Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 75 The Out-of-Control Female Swordsman

Chapter 75 The Out-of-Control Female Swordsman
O'Leary Center, Tower of Babel.

At this time, it happened to be the peak time for adventurers to enter the dungeon to explore.

When Li Ge and Riveria appeared here with some members of the Loki family, they were witnessed by many people on the spot.

But the crowd dispersed here, asking for information from the adventurers who had obviously stayed around for a long time or the guild staff who stayed in the Tower of Babel.

Ten minutes later, everyone gathered in front of the Tower of Babel and exchanged confirmation information.

"No accident, Ais did enter the dungeon." Riveria said: "The guild staff stationed in the Tower of Babel claimed to see Ais in full armor here, so she must have entered the dungeon gone."

"I have also confirmed that someone saw Ais enter the dungeon." Li Ge looked at Riveria and said, "Although it has been a while, it is not impossible for us to catch up now." .”

"Your words are indeed so." Riveria sighed and said, "But we don't have to."

Everyone knows that at the speed of Ai Si, after so many hours, she must have already descended to a certain floor.

That girl is of the same type as Li Ge in every aspect. Li Ge is best at the two abilities of "dexterity" and "agility". " is also the main ability item, otherwise both of them would not be trained to the A stage.

In this way, with Ais's wind-like speed, if she really wants to drill into the dungeon, a few hours is enough for her to drill below a dozen floors.

Even, if you concentrate on your journey, with Ais's speed, it is not impossible to even enter the near-lower area below the 20th floor.

It is possible for Li Ge to catch up with this speed, but it is very difficult for Riveria and others.

Although Riviera is Lv.6, she is a mage. In terms of "magic power", she is unmatched in terms of abilities such as "strength", "durability", "dexterity", and "agility". It's not her forte.

Currently, Riveria's "Magic Power" has reached the S stage, but her "Agility" has only reached the C stage. There is no way to increase Riveria's speed to the point where Li Ge and Ai Si can match Li Ge and Ai Si.

Not to mention the rest, the highest level of members brought by Riveria this time is only Lv.4, it is impossible to catch up with Aisi.

"Well, you go after Aisi with all your strength, and we stay behind." Riveria pinned her hopes on Li Ge, and said to him, "Is it okay?"

Li Ge shook his head and said, "Of course not."

He is now Lv. 5, even if he is alone, he is enough to break into the deep layers.

As for the deep layers starting from the 37th floor, as long as Li Ge does not enter, then, with his current strength, even if he encounters the floor master and the monster banquet, he can easily deal with it, and his life will not be in danger.

Unless, he was unlucky again and encountered an abnormal situation.

However, even if there was an abnormal situation, he would definitely go for it today.

"It's not too late, I'm going first."

As he spoke, Li Ge's figure flashed, and he turned into a gust of wind, rushing into the Tower of Babel. The strong wind that blew along the way made passers-by scream in surprise, and many grumpy adventurers started cursing.

Riveria watched Li Ge leave, then turned her head, looked at the rest of the group members, and said, "Leave two of you here to guard, and the rest follow me in."


The team members responded one after another.

After a while, Riveria also entered the dungeon with several members of the Loki family.

Today's dungeon seems to be extraordinarily quiet.

There were quite a few adventurers, and they made a lot of noise, but Li Ge, who was running all the way, didn't see many monsters, and the roar that he could faintly hear when he entered the dungeon in the past was also gone. That's right, a strange tranquility appeared in the maze.

Some adventurers feel strange and even dissatisfied with this situation.

"What's going on in the dungeon today?"

"Why haven't I seen a single monster?"

"Have they all been attacked?"

"There's no reason to go so fast."

The adventurers talked a lot, making Li Ge, who happened to hear all this, frown.

"Could it be Ace?"

That girl, shouldn't she have killed wantonly since entering the first floor, and killed all the way down?

With Aisi's strength and speed, if she really did this, the monsters on the upper floor would be slaughtered in a short time, and it wouldn't be surprising that the dungeon didn't even have time to breed new ones.

If Ace really did this, it would prove that she was indeed in a hurry as Finn said.

After all, no matter how many monsters at the upper level are slaughtered, Aisi, who is already at the top of Lv. 5, will not be able to gain any experience points.

In the past, even if Ais entered the dungeon, she would not kill like this. Instead, she would drill down at the fastest speed, and then explore after reaching a certain floor.

This is also an unwritten rule. High-level adventurers try not to attack monsters in floors with low classification levels, so as not to cause the subsequent low-level adventurers to not have enough monsters to attack.

