, Song Yan would be too pitiful in this relationship, and I didn't want to Become someone like Chen Qiuyan."

If you can't give it, then don't be together.

Tang Jiu gently patted her head as if to comfort her.

Jiang Yixuan glanced at her with a smile.

Talking about these things now is irrelevant.

"Secondly, what I want has always been unconditional preference, because I am uneasy in my heart, and I need a partner who can make me feel at ease."

She immediately thought of Shi Shuo.

He never made her worry.

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