Chapter 379
Jiang Yixuan nodded while eating, "You can arrange it, she really needs to practice."

Even fast rough jade needs to be carved.

Whether she can grow up depends on herself, but Jiang Yixuan believes that she can, because her father is behind her, so she cannot and cannot afford to retire.

"Okay, let's go to the studio later, and you can record a song there."


When the two came to the studio, they saw an acquaintance as soon as they walked in.

Xu Feifei got up from the sofa and walked over, still smiling, "Yixuan, your studio is well decorated, can I have something to talk to you alone?"

Tang Jiu really wanted to scratch her face with his paw, and smiled as if they had known each other for many years and had a good relationship.

Jiang Yixuan walked around her without saying a word, and Xu Feifei held her arm in desperation, "Yixuan, don't lose your temper with me, please, I really want to talk to you about something."

"What are you doing?" Tang Jiu broke Xu Feifei's hand angrily, "There is nothing to talk about between you, please don't come here and shake it in front of us, you are not welcome here."

"Where it's cool, stay there!"

Xu Feifei laughed twice, "Tang Jiu, it's not your turn to intervene when I'm talking with Yixuan."


Jiang Yixuan held Tang Jiu's hand, and looked at Xu Feifei calmly and coldly.

"What Ajiu said was what I said. You and I have nothing to say."

"Xu Feifei, do you think that no matter what you do, you can forget it as long as it takes a long time? Then let me tell you, I will never forget what you did to me."

If it wasn't for her timely response, there would be no Jiang Yixuan today, she and Shi Shuo...then she would definitely not agree to Shi Shuo, and she is doomed to be alone for the rest of her life.

She was still angry when she thought of that incident.

When she saw Xu Feifei's face, she felt physically uncomfortable.

"Ajiu, let's go."

"Okay, let's go." Tang Jiu glanced worriedly at Jiang Yixuan's expression, then stared at Xu Feifei fiercely.

I really don't understand how she has the face to talk to Yixuan about this!
Seeing them leaving, Xu Feifei's eyes dimmed, she took a deep breath and sat down on the reception sofa again.

When Jiang Yixuan finished recording the song and came out, she saw Xu Feifei was still sitting there and walked straight forward. She didn't want to talk to her, but Xu Feifei came up again.

She smiled, "Yixuan, I really have something to tell you, it happened back then."

Jiang Yixuan paused and stared at her.

Xu Feifei smiled softly, as if she was just saying something intimate with her.

Jiang Yixuan pursed her lips.

She was like this in the past, wearing a friendly mask and doing things like snakes and scorpions. It must be no good to come to her this time.

Tang Jiu was so angry that she was about to chase him away, Jiang Yixuan said softly, "Okay, let's talk, just this time, and make everything clear."

"Okay." Xu Feifei readily agreed.

In the soundproof musical instrument room, Tang Jiu and Jiang Yixuan stood together, and Xu Feifei stood opposite them.

Jiang Yixuan didn't want to see her face beating with her mobile phone.

Tang Jiu held back her anger, "Say something quickly! I don't have time to spend with you."

Xu Feifei took a deep breath and was not at all unhappy. She smiled, "Yixuan, I did something wrong in the past, but luckily it didn't happen. It's been so long, why do you still care about it? .”

Tang Jiu snorted heavily, "Of course it doesn't matter that the person being calculated is not you."

Xu Feifei just pretended not to hear.

"Yixuan, isn't it enough for you to have a smooth life these years? Now that you have a good career and love, why bother to embarrass me who has nothing. It's not easy for me to get to this point, so why target me."

"Target?" Jiang Yixuan raised her eyelids with a cold and disgusted expression, "I don't have that much time to spare."

"Yixuan, it's just a chorus. It was the job you were planning to take. Why did you reject me when you saw me? Isn't that what you're targeting?"

"Don't put gold on your face, it's our freedom to take it or not! It was originally a solo song, but it was changed to a chorus when I went. It's because you changed your mind first, and you want to blame us? I don't know what kind of pillow talk Fu Cheng heard to change his mind so much!"

Tang Jiu couldn't take it anymore, and sneered at her sarcastically.

How can she pretend so well!Don't you think it's disgusting?
Xu Feifei's complexion finally changed, "Tang Jiu, the person in charge should be responsible for what you say."

Tang Jiu was not afraid at all, "I will return this sentence to you intact!"

"As long as you don't come and jump in front of Yixuan, you think we want to talk to you! Xu Feifei, don't be too double-standard in life, it doesn't matter if you have a big memory, we have a good memory!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that what is your status now, what is Yi Xuan's status, if Yi Xuan really wants to target you, there are many ways, but she doesn't! You have come to this day because of your self-righteous 'planning' .”

"If you finish speaking, hurry up and leave. We have already talked about this event, and we will not accept it!"

Originally, Yixuan didn't plan to take this project after hearing those words in the bathroom, but it became even more so when she saw Xu Feifei.

If you don't want to pick it up, force her to pick it up!

In the past, it was because there was no way to make decisions in Xingyue, and it was stipulated in the contract, but now she has her own studio, she has established a firm foothold and has her own studio, as the boss, she can take it if she wants to. !

Jiang Yixuan suddenly remembered what Bai Tu had said to her. She really forgot about it when she remembered it. She immediately sent a message to Shi Shuo asking him to pass the friend request that Bai Tu sent to her account.

Shi Shuo was probably playing a training match, so he texted her hello when he found time, but there was no news.

Xu Feifei and Tang Jiu met each other's eyes.

This Tang Jiu still speaks so unreasonably and unforgivingly, it doesn't make sense.

"Yixuan, what do you think?"

Jiang Yixuan raised her head, her expression was calm but anger was still hidden in her eyes.

She leaned on the piano and pointed a photo at Xu Feifei. Xu Feifei was taken aback when she saw this photo. It was taken a long time ago.

She thought she would delete everything about her after that incident, but she didn't expect that she would still keep it.

However, she deleted all the photos she sent and took some things.

"You still keep it."

Jiang Yixuan put the phone back, "Xu Feifei, you were also in Xingyue back then, and we were artists of the company at the same time."

"Yeah, but even though we are at the same time, I envy you very much. You are the one who is cultivated by Mr. Hua, and most of my resources have to be won by me."

"At that time, you liked to greet me very much, and you would give me your brown sugar water when I was on my menstrual period, and you also untied me twice."

Xu Feifei smiled, "You still remember so clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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