Even Li Ge seldom attacked the upper-level monsters after he was promoted to Lv. 2, not to mention Aisi, unless it was unavoidable, otherwise, she would definitely not attack casually in the upper-level.

Now, Ai Si can't even take care of this unwritten rule. It is conceivable that there is indeed a problem with her mentality.

Li Ge remained silent, but his speed increased a lot. He was driving fast and deep into the dungeon. Many adventurers who witnessed this scene were a little scared.

They could only see a gust of wind, and a shadow passing by at an astonishing speed. They couldn't confirm what the real body of the shadow was, and they looked like they had seen a ghost for a moment.

Li Ge didn't pay attention to them, he just used his speed and drove all the way down.

In order to increase the speed, Li Ge even chanted the protective magic of [La Muller], which greatly increased the value of "Agility".

If it wasn't for [Wind Spirit Sprint] that would burden his body, Li Ge would have wanted to use [Wind Spirit Sprint] to hurry.

It can be seen from this that Li Ge is also a little anxious.

In this way, Li Ge went deep all the way, and soon he crossed the upper floor from the first floor to the twelfth floor, and entered the middle floor starting from the thirteenth floor.

Starting from this level, monsters appeared much more frequently than the upper levels. Even if they were attacked, the dungeon would quickly breed new monsters.

Therefore, after entering the 13th floor, Li Ge finally saw some scattered monsters.


A black monster that looked like a wolf and a dog, breathing out flames roared at Li Ge who entered this floor.


Li Ge glared at the other party without looking back, the other party froze and ran away.

Li Ge continued to go down without slowing down at all.

Ten minutes later, Li Ge entered the 14th floor.

Seventeen minutes later, Li Ge entered the 15th floor.

Thirty minutes later, Li Ge entered the 16th floor.

In less than an hour, Li Ge entered the 17th floor again, and successfully reached the end of this floor, entering a long and large underground hall.

This is a flat cuboid with a large circular entrance, and the length must be at least about 200 meters in a huge cave.

The width of the cave is also about 100 meters. Although it is less than 20 meters from the ground to the ceiling, it is also higher than other places. The whole body is formed of rough rock blocks, only the wall structure on the left is different.

The surface of that wall is extremely smooth, just like a mirror, the wall has no seams at all, extending from the entrance of the cave to the end of the deepest part, covering the entire cave.

"Have you reached the Wall of Sighs?"

This is a wall known as the final barrier of the 17th floor.

We all know that the walls of the dungeon will give birth to monsters.

But in this strange wall of sighs, only one specific monster will be born.

That is the owner of this grotto.

That is the most powerful and frightening existence among the 17 floors up to this floor.

The main floor of the 17th floor is a giant giant, Goliath.

This great wall of sighs is the wall used to conceive Goliath.

Unless Goliath has been crusaded and it's not time to be reborn, once someone enters this cave, they will inevitably be attacked by the owner of the first floor in the dungeon.

The attack of the giant monster with a height of at least 7 meters will definitely give any adventurer who has not yet become a first-level adventurer a headache, even Lv.4 is no exception.

Li Ge is no stranger to this place.

At the beginning, when he reached the limit of Lv.3, in order to achieve great achievements, Li Ge came here alone, fighting against Goliath alone.

In that battle, even Li Ge was on the verge of death several times, and passed away with death.

Goliath is a Lv.4 monster and a super-large floor master. At that time, Li Ge, who was only Lv.3, fought against this kind of monster. After the SSS stage, there is also a breakthrough-level additional magic like [Wind Spirit Sprint], which is also extremely hard to fight.

If Li Ge hadn't been so excited and desperate in that battle, it was still unknown whether he would be able to defeat Goliath.

It was precisely because this battle was so difficult that in the end, Li Ge was able to complete his great achievements and rise to Lv.4 in one fell swoop.

Of course, now that Li Ge faced Goliath again, he could easily crush him.

However, if Li Ge can do it, others can naturally do it too.

For example, a female swordsman who has reached the highest level of Lv.5.


Li Ge stood in front of a pile of ashes, looked at the magic stone that hadn't been picked up at all, and was silent for a while.

After a while, Li Ge left the huge magic stone and charged into the 18th floor.

At the same time, a blond female swordsman entered the 18th floor from the entrance of the 19th floor.

"not enough"

The blond female swordsman whispered.

"I have to be stronger"

 Seek support for the new book period!Please recommend!Ask for collection! (*^▽^*)

(End of this chapter)

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