Jiang Yixuan got the courier Shi Shuo sent her.

Open it, and there are two identical cotton dolls, made according to Shi Shuo.

One big and one small, the big one can be hugged, and the small one can be used as a pendant.

Jiang Yixuan pinched the little face of the cotton doll and smiled happily. He said that he was jealous that she was sleeping with Xiao Qiangwei's pendant and that he would give her his, but he did not expect it to be delivered.

The cotton doll has no fingers, but has a pattern similar to her tattoo on the left wrist.

This doll is really well made.

Jiang Yixuan took a picture and sent it to Shi Shuo.

Jiang Yixuan: Received.

It took a while to receive the news from Shi Shuo.

Shi Shuo: From now on, if you are afraid of thunder, you will hug him to sleep, and throw that little Qiangwei into the drawer.

Jiang Yixuan: I will hold you two together.

Shi Shuo: No, just hug me.

Looking at these words, Jiang Yixuan can imagine Shi Shuo's expression now, it must be very cute.

Jiang Yixuan: Overbearing.

Shi Shuo: Just domineering.

Shi Shuo: You are mine, mine alone.

Jiang Yixuan: Well, you are mine too.

Shi Shuo sent a voice, click on it, Shi Shuo's voice sounded like a hook, very sexy.

"Xuanxuan is right. I belong to you. I belong to you alone. I don't take a second look at anyone else."

Jiang Yixuan laughed happily.

This is also one of the reasons why she chose Shi Shuo.

Shi Shuo gave her a sense of peace of mind and a unique preference, so she wouldn't think wildly in her mind, and she would do her own things step by step without messing up her plan.

Just as Tang Jiu entered the door, she saw Jiang Yixuan's smiling face, and walked over with a loud smile.

"Yixuan, why are you so happy?"

"Wow, what a cute doll, did you buy it?"

"No, it was Shi Shuo who sent it to me. I made it according to his appearance. You can see if it looks like it."

Tang Jiu sized her eyes carefully and nodded, "It still makes sense when you say it like this. I said how did you manage to do this? It really has something to do with your little boyfriend."

"Ajiu, you're laughing at me again."

Tang Jiu stuck out her pink tongue.

"Let's not talk about this for now, Yixuan, I have good news for you." She took out her phone and flipped to the chat interface with the director and showed it to her.

"Before, Director Yang had already chosen Xiang Guanzhi, but now he turned around and asked me if I have time."

"Yixuan, do you still want to go?"

Jiang Yixuan also felt a little surprised, but she didn't show it.

"Go, why not go, this project is still very good."

"Well, let me tell Director Yang." Tang Jiu took the phone and tapped it, "I thought about it, since Director Yang didn't let you continue to follow because of Xiang Guanzhi's words, then this time it must be because of Xiang Guanzhi's words." Wanzhi."

"She is so active, don't have any bad intentions waiting for you."

"Probably not." Jiang Yixuan hugged the cotton doll happily, pinching it here and there, touching it, unbearably in love, her almond eyes were gentle and sparkling.

Tang Jiu glanced at her and shook his head with a smile.

O woman in love!

"Song Yan is good at seeing people. Since he said that Xiang Guanzhi has a good temperament, it should not be bad. And didn't you check it online before, and it is indeed not bad."

"Then what is she going to do?"

Jiang Yixuan vaguely guessed.

She smiled, "No matter what it is, you will know it, probably...she also wants to find out."

Tang Jiu: "Yes."

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