Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 366 The Ultimate Collision!

Chapter 366 The Ultimate Collision!
The dark scriptures of the Slan Theocracy began to move towards the stronghold of [Eight Fingers].

But at the same time, someone retreated from the stronghold of [Eight Fingers], wishing to stay far away from it.


An explosion-like roar emanated from the building that was some distance away, causing the ground to tremble again.

Looking at the building that was gradually crumbling and disintegrating, the regrouped [Blue Rose] and the others and Brian stopped where they were, without saying a word for a long time.

"We can't stay here any longer."

In the end, it was Lakyus who took a deep breath, and was the first to calm down from the situation in front of her, and said so to everyone present.

"The monster that secretly dominated [Eight Fingers] is much stronger than we imagined. Even if we continue to stay here, we will not be able to help, it will only hinder us. In this case, we must take other actions to control the situation. Just do it."

Lakyus' words got everyone's unanimous consent.

"Indeed, it's pointless to stay here any longer."

"There's too much difference in levels. That's not a battle we can get involved in at all. Even if we want to support Mr. Brihot, we can't do it, right?"

"It's really hard to imagine that there are such monsters in this world. Now I begin to understand you, Anglaus."

Tia and Tina agreed with Lakyus' speech, and began to respect Li Ge in their words. Gagaran even said something to Brian, whether it was teasing or self-deprecating, which made the blood on his face not yet clear. After recovering, Brian smiled wryly.

"I can only say that luckily one of them is Mrs. Brihot, who is of the same race as our humans. Otherwise, I must not be able to cheer up anyway."

Bryan's style is the same as before, and if he thinks that others will destroy his prestige, this time he will no longer be refuted by everyone in [Blue Rose].

Everyone just looked at the building that was gradually collapsing, thinking of the man who seemed to have no sense of existence, feeling extremely complicated.

Evileye even said that coldly.

"Those two people are definitely at the level of Dragon Kings, and they are also among the best among Dragon Kings, which is the so-called strongest level in the world. That level is indeed too far away from us. It is best not to continue to compare with them. , Otherwise, you will definitely have doubts about why you continue to survive in this world."

Saying that, Evileye turned to Lakyus.

"Lakyus, tell me, what action should we take next to help Li Ge Brihot stop that vampire?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lakyus one after another.

And Lakyus seemed to have already made up her mind.

"First of all, we have to pass the information to the royal family, especially Princess Lana, to let them know exactly how terrifying the monsters that sneaked into the capital are."

"The Adventurer's Guild also needs to inform that it is no longer the time to care about the rules. If one can do it wrong, let that kind of monster act recklessly in the capital, and the capital of the kingdom, Yestiger, will definitely be destroyed. "

"We have to make the royal family, nobles and even common people pay attention to this matter, so that we can stop losses in time when necessary."

"In the worst case, we may have to persuade the residents of the royal capital to let everyone withdraw from the royal capital when the situation turns bad."

What this means, no one will understand.

"...In the worst case, may we have to abandon the capital and withdraw from the capital of the kingdom?"

"Do you still have to convince the residents of the royal capital?"

"This...is too difficult."

Ge Gelan, Tia, and Tina are not optimistic about this matter.

So is Evileye.

"It's okay to talk to the princess, but I don't think the royal family and nobles will listen obediently, especially those nobles."

Evileye's tone was full of annoyance, and the expressions of the rest of the people were also a little unsightly.

The Kingdom of Li Yestige is located in the central and western region of the northwest corner of the mainland. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea on two sides. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The country is a geographical situation surrounded by the three countries.

The natural geographical barrier prevented the kingdom from demihuman attacks and the military power of other countries. At the same time, because the kingdom's territory was mostly plains, fertile land, and rich in resources, this country created a unique and comfortable environment for humans.

However, due to the long-term comfortable and stable environment and the lack of external crisis stimulation, the upper echelon of the Re-Estij Kingdom has gradually become depraved and corrupt.

Here, there is an aristocratic class running amuck.

Here, criminal organizations spread and take root.

The common people are despised by the nobles, but only [-]% of the kingdom's territory belongs to the royal family, and the six most powerful and powerful nobles in the kingdom are divided into [-]% of the land, and the remaining [-]% of the land is owned by the remaining small and medium nobles. The country launched a long-term struggle between the royalist faction and the aristocratic faction, which made the people's lives difficult.

That is to say, the Kingdom of Reyestij is a country with a backward system and extremely corrupt. Compared with resisting foreign enemies, they are more obsessed with internal fighting.

Even if there is a war with a neighboring empire, this country adopts a conscription system. When the war comes, male civilians are forced to be recruited as militias to form an army to fight against the imperial army.

