Chapter 368 Give Her a Chance

Fu Cheng nodded quickly, "It's natural. Only by understanding each other can we better cooperate and create good works. Don't worry, I have already sent her over here, and she should be here soon."

As soon as the words fell, there was a knock on the door.

"Look, that's it. This is the person who will sing with Miss Jiang, Xu Feifei."

After Fu Cheng's introduction, seeing that Jiang Yixuan and Tang Jiu didn't respond, he immediately felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

He smiled inexplicably, "This, is this acquaintance?"

Xu Feifei was very affectionate with a smiling face, "Yixuan, Tang Jiu, long time no see."

Jiang Yixuan's expression was indifferent, she glanced at her and then looked away.

Tang Jiu snorted heavily and immediately shook his face, and said in a strange way, "Yeah, it's not a small skill to see you again!"

The smile on Xu Feifei's face stiffened slightly.

It’s been so long since that incident, do you still remember not letting go?Do you have to embarrass her at this time?

When she knew that she was going to sing a duet with her, she felt uneasy. On the one hand, she thought about Jiang Yixuan's current fame, if she could sing a duet with her, she might become a hit. On the other hand, she was afraid of the current scene.

But she had to come, she had no better choice.

"Tang Jiu, you are joking, what am I capable of?"

Fu Cheng screamed in his heart, Xu Feifei seemed to be at odds with Jiang Yixuan, she didn't even care about face, how would it end now.

He glared at Xu Feifei, why didn't he tell him about such a big matter, if he had known about it, he wouldn't have let her come!
Fu Cheng hurriedly smiled, and just as he was about to speak, Jiang Yixuan stood up.

"Boss Fu, let's forget it this time, we will cooperate next time if we have a chance."

"Miss Jiang, don't. If you think it's better to sing solo, that's negotiable. Feifei, you go down first, Miss Jiang, let's have a cup of tea and talk slowly."

"Boss Fu, it has nothing to do with her, it's because I have too many things to do recently and want to rest, next time."

Fu Cheng still wanted to keep him, but Tang Jiu immediately stopped him and said some nice words about the possibility of cooperation next time, Jiang Yixuan had already walked out.

Fu Cheng could only watch people leave.

It is true that he changed the regulations on his own initiative, the fault is that he has no face to say it.

The aggrieved anger in his heart could only be vented on Xu Feifei, he glared at her and yelled, "Tell me! What's wrong with her!"

Xu Feifei was angry that Jiang Yixuan didn't give her face so much, but she had to pretend to be cute and cowardly.

"Mr. Fu, I just know each other because I worked in the same company before, I don't know..."

Fu Cheng pointed at her impatiently, "I don't want to hear these things now, I want to listen to the truth. Xu Feifei, I usually spoil you, but now that things go wrong, don't do this to me! Tell me!"

Xu Feifei was taken aback by him, gritted her teeth, and couldn't speak.


Xu Feifei shook her body, lowered her head and spoke in a low voice.


Walking out of the company gate, Tang Jiu stomped his feet angrily.

"She actually had the nerve to say hello to us as if nothing happened. She has a thick skin. The circle is really small. You can meet her everywhere!"

"Yixuan, don't think about the past, it's not worth it."

Jiang Yixuan nodded with a smile, "I know."

If there is anyone in this circle who really has grudges or grudges she doesn't want to see at all, it is Xu Feifei.

Hua Mingce has at least helped her, and it is best not to disturb each other now.

Even if the others are more or less contradictory, she can still treat them like a stranger, but Xu Feifei can't.

The feeling of a sincere heart being thrown to the ground and crushed is too unforgettable.

Tang Jiu didn't talk about Xu Feifei anymore, but she was still so angry that she walked even harder.

Jiang Yixuan held the car door and stopped with a casual glance.

The young girl standing there looked very delicate. She was holding the phone and looked at the company's gate with tears all over her face.

"Yixuan, what are you doing?"

Seeing that she hadn't got in the car for a long time, Tang Jiu got out of the car and asked again. Following her gaze, he saw the little girl full of tears.

"This is what happened, crying so sad."

"Ajiu, can you help me with something?"

"You said."

Jiang Yixuan whispered a few words and Tang Jiu nodded, "Okay, you get in the car first and I'll do it."

Jiang Yixuan got into the car and looked in Yu Rao's direction, after a while Tang Jiu bought a cup of coffee and came over, pretending to be on the phone and ran into Yu Rao, the coffee in his hand wet Yu Rao's clothes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you okay? Let me wipe it for you."

Tang Jiu took paper for her to wipe the coffee stains on her clothes.

Yu Rao waved her hands again and again, "I'm fine, it's okay, my clothes are worthless, I'm fine, I'm sorry."

Tang Jiu smiled, "Obviously I bumped into you, why did you say sorry to me instead?"

Tang Jiu glanced in the direction of the company's gate, "Are you rejected for a job? Are you applying for an assistant or something?"

"No, I study vocal music."

"A student of vocal music? It's a bit hard to tell."

Yu Rao pinched the corners of her clothes with low self-esteem, and she also knew that she didn't look like her.The students in the school are very confident, but she...

Seeing her appearance, Tang Jiu also guessed two points.

"Ham, don't be nervous, this image can be changed. You are a vocal music student, so of course strength is the most important thing. It doesn't matter if you get rejected here, go to other places to try."

"Since you have chosen this line of work, you must have your own persistence, and don't give up easily if you hit a wall."

Tang Jiu took out his business card and handed it to her, "If you think you have the ability, welcome to try it."

Yu Rao took the business card, her eyes widened when she saw the two red words on it.

"Solitary, solitary carp?"

"Why, you know."

Yu Rao nodded hurriedly, "I, I know! It's Jiang Yixuan's studio, but, isn't her studio signing anyone?"

Tang Jiu smiled, "It's because I haven't signed anyone, so I've been looking for it all the time. You can come and try tomorrow."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"Don't be in a hurry to say thank you. I'm just giving you a chance. Whether you can survive or not depends on your own strength. Come on, adjust your mood, and don't be nervous when the time comes, Yixuan will also go tomorrow."

"Sister Yixuan is going too? Good! Good! I, I will definitely perform well tomorrow!"

She was so happy that she stuttered and didn't know how to speak, and she didn't know how to put her hands and feet.

Tang Jiu was overjoyed to see her laughing like this, but there was emotion in her eyes.

Such a girl is the easiest to be deceived.

If there is no bottom line that I stick to, I don't know what will happen.

"Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, remember to go."

"Okay, thank you!"

Tang Jiu waved his hand and picked up the coffee cup on the ground and threw it into the trash can before getting into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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