The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 385 Celebrating Your Birthday With You

Chapter 385 Celebrating Your Birthday With You

When Shi Shuo stood downstairs, he still couldn't help looking at the floor where Jiang Yixuan was.

She was wrapped in a coat and put her hands on the railing. The evening wind messed up her hair, but her eyes were bright and there was a smile on her lips.

Shi Shuo took out his phone and typed his voice, then shook the phone to signal her to watch it.

Jiang Yixuan clicked on Shi Shuo's voice without thinking too much.

"Jiaojiaoer, your boyfriend is leaving, why don't you say goodbye to him?"

Shi Shuo really likes to tease her just like Ah Jiu.


She pressed the small microphone and returned a voice message to him.

When Shi Shuo opened it, Jiang Yixuan's gentle and smiling voice rang in his ears.

"Boyfriend, pay attention to safety. Remember to send a message to your girlfriend when you arrive at the club. Don't let your girlfriend worry, okay?"

Shi Shuo's lips curved almost to the back of the ears.

"Boyfriend received."

"It's cold outside, girlfriend, go in quickly, don't worry your boyfriend."

"I'll go in after seeing you go."

Shi Shuo waited at the intersection for a while before the car came, Shi Shuo waved his hand upstairs, and saw Jiang Yixuan walking back before he got into the car.

Jiang Yixuan watched the car leave and wrapped her clothes tightly.

Ding dong, the phone rang again.

Ah Shuo: Remember to eat, take pictures for me.

He also thought about the fact that she had stomach problems and had to eat on time. He really took her matter to heart.

That's great, this is the only concern she wants.

Xuanxuan: OK, let's do it now.

Seeing the answer she sent, Shi Shuo sent another cute emoji. His happy face made the driver laugh too.

"Young people have just fallen in love not long ago."

"Well, more than a year."

"It's been a while. Now that you've found someone you really like, treat her well, and don't do things that you regret because of your youth."

The driver's tone sounded a little emotional, and he should have his own story.

"I know."

"Okay, then uncle wishes you and that girl a happy life together for a hundred years."

"Thank you."

Shi Shuo gently caressed Jiang Yixuan's lovely head.

He treats her like this forever, just like he promised.

Not because of anything else, just because he wanted to.

As soon as Shi Shuo arrived at the club, he sent Jiang Yixuan a message, and Jiang Yixuan also sent him a picture. She was still cooking, but she should be able to eat it soon.

In this way, Shi Shuo felt relieved.

He caught up with the training match at night, and after the game, he would review the game and ask everyone to write about their shortcomings and how to correct them.

After Shi Shuo was done, he prepared to resume the training match at noon. A Ci and the others didn't go to rest, but came to accompany him.

Seeing these teammates accompanying him, Shi Shuo remembered what Jiang Yixuan had said to him.

Jiang Yixuan is still the most important.

This will not change.

But he can't let down these teammates who trust him so much to accompany him!
I have to be more self-disciplined and work harder to make up for what I left behind!
At the end of the review, Shuo trained himself for another hour before going back to his room to rest, and it was still the same the next day.

His actions unconsciously also drove other people.

They won the Winter Championship, but they haven't won the KPL Cup. They also want to have the championship ring, so they have to work harder!Taking advantage of their current state is very good.

No one wants to leave regrets!


Jiang Yixuan is indeed very busy for the next period of time. Apart from the work that was originally arranged, she has to be responsible to her even after signing Yu Rao.

It is necessary to arrange for Yu Rao to make an appearance with her.

That part of the past appeared so unexpectedly and was buried gently.

Xu Feifei really didn't come to her again.

In fact, Jiang Yixuan would not be afraid if she was really a monster. She had done nothing and was innocent and she was not afraid of spreading rumors, but of course she was happy to be able to save one trouble.

While pinching that recording, Jiang Yixuan pinched one of Xu Feifei's vitals.

She has long been used to recording on some occasions, so as to avoid things like they denying their account and breaking the contract afterwards.

It's a good habit now.

On Jiang Yixuan's birthday, Shi Shuo had a game to play, but she still received a large bouquet of crimson roses and a specially customized big cake.

A small box was buried in the cake, which contained some small pendants and stickers made in the shape of Shi Shuo.

He can't be by her side all the time, even seeing him is a luxury now, but he still wants her to be surrounded by him, so that she can look at him all the time, and he can accompany her like this.

In the early hours of the morning, she had already received Shi Shuo's birthday wishes and money transfer.

It is directly a 9999.

Tang Jiu asked her expectantly after posting happy birthday as usual.

Ajiu: Yixuan, am I the first to wish you a happy birthday!

Usually she is indeed the first, but this year.

Jiang Yixuan: No, Shi Shuo was earlier than you.

Then Tang Jiu was quiet for a whole minute before sending a voice message, crying and howling for a while, saying that Shi Shuo actually stole the list, and she will definitely be the first one to wish her a happy birthday next year.

Jiang Yixuan sent her an expectant expression.

Jiang Yixuan also had a very happy birthday this year.

There was also a competition on Shi Shuo's birthday, Jiang Yixuan rushed to the scene after finishing all her work, and happened to meet the LXY people who came out.

When Shi Shuo saw her, he ran up immediately.

"Xuanxuan, why are you here?"

"Ah Shuo, happy birthday~" She took out a cake and smiled brightly, "I'm here to celebrate your birthday with your teammates. I also watched the game, and the game is still very good!"

Shi Shuo embraced her emotionally.

Jiang Yixuan groaned and almost lost the cake in her hand. She raised her hand, and Meng An behind her hurried up to take the cake in her hand.

There are a bunch of people eating melons behind them.

Jiang Yixuan tugged at Shi Shuo's clothes, "So many people are watching."

"Okay, Jiaojiao'er is shy, your boyfriend will take you away."

Jiang Yixuan squeezed his hand, her face was slightly hot.There are so many people looking at her to save face, don't tease her anymore, now she has another title that can't be resisted just by listening to it.

One is 'Sister' and the other is this 'Jiaojiaoer'.

Shi Shuo led Jiang Yixuan into the car with a smile on his face.

They are the most suitable couple in everyone's eyes, as sweet as ever, as if the passage of time can't affect them in any way.

LXY has already reserved a private KTV room.

It will take five days to go to the competition, and today they won again and it's Shi Shuo's birthday, so they just had a good time.

Jiang Yixuan inserted and lit the candle with her own hands.

She had just finished finishing the crown when Shi Shuo squatted down in front of her so that she could wear it. This posture felt like bestowing a crown on a prince.

The scene is full of wow~
Even though I have seen many pictures of the captain doting on his sister-in-law, I will still feel emotional when I see it next time. The captain really spoils his wife to the core.

Jiang Yixuan led the singing, and her gentle singing sounded in the private room.

"Happy Birthday……"

Shi Shuo whispered in her ear, "I'm really happy now."

(End of this chapter)

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