Chapter 369 I Need Money
Seeing that Jiang Yixuan was still looking in that girl's direction, Tang Jiu put his hands on the steering wheel and asked curiously, "Yixuan, why are you doing this? Why did you suddenly fall in love with that girl?"

"I'm just giving her a chance. If I'm not wrong, she should be Yu Rao."

"You still know her? Why don't I know?"

"Let's drive first, and I'll talk to you slowly."


Tang Jiu started the car and Jiang Yixuan told what she heard in the bathroom, Tang Jiu was dumbfounded.

"I said, no wonder you didn't have a good attitude towards Mr. Fu at that time, so that's how it is."

"So what you said is not because Xu Feifei's words are also serious?"

"Well, actually after hearing that conversation, I don't want to accept this event anymore. I didn't expect that the other partner is Xu Feifei, and I don't even want to."

Tang Jiu nodded in agreement, "This wave is indeed a narrow road to Yuanjia."

They didn't want to think about Xu Feifei's matter again, because they could never reconcile with her.

"Yixuan, then why did you ask me to talk to that little girl?"

"In case she really doesn't want to, I heard her tone is very firm. It seems that the family is really difficult. I still want to see if I can give her a hand. Don't worry, I won't make the same mistakes again."

"Besides, it's just to give her a chance to persuade her. Even if my studio is a signer, I still need to sign someone who is capable. Whether she can stay or not depends on her."

Tang Jiu laughed, "You haven't changed a bit for so many years."

The weather is starting to warm up gradually, and everything is moving in a good direction.

Back home, Tang Jiu was preparing to cook, Jiang Yixuan washed the box of strawberries and chose the biggest one to feed to Tang Jiu, "How is it?"

"Sweet!" Tang Jiu pursed her lips, "Eating this one will make me feel better all day."

"Then have another one, ah."

"Well! You eat too."

"it is good."

The two were chatting and laughing, eating fruits and washing vegetables, Tang Jiu's cell phone rang, she wiped her hands on the apron, and immediately gave Jiang Yixuan a look when she saw the call.

It is Fu Zong.

"I reckon I probably know about our relationship from Xu Feifei."

"should be."

Tang Jiu cleared her throat and connected the phone, "Hey, Mr. Fu, what's the matter?"

"Tang Jiu, I'm really sorry about today's incident. I've thought about it and talked to the lyrics teacher. This song is the most suitable for singing alone. Ms. Jiang, can you talk about it again? ?”

"Mr. Fu, don't think too much about it. How could Yixuan bring her emotions to work? She has too much work recently and she is too busy to take a break."

Hearing what she meant, Fu Cheng really didn't intend to think about it anymore.

"Well, it's true that the body is more important. Take a good rest and look forward to our next cooperation."

"Okay, looking forward to the next cooperation."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Jiu spread his hands and laughed happily.

"Well, my business ability is not bad."

"Yes yes yes, I will reward you with another big strawberry."

"Well, sweet!"

The two of them looked at each other and laughed. They didn't know why, but they suddenly felt very happy.

Perfunctory people are really happy.


Yu Rao arrived at Duli at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

She looked up at the two words and touched her beating heart. After going back yesterday, she practiced for a long time, and she didn't know if she could survive.

Yu Rao took several deep breaths before stepping in.

At three o'clock sharp, Jiang Yixuan and Tang Jiu came to the studio on time. Tang Jiu saw Yu Rao sitting there smiling and walked over to tell her some details. Jiang Yixuan went to the office first.

"Miss Tang."

"Take it easy and go."


Tang Jiu poured her a glass of warm water and asked her to drink a couple of sips. After she cleared her throat outside and adjusted herself, she brought her in.

Tang Jiu sat down beside him.

Yu Rao stood there awkwardly, Jiang Yixuan just looked at her with a friendly smile without saying a word.

After a while, Yu Rao suddenly bowed, "Sister Yixuan, my name is Yu Rao, and this is my resume."

Jiang Yixuan flipped through her self-made resume and looked at it. This girl has pretty good grades in school. She has written songs and sang in bars by herself, and won some awards in small competitions.

"Why did you participate in so many competitions?"

"These competitions have bonuses, I need money." Yu Rao said honestly.

Jiang Yixuan smiled softly, "Anyone who studies art should have a good family background."

"Yes, although my family was not rich, it was not bad, but..." Yu Rao suddenly got stuck at this point, Jiang Yixuan was not in a hurry, but just waited patiently.

"I... my mother cheated on me and divorced my dad when I was a freshman, and they shared some property. My dad often worked overtime and stayed up late to support me in school. When I was a junior, my health also collapsed, and I had to stay in the hospital all the time. "

She was originally a bit introverted, and the story of her mother's cheating was spread on the school forum by someone who knew about it.

She didn't want those people's sympathetic eyes, and she didn't want to be their talk after dinner. During that time, she really didn't know what to do.

Her roommates cared about her on the surface, but she heard them talking and laughing at her behind their backs.

She couldn't believe any kindness and being alone was even more marginalized.

Yu Rao let out a pale smile, then lowered her eyes again.

Tang Jiu pushed Jiang Yixuan's elbow and met her empathetic eyes.

This girl's experience is somewhat similar to Yi Xuan's.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to inquire about your private affairs."

"It's okay, it's okay, sister Yixuan."

"Why do you still go to the bar to sing in such an introverted personality? Are you not afraid of the noisy environment and everyone's gaze?"

"I need money."

Four simple words summed it all up.

Jiang Yixuan nodded deeply, "Okay, what song have you prepared?"

"It's a song I wrote myself."

"Do you need an instrument?"

"electric guitar."

"Then go to the musical instrument room. There are many musical instruments there. I just want to test your ability."

"it is good!"

Jiang Yixuan took her resume and Tang Jiu took her to the musical instrument room.

"Sister Yixuan, my song is called Heju."

Jiang Yixuan nodded, "You can start if you are ready."

Although Yu Rao didn't have a particularly bright appearance, she was still considered a delicate young lady, she looked very comfortable, and her voice was very clean.

Yu Rao closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and opened her eyes again with the determination to fight to the death.

Plucking the guitar strings, Jiang Yixuan and Tang Jiu were shocked the moment she spoke.

I thought her voice, the name of this song, was probably a more upbeat type, but I never thought that her singing and speaking were completely two types.

This girl, sing rock and roll!
(End of this chapter)

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