Chapter 386

Jiang Yixuan also leaned into Shi Shuo's ear and whispered, "Then I'm happy too."

The birthday song continues.

Ah Ci shouted happily, "Captain! Hurry up and make a wish and blow out the candles!"

"it is good."

He slowly closed his eyes, his wish...

I hope that Xuanxuan will be safe and happy for the rest of her life.

"Captain, can we have cake?"

"Okay, eat, cut it yourself." Shi Shuo pointed to the one bought by his teammates, "Share that one first."


Just have something to eat!

Shi Shuo cut two pieces, gave one to Jiang Yixuan, took a piece in his hand, tasted it, the cream was very delicate and soft, the taste of the cake embryo was also good, and there was a filling full of fruit.

Jiang Yixuan looked over curiously, "Shi Shuo, what wish did you just make?"

"I can't say it, it won't work if the wish is spoken out."

Jiang Yixuan puffed her cheeks, "That's not what you said on your last birthday."

"The wish is different this time." Shi Shuo narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then what wish did Xuanxuan make on her birthday?"

Jiang Yixuan blinked, and the old god said, "It won't work if you express your wish."

Shi Shuo lovingly pinched the tip of her nose.

You can probably guess what her wish is.

"How's the cake? Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Shi Shuo said, took another bite with a fork, and then stopped chewing belatedly.

"You did this?"

Jiang Yixuan nodded, the pasta failed to make it last time, so he made him a cake for his birthday this time, if he likes it, it is the best.

The sweetness of the cream filled his lips and tongue, and he suddenly looked at the teammates who were eating the cake, "Save another piece for me!"

Jiang Yixuan smiled happily.

After eating the cake, Cun Xin cleared her throat and picked up the microphone, "To celebrate the captain's 21st birthday, today I will sing a song to congratulate the captain!"

Shi Shuo leaned against the sofa and clicked his tongue in displeasure.

If you don't know how to use words, you don't have to. What birthday wishes, he said it as if he was very old.

Jiang Yixuan saw what he was thinking, took his hand and wrote slowly in his palm.

Shi Shuo followed her strokes and whispered, "I am older than you."

Shi Shuo was silent for two seconds and said to Cun Xin, "Hurry up and wish me good luck like Donghai and longevity."


Cun Xin was a little confused when she stopped singing. The captain was a little upset just now, why did he suddenly have such a request?

"Ah what, say it."

"Oh, I wish the captain a long life like Donghai and Nanshan!"

Jiang Yixuan burst out laughing, and fell into Shi Shuo's arms, why Shi Shuo was so funny.

Shi Shuo hurriedly hugged her and gently rubbed her hair.

It's not that she said that she is older than him, but not many years older, she will always be young in his heart.

Each teammate sang a few words with meaning, and finally the microphone was passed to Jiang Yixuan.

"Sister-in-law, it's your turn!"

"That's right, Sister Yixuan, let's do a song too!"

"Okay, then I'll play a song." Jiang Yixuan looked at Shi Shuo with a smile, "Shi Shuo, what do you want to hear?"

"Just listen to the one you wrote for me."

"I'm not tired of listening." Jiang Yixuan's voice was delicate and soft.

Shi Shuo's eyes were gentle, "The songs you wrote for me will never tire of listening to them."

Meng An has already ordered that song very well.


Jiang Yixuan hummed softly along with the melody and then began to sing slowly, Cun Xin patted the table to signal Jiang Yixuan to sit over, Jiang Yixuan walked over with a smile.

The neon lights were brilliant above her head, she sat there with gentle eyebrows and gentle eyes, but her voice was firm and positive.

She was the only one in Shi Shuo's eyes.

She is also the radiance in his heart.

The coach came over and whispered, "I'll give you half a day off for your birthday today, and you'll be back at the club for training before two o'clock tomorrow."

"Thank you coach."

"I've been here too, so I understand."

Aci Cunxin and Tuanzi all looked over, with the same question in their eyes.

What about us?

The coach smiled again, "It's the same for you, half a day off."

But for a long time, it is estimated that this group of stinky boys will be gone after sleeping. For e-sports work and rest, they have to sleep until the morning, and they will almost have to train after eating.

They are also happier.

After Jiang Yixuan sang a song, there was thunderous applause.

Shi Shuo took the microphone from her hand and threw it to Cun Xin.


"Sneak away."

Cun Xin laughed loudly, "Captain, please take care of yourself, you are obviously running in a fair manner."

Shi Shuo ignored him, he took Jiang Yixuan's bag and led her out of the private room, leaving a burst of laughter behind him.

Jiang Yixuan followed in his footsteps.

The last time seemed to be the real sneak away.

Shi Shuo and Jiang Yixuan returned home quickly, and he held Jiang Yixuan's face cherishingly, "Didn't you say that you can't spend my birthday with me because of work?"

"I have a surprise for you, Ah Shuo, are you happy?"

Her response was a kiss with some residual creaminess.

They miss each other very much, out of control.

As the night got darker and darker, they expressed their thoughts affectionately with actions.

Shi Shuo tightly intertwined with Jiang Yixuan's ten fingers, she wore the ring he gave her on her middle finger, and her ring finger had tattoos exclusive to the two of them, interweaving together was a taste of happiness.

Shi Shuo's warm thumb rested on the top of her left wrist and did not fall down.

Now there are no traces here, but whenever Shi Shuo thinks of the picture Tang Jiu described, his heart hurts as if he was cut by a knife.

He held her hand and lifted it slowly, and a precious kiss fell on the left wrist, soft and dense.

Jiang Yixuan turned over and nestled in his arms, moaning softly, like a lazy cat, Shi Shuo smiled and hugged her even tighter.

Jiang Yixuan was woken up by Shi Shuo early in the morning.


"Wake up and eat something before going to bed, okay?"

Jiang Yixuan narrowed her eyes in a daze and looked at him for a while, stretched out her arms to hug his waist, and said softly: "I still want to sleep for a while."

she is tired.

Shi Shuo's Adam's apple rolled up and down.

He stroked Jiang Yixuan's back helplessly, "Xuanxuan, don't get angry in the early morning, do you understand?"

Jiang Yixuan blinked innocently.

She didn't.

Shi Shuo kissed her, glanced at the phone and said inexplicably, "Then shall we sleep for a while?"

The broad palms began to run down her back, touching her soft waist.

Jiang Yixuan suddenly opened her eyes and woke up instantly.

"I, I won't sleep, I'll get up and have breakfast."

"Ah? Didn't Xuanxuan just say that she wanted to sleep for a while?"

"No, I won't sleep anymore." Jiang Yixuan quickly grabbed his troublesome big hand and pushed him, "You go out first, I'll come out after changing clothes and washing up."

Shi Shuo smiled heartily.

Shi Shuo deliberately said, "Do you want me to help you? It's not like I haven't seen you before."

Jiang Yixuan squeezed the quilt tightly, "Shi Shuo!"

"Okay, okay, don't tease you, I'll go out first."

Shi Shuo kissed her between the eyebrows, and then walked out with a smile on his face, Jiang Yixuan bit her lip, and pulled up the quilt to cover her blushing face.

(End of this chapter)

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