Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 365 [Death and Destiny]

Chapter 365 [Death and Destiny]

This is some distance away from [Eight Fingers] stronghold.

Although there is a distance, it is not very far from the [Eight Fingers] stronghold, so this area is relatively remote, not like a populated place.

In such a place, a figure is standing on the roof of a rather old building that seems to have been placed for a long time.

It was a girl with different colors on the left and right sides of her head, one side was a silvery white that was eye-catching, and the other side was a jet black that seemed to be able to swallow everything, a girl with quite unique long hair.

The color of the girl's eyes is also the same as that of her hair, and the left and right sides are different. They are a pair of rare heterochromatic pupils. The appearance is relatively immature, and she looks less than 15 years old, but she is equipped with a set of paladin-like armor. The full body armor, and the decoration on the back of the armor that resembles wings, and the fact that he is holding a scythe that looks like a cross spear in his hand, makes it almost certain that this man is a powerful warrior.

At this time, the girl warrior looked at the direction of the [Eight Fingers] stronghold, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Did something happen?"

She could feel a terrifying power fluctuation coming from that direction, stimulating the skin all over her body.

"It's really interesting." The girl murmured to herself, "It can actually make my skin tingle. Such a powerful force should belong to that vampire, right?"

"Is she fighting someone else?"

"But, in this country, how can there be people of that level?"

The girl's thoughtful expression became more and more intense, and gradually turned into curiosity.

Then, a voice came into her ears, interrupting her thinking.

"So you are here."

Accompanied by the sound, a person walked out of the building and came behind the girl.

This person's appearance tends to be neutral, and he can only judge from his voice that he should be a man, and his age is also the same as that of a girl. At least he looks young, about 20 years old, quite young.

If Li Ge was here, he would definitely be able to recognize the identity of this neutral young man.

Because, the other party had appeared in the northern forest of Ye Lantel more than two months ago, and brought a group of teammates, and suddenly broke into the battlefield between him and Shalltear.

That's right.

The young man is the head of the Dark Scripture, one of the only three awakened gods in the Slan Theocracy, and he takes the name of the most special unit of the Theocracy as his title, and one person is enough to represent the entire Darkness. The existence of the holy scriptures, the monster in Clementine's mouth.

This person actually came to the kingdom, to the capital, and even to the vicinity of the [Eight Fingers] stronghold.

"You also feel it?" The young man said with a solemn tone and expression: "This creepy power can only be that vampire."

"Yes." The girl seemed to be a little careless, and said: "Sure enough, it is consistent with the information investigated by the Fenghua Sacred Code. The vampire escaped to the kingdom and sneaked into the capital of the kingdom."

"Finally we found her." The young man looked at the girl's back and said, "But she seems to be fighting with someone, I am a little concerned, other than us, is there anyone in the kingdom who can make that vampire serious?" Is there any?"

"Who knows." The girl still had that casual look, but she answered the young man's question definitely, and said, "Could it be the kingdom's warrior commander, Gazef Shi, who is said to be the strongest fighter in the neighboring country?" Toronov?"

"No, it can't be him." The young man shook his head, and denied without hesitation: "He hasn't even stepped into the hero realm, and even if he carries the four famous secret treasures of the kingdom, his strength should not have reached the limit. The level of ordinary people is even more incomparable with us, let alone fighting with that vampire like this. Even if he brings his own trained soldiers to encircle and suppress that vampire, it is impossible for that vampire to take this seriously. point."

"Then I'm curious, how could someone who can stand up to that vampire suddenly appear in the kingdom?" The girl seemed to be interested, and said, "Could it be the Dragon King who happened to pass by?"

"...It's hard to say otherwise." The young man frowned and said, "Among the real dragon kings mentioned by the priest, there seems to be one who likes to travel around, but his whereabouts are often a mystery, and no one has witnessed his appearance. Could it be that the Dragon King passed by by chance and fought with that vampire?"

"It may also be a strong human being hidden in the kingdom." The girl seemed to like this guess more, and said: "If it is, then the other party is the same existence as us."

"...A person who inherited the bloodline of "player" like us? "The young man pondered for a while, and then said: "Although this possibility is not impossible, after all, apart from the gods we believe in, there have been other "players" on this continent. If we are also awakened, it is not surprising that we can fight against that vampire. "

"It's just that I really don't want to believe that there are such people in this decadent country."

There was no contempt for the kingdom in the young man's tone, he was just stating the facts.

"I really hope that someone like that will show up, huh?"

The girl said so.

She stared at the direction of the [Eight Fingers] stronghold, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, showing an obvious smile, but that smile seemed to be stained with blood, full of desire to fight and competitive.