It can be said that, except for a few private soldiers of the royal family and nobles, the soldiers of this country are basically ordinary civilians who lack training, low morale, and poor equipment. Apart from the relatively large number of soldiers that can be recruited, there is almost no military advantage , The Kingdom's longing for brave cavalry is deeply rooted, so magic knowledge is not even included in general education, and even most of the royal family and nobles lack a basic understanding of magic, resulting in no magic combat readiness force affiliated to the country in the country.

In such a country, one can imagine how many vulgar and corrupt people there are in it.

In this country where nobles and nobles occupy [-]% of the land in the country, most of the nobles are corrupt and incompetent people who have been oppressing the common people for a long time, allowing crimes, and in order to protect their own interests, they have long-term infighting with the king supporters who support the king's policies, resulting in I don't know how many obstacles, how much national power wasted.

It was precisely because of this that Gazef was worried about the kingdom's declining state and the king's position. He even knew that there were nobles interfering in the incident in Karn Village, trying to get rid of himself and weaken the king. With the power of the faction, he couldn't seek justice from the powerful nobles, he was really aggrieved.

Now, there is an extremely terrifying monster in the capital, its power is enough to destroy the entire city, so Lakyus and others have made a judgment that if the monster is not eliminated, the capital will definitely not be preserved, so they can only persuade the royal family and nobles to cooperate and lobby the common people , while the monster is blocked by someone, quickly prepare for the worst, abandon the city if necessary, and let everyone evacuate.

However, no matter how you think about such persuasion, it is impossible not to be blocked by those profit-seeking nobles.

"Those fools who have no brains will definitely think that we are scaremongering. They are just a mere monster, and they have to abandon this city with many of their properties and industries. They will never agree to such a thing. "

Evileye said coldly.

"If we convey the information to them, the most likely action they will take is to force us, the civilians, or even the king to form a death squad, and we will fight against that monster at the risk of our lives to protect their Property safety and personal safety."

This is absolutely possible.

For those nobles, the lives of ordinary people and adventurers are cheap at all. If they can save their own interests by sacrificing them, they will definitely do everything possible to achieve it.

What's more, they might plan to ask the king to send troops to attack Shalltear on the grounds that the king is the territory of the royal family and the capital of the country.

In this way, whether they succeed or fail, they are profitable.

Success, their interests are preserved.

Failed, the strength of the opponent, the King Supporting Faction, was greatly weakened.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, this isn't the scariest thing yet.

"The most frightening thing is that I am worried that when those idiots know that Li Ge Brihaut can deal with that vampire, they will do some stupid actions and use shady means to make Li Ge Brihaut Help them eliminate the threat."

Evileye looked at Lakyus and said word by word.

"I don't need to say, you should also understand how serious the consequences will be if those idiots pissed off a powerhouse like Li Ge Brihaut, right?"

In response, Brian on the side reacted.

"Anyway, if it were me, with that kind of power, I would definitely break into the royal city and chop off the heads of those stupid nobles."

Brian said that with a sneer.

"Then the country will be finished, the nobles who manage the territory will be finished, the king will definitely take responsibility and step down, the royal family will start to fight for power, and the people will waste their land because of the death of the lord, unable to continue to survive. In the end, this country will either be destroyed by the surrounding enemy countries. Annihilation, or self-destruction, there is no third possibility."

Evileye's words made Lakyus suffocate almost out of breath.

Seeing this, Evileye seemed to be softened, and sighed.

"In short, let's discuss with Princess Lana first, and use the wisdom of [Gold] to find a solution."

Evileye gave a solution that was not a solution.

"Okay." Lakyus had no choice but to nod and said, "Let's do it like this."

As a result, everyone began to evacuate from this area, and rushed towards the direction of Wangcheng as quickly as possible.

At this time, Lakyus and the others didn't know that they had made the worst decision.


At the same time, the people from the Black Sacred Code finally arrived at the stronghold of [Eight Fingers] and broke into the battlefield between Li Ge and Shalltear.

However, the battle taking place in front of them made these strongest human beings at the highest level feel stiff all over and feel chills in their hearts.

"how come……"

The young man holding an old spear screamed as if he couldn't believe what he saw.


Jue Shi was also staring at the battle in front of him, feeling the power and power in it, and seeing Shalltear in the fierce battle, his hand holding the scythe began to tighten.

Taking a closer look, there was actually a drop of sweat streaming down Jue Shi's forehead.


In front of this group of human elites, above the collapsed ruins, Li Ge and Shalltear turned into meteorites and collided heavily, causing the long knives and spears to collide loudly, sparking a thunderous golden explosion. The sound of iron also aroused a terrifying impact, shaking the atmosphere.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"...

Every collision between the long knife and the long spear can set off a storm-like impact, causing the sound of gold and iron and the roar to appear incessantly.

Li Ge and Shalltear started a jaw-dropping fierce battle, like two beams of light chasing and colliding in mid-air.

That scene, that momentum, is like a god.

(End of this chapter)

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