Chapter 387 Daji, you sixth child!

After she tidied it up, Shi Shuo brought her the freshly filled wontons, which smelled delicious.

Jiang Yixuan narrowed her eyes after eating two comfortably.

Ever since Shi Shuo often reminded her to eat on time and avoid irritating food, she was watched by Ah Jiu again, and she hasn't had a stomachache for a long time.

He has always remembered this incident clearly.

"Xuanxuan, don't you have work today?"

"Well, I made arrangements in advance, and I have a day off today."

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to go to work today.

She just looked at herself in the glasses, there are little strawberries all over her neck, last night Shi Shuo was really...

She quickly stopped thinking about it.

Shi Shuo washed the dishes and made her a glass of juice, "Won't you go to bed?"

"I don't want to sleep much anymore." Jiang Yixuan smiled and hugged Shi Shuo's cotton doll on the sofa to compare with him, then hugged the doll tightly, "This one is still cuter."

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows, snatched the doll from her hand and looked at it for a while, then threw it on the sofa next to him.

"Not half as handsome as me, I'm here, it's good for Xuanxuan to hug me."

"Okay, hold you."

Jiang Yixuan leaned in his arms and enjoyed this rare time for the two of them to be together.

"Is there any place Xuanxuan wants to go?"

"Fortunately, I don't have any particular places I want to go. I usually go out on business trips, and I've seen a lot of scenery."

But not too many other feelings.

When she just came back from abroad, she still held the camera and liked to take pictures of beautiful moments, but after a long time, she put the camera away again.

She still decided to follow her own habits.

"Then do you have anything in particular you want to go?"

"I'm fine too." Shi Shuo played with Jiang Yixuan's fingers, "As long as you are by my side, there will be beautiful scenery everywhere."

Jiang Yixuan lowered her eyes and smiled, she actually thought so too.

She suddenly remembered what Tang Jiu told her that day.

Jiang Yixuan raised her eyes and looked at him curiously, "Shi Shuo, have you ever had a particularly difficult time, have you ever encountered a difficult time that you can't get over?"

He knew hers, but she didn't know his previous ones.

Shi Shuo thought for a while, then shook his head, "No."

"Really?" Jiang Yixuan didn't believe it, maybe she said that on purpose because she didn't want to worry her.

"Really not." Knowing that she didn't believe Shi Shuo's tone increased.

"Who am I? I'm a talented player. This game is all about manipulation and awareness."

"When I was in the youth training, I was often praised by the coach, saying that as long as I worked hard, I would definitely be able to enter the first team. Later, I really made the starting lineup and kept playing. Everyone saw my strength."

"At most, it was the matter of the club changing the owner later on. You know that. I made it through relying on my strength. The rest is really nothing."

"In my profession, I basically eat, sleep and train, you know. Even if I encounter any difficulties, it's just tactical team battles, or if I lose a game and get scolded, it's nothing."

Shi Shuo pinched Jiang Yixuan's cheek and smiled dotingly.

"Why, you don't trust your boyfriend so much. Your boyfriend is amazing. He's a man. How can these defeat me?"

If you think about it carefully, what he said does make sense.

At least the gaming industry is not as complicated as the entertainment industry.

"Trust me, my Ah Shuo is the most powerful."

Jiang Yixuan gave a thumbs up.

Shi Shuo felt that she was perfunctory to her little brother, so he bit her tender lips unhappily.


Shi Shuo hugged her a little tighter, his chest was solid and reliable, and she could rely on him.

"May I teach you how to play Daji?"

It's still early now, it's only after nine o'clock, and I'll cook for her when it's eleven o'clock, and I should go back to the club in the afternoon.


When Shi Shuo boarded her account, Jiang Yixuan looked through it, and found all the hero skins that could be bought.

He even changed the skin for her in the store where she was asked to redeem points for glory crystals.

Wu Zetian's Nyx oracle, Xiao Qiao's dream of a swan, Miyue's Empress Dowager Qin Xuan, and Luban No. [-]'s starry sky dream are all there.

"How much did it cost you?"

Shi Shuo smiled, "You can play warmly as the king."

Jiang Yixuan laughed, "Look down on me, you teach me, as your disciple of Shuo God, I can't lose face for you."

After not mentioning this matter for so long, Shi Shuo almost forgot that they were still teachers and apprentices.

This is what he used to say often.

"Okay, I'll teach you."

Jiang Yixuan played a game, and decisively chose the starting hero who was obviously very simple and regarded as the glory of the king, but she just couldn't play Daji very well.

Shi Shuo hugged her and whispered instructions in her ear.

"Yes, don't worry about them for now, you can spend more money to get assists, and you can go squatting when the equipment is almost ready."

"Pay attention to the mini-map. If you glance at it, the jungler is walking this way and you can't see it now. It is likely to be hidden in the grass, so you have to be careful at this time."

"Looking at this, you can roughly judge the movement on the other side."

"Daji's big move cannot be specified, but the second skill can."

"The equipment is almost ready, you can squat on the grass."

Shi Shuo looked at the situation and clicked on a bush, "Hide here, the opponent's mid laner will definitely return to the center after the support, there is a high probability that he will go this way, if he is not careful in exploring the grass~"

Shi Shuo bent his lips.

The necessary skills in the game, exploring the grass!Explore the grass!Explore the grass! ! !

Say the important thing three times.

The mid laner on the opposite side obviously didn't have this awareness.

Jiang Yixuan stunned him with a second skill, and then took all three hits to take the head.

Solo kill!

"I got the head, Shi Shuo, I got the head."

Jiang Yixuan happily looked up at Shi Shuo, Shi Shuo's eyes were full of doting, and she praised sincerely: "Xuanxuan is amazing, I'll teach you again."


She realized the fun of playing Daji!
With Shi Shuo's guidance and recommended outfits, Jiang Yixuan kept squatting down to grab people's heads, and couldn't hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

The opposite mid laner couldn't bear it anymore.

[All] Eat instant noodles and only drink soup (Shen Mengxi): Daji, you old six!

Obviously being told, Jiang Yixuan smiled even more happily.

Sure enough, when playing games, my own happiness is based on the pain of others.

Shi Shuo squinted his eyes, "Be careful, Shen Mengxi on the other side has blown his hair, and now he should remember to explore the grass, but it doesn't matter, listen to me."

What Shi Shuo made Jiang Yixuan squat on were all unexpected bushes.

Who would have thought that his own tower is still there, why there is a little Daji in the blue buff grass!
And when did the grass on the second tower of Development Road come here!The remaining blood directly gave him a surprise.

Now it's all right, you don't have to hurry, just go home.

Seeing Jiang Yixuan's happy smile, Shi Shuo couldn't resist taking a picture of her.

very nice.

(End of this chapter)

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