"If it is the existence that can fight against that vampire alone, then the other party may be able to fight me and let me taste the taste of defeat."

That's what the girl said, and the air was filled with a sense of danger.

The young man knows that this is a girl's old problem.

The other party is a person who can say such things, and he is no longer surprised.

"To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine a human being who can rival you."

The young man's words are full of admiration and trust for the girl.

"It's just that if the other party can really fight against that vampire alone, then regardless of the comparison with you, the other party must be stronger than me."

At least, the young man knew very well that he couldn't fight that vampire alone.

I am not the opponent of that vampire, even if equipped with the divine weapon bestowed by the state, I am afraid it will be far behind.

Even the girl in front of her who was much stronger than herself, if she wasn't equipped with those artifacts, she shouldn't be the opponent of that vampire.

Under such circumstances, he is definitely not as good as the girl who can fight alone with that vampire, let alone the character who is fighting fiercely with the opponent.

Just when the young man was thinking this way, suddenly, the girl said something.

"Could it be the person you mentioned in your report last time who was fighting that vampire in the northern forest, the fortress city of the Kingdom, before you broke in?"

The girl's sudden words made the young man slightly startled, and then fell into deep thought.

He couldn't help but recall the experience when he led the team to perform missions in Ye Lantel more than two months ago.

At that time, the head priest gave him a task, asking him to take the real artifact——"The Overwhelming Country"—to the vicinity of the kingdom's fortress city, where he looked for the real Dragon King who was very likely to be resurrected.

The other party completely wiped out the Sunshine Sacred Code, and also counteracted the intelligence magic cast by the clergy of the Theocracy, which caused the Theocracy to suffer huge losses. Therefore, after discussion, the priests agreed that in the kingdom's fortress city, Nearby, there is a high possibility that a dangerous true dragon king has been resurrected.

They want to subdue the dragon king, bring it into the teaching country, and turn it into a power to protect the country and conquer foreigners.

Therefore, the head priest asked the young man to set off with a real artifact, and ordered him to subdue the opponent with a powerful weapon if he really met the resurrected Dragon King.

However, when the young man led the members of the Dark Codex into the northern forest of E-Rantel, they encountered a terrible enemy there.

A vampire.

The power of the other party was so terrifying that the young man who was an awakened god felt his hairs stand on end, so he did not hesitate to give instructions to his companion who was carrying the real artifact, let her use the power that would overwhelm the vampire.

As a result, before the opponent was about to be completely dominated, he screamed and violently killed several team members of his own team, including those who used the real artifact. It has become a monster that will attack as long as it is close, regardless of whether it is the enemy or the enemy, so they can only choose to retreat.

The mission failed that time, and it left a curse, which caused the vampire to hate the Theocracy. Not long ago, it attacked the human city of the Theocracy, causing a major tragedy.

That's why the young man and the girl were sent out together, the purpose is to crusade against that dangerous vampire, even if the other party fled into the capital of the kingdom, they couldn't let it go.

And the young man still vaguely remembers that there was a person who was confronting that terrifying vampire in the northern forest of Ye Lantel.

The other party had a younger appearance than himself, but he faced the vampire alone. When he was terrified by the power of the vampire, the other party's face was calm and calm, which surprised him at the time.

Afterwards, the young man mentioned that person to the head priest and others, which attracted a lot of attention from the higher echelons of the Theocracy.

If it's that person...

"Indeed, the person who is fighting that vampire is very likely to be that person."

The young man nodded to confirm the girl's guess.

"In this case, what should we do next? Team leader?"

The girl turned around and looked at the young man with a smile.

The young man saw the warlike emotion in his eyes and felt a little helpless.

However, he still made a decision.

"Now that we have found our target, it is time for us to step out." The young man said, "When there is a strong man fighting that vampire, we will go in and find a way to join forces with that vampire to completely defeat that vampire. .”

Hearing this, the girl smiled, very happily.

"Then let me see if that person is qualified to join forces with me."

"Join forces with me——【Death and Destiny】."

In the extra seat of the Dark Canon, the strongest human being in the true sense of the world made such a speech.

As everyone knows, in a distant place, there is a person watching this scene through a mirror.

"The prey is in the cage."

Pushing the mask on his face, Demiurge let out a low laugh.

"Then, it's time to close the net."

The devil's low laugh echoed in the sky, and it didn't calm down for a long time.

The sky is gradually getting dark, and the capital is about to usher in the night, ushering in the biggest disaster in history.

 ('-ω) so sleepy...

  It's really become difficult to get up...

(End of this chapter)

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