Chapter 367 Should You Intervene

Jiang Yixuan was a little puzzled, these expressions seemed to have nothing to do with each other, why did they suddenly post so many.

She still wanted to ask.

But she didn't realize it until she slowly rowed up and saw the message she sent.

Shi Shuo sent so many emoticons just to brush up this message from her, and he didn't want this message to stay on her interface.

She was obviously going to tell him about it, but he didn't mention it on the phone. Now think about it...

He did it on purpose, both he and Tang Jiu were making her happy and making her laugh.

Shi Shuo, in fact, his thoughts are delicate.

It's enough to have the two of them by my side.

Jiang Yixuan suddenly leaned over and hugged Tang Jiu without saying a word, Tang Jiu also smiled and hugged Jiang Yixuan back.

She knew what she was thinking, but in fact...

"Yixuan, it is also my luck to meet you."

Jiang Yixuan laughed out loud.

It is the luck of both parties to have such a friendship, and it is not in vain to have such a friend.

Feel sad and leave this matter completely behind.

The next day Jiang Yixuan received a message from Jiang Nianzi, which was the card number that Chen Qiuyan asked her for money.

She personally went to the bank to transfer the last sum of money.

After learning about the transfer, Jiang Yixuan deleted all contact information about Jiang Nianzi and Chen Qiuyan, and pretended that these two people really didn't exist.

After work, she bought a bouquet of flowers and drove to the cemetery alone to clean Jiang Yan's tomb and had a conversation with her.

All she talked about was her recent situation, all the good things, and she didn't mention a word about that person.

You have already suffered enough because of that person in life, so don't feel uneasy because of that person after death.

Jiang Yixuan took a deep look at the amiable photo of Jiang Yan on the tombstone, then turned and left with a smile.

The last time she came here with Shi Shuo's family, this year she came here alone.She used to feel sad and desolate when she came alone, but today she no longer feels lonely when she walks this long staircase alone.

She has had better times.

After about a week, she still received a message from Jiang Nianzi, which was about the location of Chen Qiuyan's grave.

Jiang Yixuan took a heavy look and deleted it.

Chen Qiuyan ignored his father and never went to his grave, and she would not visit her either. Jiang Nianzi was enough for her daughter.

Jiang Yixuan was busy for several days again, because she adjusted her voice after two days, so many announcements were relatively delayed, and she couldn't go to the scene to watch Shi Shuo's game.

But she watched the game results and some replays. LXY's performance is still very good, and this spring competition should also achieve good results.


Jiang Yixuan and Tang Jiu went to a company to talk about the theme song of a movie that the company just finished shooting.

On the way to the reception room, Jiang Yixuan went to the bathroom first.

When she was about to come out of the cubicle, she heard a conversation coming from outside, and there was actually a man's voice.

"Mr. Fu, this is the women's restroom!"

"I know, I'll stand at the door and see who dares to come."

"You, what on earth do you want to do! I won't agree, even if I die!"

"Yu Rao, it's not so easy to release a song or a record and become popular now. It's all about spending money to praise you. Talent, huh, talent is nothing." Fu Cheng said with a smile, raised his hand towards Yu Rao's face stretched out.

Yu Rao stepped back again and again and gripped the sink tightly in horror.

"Yu Rao, I'm giving you a chance and I'm flattering you. If you stay with me well, I'll naturally praise you. In this way, your seriously ill father will be saved. Why be so rigid."

"You just graduated from university, how do you know the dangers of society, Brother Fu, I love you, why don't you just..."

"Impossible! I will never do such a thing!"

Yu Rao's voice was sharp, her eyes were red, she gritted her teeth and made a sprinting movement to knock Fu Cheng away and ran out.

Fu Cheng didn't notice for a moment that he was knocked on the door and his head was knocked on the door. He groaned twice in pain, cursed a few dirty words angrily, and rubbed his head while spitting.

"What, it's your luck that I see you. I'm here to fight with you, I'm waiting for you to come to me. How many people were beaten to death and unwilling to come here in the end, tsk, what are you pretending to do!"

"It made me have to change clothes..."

The voice gradually faded away until there was no sound at all. Jiang Yixuan came out. She walked to the tap that was not turned off and washed her hands. Looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes were calm and a little indifferent and dazed.

This kind of thing...

I really don't know whether to intervene or not.

She closed her eyes and collected all her emotions and walked towards the reception room.

Tang Jiu saw that her face was not looking well, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Is there something uncomfortable after going for so long? Do you want something to eat?"

Jiang Yixuan smiled reassuringly, "I'm fine, show me."

This is not the place to talk.

Tang Jiu handed her the document in his hand, looked at her for a while and felt that she should not feel uncomfortable, so she didn't continue to ask.

"Chorus?" Jiang Yixuan looked at the regulations, "Didn't you talk about one person before?"

"Yeah, this is different from the document we saw before, but we still need to talk about it before it's signed. Let's listen to what the person in charge has to say later. If it doesn't work, I won't accept it."

Although the compensation offered by this company is a bit tempting, to be honest, Jiang Yixuan does not lack this movie theme song now.

Tang Jiu hoped that she would take a break, as she had taken on too much work.

Jiang Yixuan looked at the document for a while before a voice came from the door.

"You two have been waiting for a long time."

this sound...

Jiang Yixuan raised her head abruptly.

With a friendly smile on his face, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand to her, "Miss Jiang, I am the person in charge of this project, and my name is Fu Cheng."

surname pay...

Jiang Yixuan thought of the words she heard in the bathroom again, and looked at the person in front of her, feeling uncomfortable all over, and didn't want to shake hands with him at all.

She smiled politely, "Hello, Mr. Fu."

Fu Cheng was not embarrassed when he saw that she was not moving, so he comfortably withdrew his hand and sat opposite her.

"It's a waste of time, why don't we just start talking about business?"

Seeing that Jiang Yixuan was not in high spirits, Tang Jiu responded with a smile, "Okay, we were just talking about how the file that was supposed to be a solo chorus turned into a chorus."

"This, it's indeed a temporary change." Fu Cheng said with a smile and sounded pretty good, with a good grasp of tone and speed.


Once you know the real appearance under the mask, you will no longer be able to see the fake mask you put on.

Fu Cheng continued, "But correspondingly, you can see that our fees have also increased."

Tang Jiu smiled, "Indeed, but since it says it's a chorus, you have to meet the chorus singer, and it doesn't say who it is."

(End of this chapter)

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