The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 352 It's Best To Be Friends

"Hey, what's wrong with Song Yan?" Tang Jiu immediately caught the key and curious question.

"Song Yan..."

"Be nice to everyone."

Jiang Yixuan smiled, and stopped talking at this point.

It's not that this kind of thing is bad, but she's afraid that when the time comes, she will think wildly and become not like herself. People like Song Yan are more suitable to be friends with her.

Tang Jiu recalled the few memories about Song Yan in his mind, and nodded slowly.

"When you say that, I also think that Song Yan is the most suitable friend."

The two smiled at each other.

"Then do you still have to go and explain to Guanzhi?"

"Now that they've talked it over, let them talk by themselves. If she doesn't come to see me, I won't go, so that she won't be annoyed when she sees me."

Tang Jiu: "You!"


The filming of the crew is still going on.

Zhao Fan'er paid more attention to the relationship between Song Yan and Xiang Guanzhi after she spoke clearly with Song Yan that day.

Obviously not as good as before.

After filming their own part, they didn't get together to chat anymore, but went in different directions.

Xiang Guanzhi was also silently watching Song Yan.

Seeing that he didn't take the initiative to talk to her felt bitter.

Is he going to draw a clean line with her for Jiang Yixuan?
At the same time, she saw something she hadn't seen before.

Song Yan is actually very kind to others.

Whether it's a supporting role or some supporting roles, the attitude is very gentle.

Xiang Guanzhi felt even more bitter.

So is it true that she misunderstood him?Does he really dislike her?
Xiang Guanzhi didn't want Jiang Yixuan to come, just to prevent her from meeting Song Yan, she didn't want to see the envious eyes Song Yan looked at Jiang Yixuan.

But the entertainment industry is so big, if they want to meet, how can she stop them.

just now……

She needs more confirmation.

After a day of filming, Xiang Guanzhi found the director.

"Wanzhi, what can I do for you?"

"Director, it was my fault last time. I shouldn't interfere with the director's selection. If the theme song has not yet been decided, the director should discuss it with Jiang Yixuan."

The director was surprised.

Song Yan came to recommend Jiang Yixuan to him two days ago.

Xiang Wanzhi's attitude was so tough before, why did he change his attitude now?Is it because of what Song Yan said to her?

Noticing the change in the director's eyes, Xiang Guanzhi said softly: "After Song Yan told me, I thought about it and felt that I really did something wrong that day."

"Actually, I don't have any conflicts with her. It's because I encountered some troubles personally and brought them to work. Please don't blame the director."

The director also understood what she meant, and said with a smile: "That's it, okay, then I'll contact Jiang Yixuan again. Of course this strong alliance is the best, who doesn't want the ratings to be high."

He didn't care what was going on between them.

He only cares about the ratings at that time.

Xiang Guanzhi also smiled gently, "Thank you, director."

She and Song Yan...

It depends on what happens next.

If Song Yan really doesn't like her...

When Xiang Guanzhi thought of that possibility, all the things that popped up in his mind were Song Yan's kindness to her.

She clearly said that she could also let go of the strong one, but now she took back this opportunity and didn't say a few words to her.

Instead of guessing things here, she might as well ask those things clearly in front of Jiang Yixuan, and then...

Make another decision.

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