The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 380 Pulling You Down the Abyss!

Chapter 380 Pulling You Down the Abyss!

Of course Jiang Yixuan remembered it clearly.

The more you remember, the more unforgivable you are.

"You also told me that your family is very difficult, you told me your difficulties and I cried that you don't want to be unspoken rules, let me help you."

"Yes, at that time my younger brother was pointing at me when he was studying at home. Unlike you, I am valued by Mr. Hua, and I have to rely on myself every step of the way."

Xu Feifei didn't want to recall the dark days before.

She, too, walked over on thorns all the way, and the blood bloomed into black flowers and dragged her into the abyss, from which she could never come up again.

Tang Jiu couldn't get used to her appearance the most, "Don't make it look like you are the only one who suffers, Yixuan has been relying on her until now! You only see her glamor outside, but you can't see it. to her suffering."

"Compared to me, that is nothing!"

Talking about the past, Xu Feifei finally became emotional.

Tang Jiu felt that he really couldn't get along with someone like her.

"I blocked you once at the reception, but you didn't think I was protecting you, but instead felt that I blocked your way up."

Xu Feifei also looked at Jiang Yixuan with deep eyes, and said confidently: "Isn't it? With your status, if you really want to help me share some of your resources with me, but you don't!"

"Jiang Yixuan, you don't really regard me as a friend at all."

"Then why did you really treat me as a friend? Do you think I didn't hear what you said to other people in the tea room?"

"You..." Xu Feifei was stunned for a while and realized later, "So you heard it all."

Yes, she heard it all.

I heard Xu Feifei discussing with a few other people who were jealous of her in the tea room, echoing them and belittling her in various ways, and she was completely different from her appearance in front of her.

Even now, she still remembers about it.

——"I don't really regard her as a friend, I just want to get some benefits from her, it would be even better if I can find a handle!"

——"Don't think that she is as gentle and easy-talking as she looks on the surface. I have been around her for such a long time and she hasn't shown me any benefits from my fingers. She is very stingy!"

Only then did she know what kind of thoughts this girl who always smiled brightly at her approached her.

The resources were all arranged by the company, and she hadn't established herself at that time, so she could have whatever she said.

Even if it was like that, she still helped her out at the reception and didn't let the boss take her away, but she turned around and said she shouldn't have done that afterwards.

What she said and what she did were totally different!

Xu Feifei soon turned gloomy again, "Since you knew it so early, are you watching my jokes all the time later! Jiang Yixuan, you are really scheming."

Tang Jiu was so angry that he looked around and didn't see what he was looking for, so he gave up, and said angrily: "Who is so scheming, Xu Feifei, you are really good at knocking people down!"

If there is a water bottle here, she must splash her face to wake her up!
What you said is not human at all!

Jiang Yixuan didn't answer. She has been in this circle for several years and has seen everyone, but she still feels sad because of the wrong payment of the initial kindness.

At that time, I didn't understand that I paid too much sincere feelings, but what I reaped was poisonous fruit.

"Xu Feifei, do you remember that you asked me to protect you and not let you be unspoken!"

"Yes, I did! But I'm in a desperate situation, do you know that! Jiang Yixuan, I'm not as lucky as you, I can only pay ten times a hundred times more than you if I want to climb up! I can't help it !"

"Then you pulled me down because you couldn't do anything!"

Jiang Yixuan's eyes sharpened suddenly.

If it's just as simple as the front, she can understand and forgive, but she really can't forget what she did later.

Xu Feifei looked away guiltily, not daring to meet Jiang Yixuan's eyes.

At first...

Although Jiang Yixuan helped her stop once, but if she made up her mind, it would be useless to stop her no matter what.

She will find a way by herself.

So Xu Feifei went on that road after all.

It happened to be seen by Jiang Yixuan who was staying in the hotel on a business trip. The moment Xu Feifei met her eyes, her expression paused for a moment, then she pretended not to know her as if nothing had happened, and passed her by with her arms around the boss.

Jiang Yixuan just felt a little pity, but didn't feel much about the others.

She will be responsible for the path she chooses herself in the future.

Xu Feifei clenched her hands tightly, what Jiang Yixuan didn't know was that she and the boss hadn't walked far, and the boss turned around and looked at Jiang Yixuan with the eyes of a man looking at a woman.

Xu Feifei couldn't be more clear about what was in his eyes.

"Mr. Chen has taken a fancy to her?"

"Oh? Do you know her?"

The woman's face just now was indeed the prettiest face he had seen among so many people.

"Of course, Mr. Chen, is she and I from the same company or the same batch? If Mr. Chen is interested, I will introduce you tonight?"

Mr. Chen laughed and hugged Xu Feifei into his arms, "You really understand my thoughts best, okay, if you get the two projects she mentioned, I will invest in you."

"Then thank you, Mr. Chen!"

At that time, a crazy idea came to her mind.

Jiang Yixuan is now so blessed and aloof, and has witnessed her degeneration, she will only look down on her even more in the future!
Thinking of her contemptuous gaze, Xu Feifei felt as uncomfortable as being bitten by countless ants.

What's more, if she saw what happened today, it's like holding a handle in her hands. What should she do if she shakes it out one day!
The best thing to do is to let her fall like she is!
That night she went to find Jiang Yixuan, and Tang Jiu happened to be there, as if they were talking about some work.

"Yixuan, can I have a private chat with you?"

Jiang Yixuan thought she wanted to talk about the daytime affairs, so she said to Tang Jiu, "Ajiu, go first, I'll talk to her."

At that time, their relationship hadn't become tense yet, and she couldn't even imagine what kind of thoughts she was harboring.

After Tang Jiu left, Xu Feifei poured her a glass of water, took the opportunity to put something in it, and she carefully brought it to Jiang Yixuan with a smile.

"Yixuan, what happened today..."

"That's your own choice, don't worry, I won't tell others."

Xu Feifei breathed a sigh of relief, poured another glass of water and held it in her hand, "Thank you Yixuan, I have no choice but to do this, then, we replace wine with water, and we will forget about it after drinking this glass OK?"

What she said was sincere, and Jiang Yixuan really didn't want to continue to hold on to this matter, in order to let her feel at ease.

She drank two sips of water, and after a while she felt something was wrong with her body.

(End of this chapter)

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