Chapter 388 You teach the best!
In this round of the game, Jiang Yixuan listened to Shi Shuo's command and used various skills.

Because Shi Shuo said that the hero Daji will not be able to do well in the later stage after the opponent has a witch's cloak, and it is best to end the game when he is strong.

This is the smoothest game Jiang Yixuan has played for Daji.

Sure enough, it is different to have professionals to teach.

Looking at the red MVP Jiang Yixuan on the screen, she almost danced happily, "Look, Shi Shuo, I won the MVP, and it's still a gold medal!"

"Well, you are my most proud apprentice."

Jiang Yixuan was very happy to hear this praise, "Then teach me how to play again?"


Shuo held Jiang Yixuan's hand just when Jiang Yixuan was about to start, and Shuo raised his chin when he met her slightly puzzled eyes, "Was it me who taught me better or the mid laner who taught me last time?"

The mid laner last time...

This adjective made Jiang Yixuan think for a while before remembering who he was talking about, Jiang Yixuan smiled helplessly.

"Haven't I already told you about this? Why are you still bringing up old accounts?"

"I don't care, who can teach well?" Shi Shuo asked.

"You, you teach the best." Jiang Yixuan said from the bottom of her heart.

Shi Shuo blinked happily, if he had a tail behind him now, he would be wagging, like a big dog inviting pets.

"Then teach me another game?"

"it is good."

If you get an advantage in the early stage and expand the economy, it will be easy to fight. Sometimes Shuo helps her keep an eye on the opponent's hero's position and remind her in time.

Facing Daji, who is highly economical and well-equipped, the opposite is like a crispy skin.

Seeing Jiang Yixuan nestled in his arms and smiling brightly, Shi Shuo's eyes were filled with doting, and he just wanted her to be so happy and smiling forever.

When it was almost time, Shi Shuo went to cook for her. Jiang Yixuan, who gained confidence after playing two games, played another game, playing Daji again.


She wanted to cover her face because of Daji's death, but there were some things that had to be done by professional people.

As soon as the crystal exploded, Jiang Yixuan quit the game without even looking at the settlement panel. She sighed heavily and looked at Shi Shuo who was washing the vegetables.

Coincidentally, Shi Shuo was also looking at her.


Jiang Yixuan nodded and walked over to Shi Shuo and wrapped her arms around Shi Shuo's waist. Shi Shuo paused, why was she so clingy to him all of a sudden?

"I suddenly want to rely on you and do nothing."

Shi Shuo lowered his head and chuckled, "Okay, Xuanxuan doesn't need to do anything, just lean on me."


Jiang Yixuan couldn't explain why, but now she felt at ease relying on him.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Yixuan helped him handle the dishes and cook together, just like a married couple, Shi Shuo deliberately shook the water on the leaves to tease her, Jiang Yixuan dodged again and again.

"Shi Shuo!"

He smiled and wiped off the water from her face, "I see that Xuanxuan's face is a little red, so I'll let you down."

Jiang Yixuan took out her phone suspiciously and looked at it, and said angrily: "Where is it popular, you are teasing me again!"

Jiang Yixuan thumped him lightly, even though he was beaten, Shi Shuo smiled even more happily.

He felt that Xuanxuan seemed to be a little different from before, and this change made him happy.

Sure enough, it's useless to say that, only by doing it will make people feel at ease.

Two people cooked a table of dishes together.

Shi Shuo specially picked Jiang Yixuan's cooking, and Jiang Yixuan ate Shi Shuo's cooking. Halfway through the meal, the two realized that their eyes met and they smiled again.

It's always easy to get sleepy after lunch.

Shi Shuo washed all the dishes and chopsticks and carried Jiang Yixuan to the bed. Seeing the mark on her neck, he lovingly patted her head, "Then you can sleep well and have a good rest. I'll go back to the club first."

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

"I will, my work and rest are much more normal than those guys now, I cherish my life."

Jiang Yixuan hurriedly took his hand.

Shi Shuo squeezed her fingers, "Don't think about it, I mean I will always be with you, so you should take good care of your body, you know?"

"I know."

"Go to sleep." Shi Shuo comforted her softly.

Jiang Yixuan turned over and closed her eyes, otherwise she would be a little bit reluctant for Shi Shuo to leave.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, she slowly opened her eyes and pinched Shi Shuo's little cotton doll on the phone pendant.

Shi Shuo put on his coat and left.

Her Xuanxuan, the one who wanted to keep her was none other than Tang Jiu. Tang Jiu will have her own life in the future, and Xuanxuan is the one closest to her.

At this moment, he was a little thankful that he was younger than Xuanxuan.

With him in the future, he will take good care of her.

The wind outside was still a bit cold, Shi Shuo put his hands in his pockets, frowned and took out something, the moment he saw what it was, he loosened his brows and smiled lowly.

This is a small pendant of Jiang Yixuan's Q version.

It can be hung on the phone or on the keychain.

I don't know when she put it in his bag, the little pendant is so cute.

Shi Shuo took a photo and searched it online, but there was no match, this was the only one, and it was for him.

Shi Shuo smiled happily while holding it in his palm.

Xuanxuan has always been very kind to him.

When Shi Shuo rushed back to the club, the teammates were all unkempt except Meng Anan, and their eyes were still squinting, unconsciously picking up the rice in the bowl.

He glanced at the time, it was half past one.

They can really sleep.

"Captain, you are back." Meng An was the first to greet Shi Shuo when he saw him.

Shi Shuo shook the phone in his hand as a greeting.

Ah Ci's sleepy eyes opened completely, "Captain, you bought a mobile phone pendant."

"Don't you think these things affect your touch?"

Shi Shuo put his phone in his pocket and sat down on the gaming chair, but the little pendant was still dangling out of his pocket, really cute.

"This is my personal machine, not a training machine."

He usually plays games with the training machine, what's wrong with hanging a pendant on his personal mobile phone!
Meng An leaned over and took a closer look, and suddenly became enlightened.

"Captain, your pendant was given to you by Sister Xuan."

Shi Shuo frowned, very relieved that he finally had good eyesight.

This was deliberately made for them to watch for a long time, but they still haven't noticed it, really.

"Huh? Sister-in-law sent it? Then this villain is sister-in-law?"

Shi Shuo held the small pendant, "Not like?"

"Like! Very similar!"

"That is."

Several people looked at each other full of desire to survive.

In fact, they really couldn't see anything in this Q version, but the captain said it was.

After showing off a wave, Shi Shuo put the pendant in his pocket contentedly, and looked at them lazily, "Eat quickly, the training game at two o'clock."

Cun Xin just picked up the chopsticks.

"Don't get sleepy when you eat so full and you will play games. You all still remember the regulations on fines for mistakes in training games."

Cun Xin looked at the meal in front of her and suddenly lost her appetite.

(End of this chapter)

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