But Jiang Yixuan didn't plan to just rush forward.

The atmosphere that day was still a little awkward.

Jiang Yixuan asked Director Yang for the script to find free time to read and start writing.

This script was filmed and edited at the same time. Afterwards, it only needs to produce special effects, dubbing, and the theme song episode and so on, and the filming is almost ready.

It airs earlier than normal dramas.

It's a prime time to catch up, and I want to create a ratings.

So everything has to be done a little earlier.

Xiang Guanzhi originally thought that she would be able to see Jiang Yixuan if she agreed to let Jiang Yixuan sing the theme song, but she never saw anyone come.

She couldn't bear to ask.

Left and right can only wait like this.

The filming of the crew was still going on day after day, Song Yan and her had almost no chance to talk in private except for the necessary filming.

He was deliberately putting aside relations with her.

Finally, Xiang Guanzhi found an opportunity to block Song Yan, and restrained those sharp thorns on her body in front of him.

"Song Yan, I was a little excited that day, but I don't believe you really don't feel anything about me."

"Song Yan, you... really can't do it, I can wait for you to pick her out of my heart."

Song Yan took a step back suspiciously, "Sister Wanzhi, you deserve better, don't put your heart on me anymore, I don't deserve it."

"I think you are the best!"

Song Yan opened his mouth but couldn't say anything worse, so he had to walk away from her.

Xiang Guanzhi looked at his leaving back with reluctance, her heart was already on him, which could not be taken back so easily.

No matter how you say it, you have to try a few more times to not let yourself regret it.

The filming progress of the crew is not bad.

Jiang Yixuan is doing activities to prepare for her new album.

There is always a new album before a concert can be held.

Shi Shuo's match started too.

Because LXY is the champion of the winter championship, the first opening ceremony is LXY and the runner-up of the winter championship, which has always been the case.

Jiang Yixuan couldn't go due to something, so she talked with Shi Shuo for a long time, but Shi Shuo insisted on haggling over the price, and even called him brother before he gave up.

Although she didn't go to the scene, she also made up for the game later.

The five members of LXY cooperated very well. If this momentum is followed, it is possible to win the championship this spring.

The production team filmed for two or three months and also edited part of the video. Jiang Yixuan went to the production team and watched the video and performance to have a more realistic feeling.

Song Yan saw her eyes light up, and strode up.

"Yixuan? Why are you here?"

"I'll take a look and talk to the director about the theme song he wants, so I can speed up the writing and then compose the music."

"Theme song? Director Yang also said..."

He turned around in doubt and met the eyes of Xiang Guanzhi who was standing there, and he understood everything.

It seems that he asked Wanzhi to talk to the director.

"Well, your singing must be the best."

"It's nothing, then I'll go to the director's side first."

"it is good."

Xiang Guanzhi clenched his sleeves tightly, Song Yan looked at Jiang Yixuan with such gentle eyes, as soon as she appeared, he saw her alone.

Jiang Yixuan talked with the director for a while, watched the two edited videos, knew the feeling the director wanted, and immediately played a part for him.

Director Yang nodded with surprise in his eyes, "Yes, that's the tone. I really saw the right person, you are the most suitable."

"Then Director Yang can talk to me more about projects in the future."

"Of course! There will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future!"

I felt a little guilty when I said decent words before, but today I said these words from the bottom of my heart.

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